      ** Source File Name = dbconf.cbl 
      ** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
      ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 2000  
      ** All Rights Reserved. 
      ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
      ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with 
      **    PURPOSE : 
      **       This program is an example of how APIs are implemented in order 
      **       CREATE a DATABASE and then GET the CONFIGURATION information 
      **       from it, then UPDATE the CONFIGURATION, RESET the CONFIGURATION, 
      **       then DROP the DATABASE. 
      **    APIs USED : 
      **       CREATE DATABASE                     sqlgcrea() 
      **       DROP DATABASE                       sqlgdrpd() 
      **       GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION          sqlgxdb() 
      **       UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION       sqlgeudb() 
      **       RESET DATABASE CONFIGURATION        sqlgrdbc() 
      **       INSTALL SIGNAL HANDLER              sqlgisig() 
      **       GET ADDRESS                         sqlgaddr() 
      ** For more information about these samples see the README file. 
      ** For more information on Programming in COBOL, see the: 
      **    -  "Programming in COBOL" section of the Application Development Guide. 
      ** For more information on Building COBOL Applications, see the: 
      **    - "Building COBOL Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. 
      ** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. 

       Identification Division.
       Program-Id. "dbconf".

       Data Division.
       Working-Storage Section.
       copy "sqlutil.cbl".
       copy "sqlenv.cbl".
       copy "sqlca.cbl".

      * Local Variables 

       77 rc                  pic s9(9) comp-5.
       77 errloc              pic x(80).

      * Variables for Create/Drop database 
       77 DBNAME              pic x(8)  value "dbconf".
       77 DBNAME-LEN          pic s9(4) comp-5 value 6.
       77 ALIAS               pic x(8)  value "dbconf".
       77 ALIAS-LEN           pic s9(4) comp-5 value 6.
       77 PATH                pic x(255).
       77 PATH-LEN            pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
       77 reserved1           pic 9(4)  comp-5 value 0.
       77 reserved2           pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.

      * Variables for Get/Update/Reset Database Configuration 
       77 listnumber          pic s9(4) comp-5 value 4.
       77 locklist            pic s9(4) comp-5.
       77 buff-page           pic 9(9)  comp-5.
       77 maxfilop            pic s9(4) comp-5.
       77 softmax             pic s9(4) comp-5.
       77 logpath             pic x(40).
       77 reserved3           pic 9(4) comp-5 value 0.
       77 reserved4           pointer.

       01 list-of-lengths.
          05 item-length occurs 4 times pic 9(4) comp-5.

       01 tokenlist.
          05 tokens occurs 4 times.
             10 token         pic 9(4) comp-5.
             10 filler        pic x(2).
             10 tokenptr      usage is pointer.

       Procedure Division.
       dbconf-pgm section.

           display "Sample COBOL Program : dbconf.cbl".

           move SQLF-DBTN-LOCKLIST  to token(1).
           move SQLF-DBTN-BUFF-PAGE to token(2).
           move SQLF-DBTN-MAXFILOP  to token(3).
           move SQLF-DBTN-SOFTMAX   to token(4).

           move "GET ADDRESS" to errloc.
      * GET ADDRESS API called * 
           call "sqlgaddr" using by reference locklist
                                 by reference tokenptr(1)
                           returning rc.

           call "sqlgaddr" using by reference buff-page
                                 by reference tokenptr(2)
                           returning rc.

           call "sqlgaddr" using by reference maxfilop
                                 by reference tokenptr(3)
                           returning rc.

           call "sqlgaddr" using by reference softmax
                                 by reference tokenptr(4)
                           returning rc.

      * setup database description block SQLEDBDESC 
           move SQLE-DBDESC-2 to SQLDBDID.
           move 0             to SQLDBCCP.
           move 0             to SQLDBCSS.
           move 0             to SQLDBSGP.
           move 10            to SQLDBNSG.
           move -1            to SQLTSEXT.

           SET SQLCATTS        TO NULLS.
           SET SQLUSRTS        TO NULLS.
           SET SQLTMPTS        TO NULLS.

      * setup database country information structure SQLEDBDESC 
           move "IBM-850"     to SQLDBCODESET.
           move "En_US"       to SQLDBLOCALE.

           display "CREATing the temporary database DBCONF ...".
           display "please wait... this will take a while ...".

      * CREATE DATABASE API called * 
           call "sqlgcrea" using by value     PATH-LEN
                                 by value     ALIAS-LEN
                                 by value     DBNAME-LEN
                                 by reference sqlca
                                 by value     0
                                 by value     0
                                 by value     0
                                 by reference SQLEDBDESC
                                 by reference PATH
                                 by reference ALIAS
                                 by reference DBNAME
                           returning rc.

           move "creating the database" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.
           display "database DBCONF created".

           display "getting the database configuration for DBCONF".
           call "sqlgxdb" using by value     DBNAME-LEN
                                by value     listnumber
                                by reference tokenlist
                                by reference sqlca
                                by reference DBNAME
                           returning rc.

           move "get database config" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "listing the database configuration".
           perform print-info.

      * altering the default Database Configuration 
           move 4    to locklist.
           move 2000 to buff-page.
           move 3    to maxfilop.
           move 1    to softmax.

           display "UPDATing the database configuration".
           call "sqlgeudb" using by value     reserved3
                                 by value     DBNAME-LEN
                                 by value     listnumber
                                 by reference list-of-lengths
                                 by reference tokenlist
                                 by reference sqlca
                                 by value     reserved4
                                 by reference DBNAME
                           returning rc.

      * This API always returns a warning about the risk of changing buffer page size. 
      * To receive this warning uncomment the following 'move' and 'call' statements. 
      *    move "updating the database configuration" to errloc. 
      *    call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. 

           display "listing the UPDATEd database configuration".
           perform print-info.

           display "RESETting the database configuration".
           call "sqlgrdb" using by value     DBNAME-LEN
                                by reference sqlca    
                                by reference DBNAME
                           returning rc.

           display "getting the database configuration for DBCONF".
           call "sqlgddb" using by value     DBNAME-LEN
                                by value     listnumber
                                by reference tokenlist
                                by reference sqlca
                                by reference DBNAME
                           returning rc.

           move "get database config" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "printing the database configuration after the RESET".
           perform print-info.

           display "DROPping the database DBCONF".
      * DROP DATABASE API called * 
           call "sqlgdrpd" using by value     reserved1
                                 by value     DBNAME-LEN
                                 by reference sqlca
                                 by value     reserved2
                                 by reference DBNAME
                           returning rc.

           move "dropping the database" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

       end-dbconf. stop run.

       print-info section.
           display " ".
           display "Max. storage for lost lists (4kb)           : ",
           display "Buffer pool size (4kb)                      : ",
           display "Max. DB files open per application          : ",
           display "percent log reclaimed before soft checkpoint: ",
           display " ".

       end-print-info. exit.