Administrative API Reference


This structure is used to provide the database manager start-up options.

Table 44. Fields in the SQLE-START-OPTIONS Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
SQLOPTID CHAR An "eyecatcher" value which must be set to SQLE_STARTOPTID_V51.
ISPROFILE sqluint32 Indicates whether a profile is specified. If this field indicates that a profile is not specified, the file db2profile is used.
PROFILE CHAR(236) The name of the profile file to be executed at each node to define the DB2 environment (MPP only). This file is executed before the nodes are started. The default value is db2profile.
ISNODENUM sqluint32 Indicates whether a node number is specified. If specified, the start command only affects the specified node.
OPTION sqluint32 Specifies an action. See below for values.
ISHOSTNAME sqluint32 Indicates whether a host name is specified.
HOSTNAMEa CHAR(256) System name.
ISPORT sqluint32 Indicates whether a port number is specified.
ISNETNAME sqluint32 Indicates whether a net name is specified.
NETNAMEa CHAR(256) Net name.
TBLSPACE_TYPE sqluint32 Specifies the type of system temporary table space definitions to be used for the node being added. See below for values.
TBLSPACE_NODE SQL_PDB_NODE_TYPE Specifies the node number from which the system temporary table space definitions should be obtained. The node number must exist in the db2nodes.cfg file, and is only used if the tblspace_type field is set to SQLE_TABLESPACES_LIKE_NODE.
ISCOMPUTER sqluint32 Indicates whether a computer name is specified. Valid on OS/2 or the Windows operating system only.
COMPUTER CHAR(16) Computer name. Valid on OS/2 or the Windows operating system only.
PUSERNAME CHAR Logon account user name. Valid on OS/2 or the Windows operating system only.
PPASSWORD CHAR Logon account password. Valid on OS/2 or the Windows operating system only.

a This field is valid only for the SQLE_ADDNODE or the SQLE_RESTART value of the OPTION field.

Valid values for OPTION (defined in sqlenv) are:

Issue the normal db2start operation.

Issue the ADD NODE command.

Issue the RESTART DATABASE command.

Start the node in STANDALONE mode.

For more information about these options, see the Command Reference.

Valid values for TBLSPACE_TYPE (defined in sqlenv) are:

Do not create any system temporary table spaces.

The containers for the system temporary table spaces should be the same as those for the specified node.

The containers for the system temporary table spaces should be the same as those for the catalog node of each database.

Language Syntax

C Structure

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* Structure: SQLE-START-OPTIONS */
/* ... */
SQL_STRUCTURE sqle_start_options
  char                   sqloptid[8];
  sqluint32              isprofile;
  char                   profile[SQL_PROFILE_SZ+1];
  sqluint32              isnodenum;
  SQL_PDB_NODE_TYPE      nodenum;
  sqluint32              option;
  sqluint32              ishostname;
  char                   hostname[SQL_HOSTNAME_SZ+1];
  sqluint32              isport;
  SQL_PDB_PORT_TYPE      port;
  sqluint32              isnetname;
  char                   netname[SQL_HOSTNAME_SZ+1];
  sqluint32              tblspace_type;
  SQL_PDB_NODE_TYPE      tblspace_node;
  sqluint32              iscomputer;
  char                   computer[SQL_COMPUTERNAME_SZ+1];
  char                   *pUserName;
  char                   *pPassword;
/* ... */

COBOL Structure

* File: sqlenv.cbl
    05 SQLOPTID               PIC X(8).
    05 SQL-ISPROFILE          PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-PROFILE            PIC X(235).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X.
    05 SQL-ISNODENUM          PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-NODENUM            PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(2).
    05 SQL-OPTION             PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-ISHOSTNAME         PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-HOSTNAME           PIC X(255).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X.
    05 SQL-ISPORT             PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-PORT               PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-ISNETNAME          PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-NETNAME            PIC X(255).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X.
    05 SQL-TBLSPACE-TYPE      PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-TBLSPACE-NODE      PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(2).
    05 SQL-ISCOMPUTER         PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-COMPUTER           PIC X(15).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X.

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