Administrative API Reference


This structure is used to register/deregister the DB2 server in/from the bindery on the NetWare file server (see sqleregs - Register, and sqledreg - Deregister).

Table 43. Fields in the SQLE-REG-NWBINDERY Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
UID CHAR(48) User ID used to log into the NetWare file server.
PSWD CHAR(128) Password used to validate the user ID.

Language Syntax

C Structure

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* Structure: SQLE-REG-NWBINDERY */
/* ... */
SQL_STRUCTURE sqle_reg_nwbindery
  char                   uid[SQL_NW_UID_SZ+1];
  unsigned short         reserved_len_1;
  char                   pswd[SQL_NW_PSWD_SZ+1];
  unsigned short         reserved_len_2;
/* ... */

COBOL Structure

* File: sqlenv.cbl
    05 SQL-UID                PIC X(48).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X.
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(1).
    05 SQL-UID-LEN            PIC 9(4) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-PSWD               PIC X(128).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X.
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(1).
    05 SQL-PSWD-LEN           PIC 9(4) COMP-5.

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