Administrative API Reference


This structure contains information provided by DB2 to set up and to establish a logical link with the vendor device.
Note:All fields are NULL terminated strings.

Table 90. Fields in the INIT-INPUT Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
DB2_session struct DB2_info A description of the session from the DB2 perspective.
size_options unsigned short The length for the options field. When using sqlubkp and sqlurestore, the data in this field is passed directly from the VendorOptionsSize parameter.
size_HI_order sqluint32 High order 32 bits of DB size estimate in bytes; total size is 64 bits.
size_LOW_order sqluint32 Low order 32 bits of DB size estimate in bytes; total size is 64 bits.
options void This information is passed from the application when the backup or restore function is invoked. This data structure must be flat. In other words, no level of indirection is supported. Note that byte-reversal is not done, and that code page is not checked for this data. When using sqlubkp and sqlurestore, the data in this field is passed directly from the pVendorOptions parameter.
reserve void Reserved for future use.
prompt_lvl char Prompting level requested by the user when backup or restore was invoked. Maximum length of string it points to is 1 character.
num_sessions unsigned short Number of sessions requested by the user when backup or restore was invoked.

Language Syntax

C Structure

typedef struct Init_input
  struct DB2_info  *DB2_session;
  unsigned short   size_options;
  sqluint32        size_HI_order;
  sqluint32        size_LOW_order;
  void             *options;
  void             *reserve;
  char             *prompt_lvl;
  unsigned short   num_sessions;
} Init_input;

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