Administrative API Reference


This structure contains information to identify the vendor and the version of the device being used.
Note:All fields are NULL terminated strings.

Table 89. Fields in the VENDOR-INFO Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
vendor_id char An identifier for the vendor. Maximum length of string it points to is 64 characters.
version char The current version of the vendor product. Maximum length of string it points to is 8 characters.
release char The current release of the vendor product. Set to NULL if it is insignificant. Maximum length of string it points to is 8 characters.
level char The current level of the vendor product. Set to NULL if it is insignificant. Maximum length of string it points to is 8 characters.
server_id char A unique name identifying the server where the database resides. Maximum length of string it points to is 8 characters.
max_bytes_per_txn sqlint32 The maximum supported transfer buffer size. Specified by the vendor in bytes. This is used only if the return code from the vendor initialize function is SQLUV_BUFF_SIZE, indicating an invalid buffer size is specified.
num_objects_in_backup sqlint32 The number of sessions that were used to make a complete backup. This is used to determine when all backup images have been processed during a restore.
reserve void Reserved for future use.

Language Syntax

C Structure

typedef struct Vendor_info
  char       *vendor_id;
  char       *version;
  char       *release;
  char       *level;
  char       *server_id;
  sqlint32   max_bytes_per_txn;
  sqlint32   num_objects_in_backup;
  void       *reserve;
} Vendor_info;

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