Administrative API Reference

sqlepstart - Start Database Manager

Starts the current database manager instance background processes on a single node or on all the nodes defined in a multi-node environment.

This API is not valid on a client.


In a multi-node environment, this API affects all nodes that are listed in the $HOME/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg file, unless the nodenum parameter is used (see SQLE-START-OPTIONS).


One of the following:

Note:On OS/2, no authorization is required if the ss_logon database manager configuration parameter is set to 0.

Required Connection




C API Syntax

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* API: Start Database Manager */
/* ... */
  sqlepstart (
    struct sqle_start_options * pStartOptions,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

Generic API Syntax

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* API: Start Database Manager */
/* ... */
  sqlgpstart (
    struct sqle_start_options * pStartOptions,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

API Parameters

A pointer to the sqle_start_options structure. This structure contains the start-up options. The pointer can be null. For more information about this structure, see SQLE-START-OPTIONS.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see SQLCA.


This API can be called from REXX through the SQLDB2 interface. See How the API Descriptions are Organized, or the Application Development Guide. For a description of the syntax, see the Command Reference.

Sample Programs




Usage Notes

It is not necessary to call this API on a client node. It is provided for compatibility with older clients, but it has no effect on the database manager.

Once started, the database manager instance runs until the user stops it, even if all application programs that were using it have ended.

If no parameters are specified in a multi-node database environment, the database manager is started on all parallel nodes specified in the node configuration file.

If the API call is still processing, ensure that the applicable nodes have started before issuing a request to the database.

The db2cshrc file is not supported and cannot be used to define the environment.

On UNIX platforms, sqlepstart supports the SIGINT and SIGALRM signals. The SIGINT signal is issued if CTRL+C is pressed. The SIGALRM signal is issued if the value specified for the start_stop_time database manager configuration parameter is reached. If either signal occurs, all in-progress startups are interrupted and a message (SQL1044N for SIGINT and SQL6037N for SIGALRM) is returned from each interrupted node to the $HOME/sqllib/log/db2start. timestamp.log error log file. Nodes that are already started are not affected. If CTRL+C is pressed on a node that is starting, db2stop must be issued on that node before an attempt is made to start it again.

See Also

sqleaddn - Add Node

sqlepstp - Stop Database Manager.

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