Application Building Guide

Object REXX

Object REXX is an object-oriented version of the REXX language. Object-oriented extensions have been added to classic REXX, but its existing functions and instructions have not changed. The Object REXX interpreter is an enhanced version of its predecessor, with additional support for:

Object REXX is fully compatible with classic REXX. In this section, whenever we refer to REXX, we are referring to all versions of REXX, including Object REXX.

You do not precompile or bind REXX programs.

On Windows NT, REXX programs are not required to start with a comment. However, for portability reasons you are recommended to start each REXX program with a comment that begins in the first column of the first line. This will allow the program to be distinguished from a batch command on other platforms:

/* Any comment will do. */

REXX sample programs can be found in the directory %DB2PATH%\samples\rexx. To run the sample REXX program updat, do the following:

  1. Start the database manager on the server, if it is not already running, by entering:
  2. Enter:
       rexx updat.cmd

For further information on REXX and DB2, refer to the chapter, "Programming in REXX", in the Application Development Guide.

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