Information Catalog Manager User's Guide
The following list shows the contents of the ICMSAMP
sample information catalog that you use for the scenarios in this book.
The text following the name of each object type provides a short description
of the object type.

Application data
- This object type is used internally for some MDIS metadata
exchanges. Objects of this object type might appear in your information
catalog, but you won't use this object type to create objects.

Audio clips
- This object type represents files that contains audio information.
These objects might represent electronic (AUD files) or physical audio
information (for example, CDs or tapes).

Business subject areas
- This object type represents logical groupings of objects.

- This object type represents either printed or electronic charts.

Columns or fields
- This object type represents columns within a relational table, fields
within a file, or fields within an IMS segment.

- This object type is created when an information catalog is created and is
used to comment on other objects in the information catalog.

- This object type represents relational databases.

Dimensions within a multi-dimensional database
- This object type represents dimensions within a multi-dimensional
database. A dimension is comprised of members.

- This object type represents books, manuals, and technical papers.
These publications might be printed or electronic, found locally or within a

DWC process
- This object type represents a process in the Data Warehouse Center which
commonly operates on source data, that changes data from its original form
into a form conducive to decision support. In the Data Warehouse Center
a process commonly consists of one or more sources, one or more steps, and one
or more targets.

- This object type represents MDIS element objects that do not map directly
to the "Columns or fields" object type.

- This object type represents a file within a file system.

Glossary entries
- This object type represents definitions for terms used in the information

Images or graphics
- This object type represents graphic images, such as bitmaps.

IMS database definitions (DBD)
- This object type represents IMS database definitions.

IMS program control blocks (PCB)
- This object type represents IMS program control blocks.

IMS program specification blocks (PSB)
- This object type represents IMS program specification blocks.

IMS segments
- This object type represents IMS segments.

Information Catalog news
- This object type conveys to end users information about changes to the
information catalog.

Internet documents
- This object type represents Web sites and other documents on the Internet
that might be of interest.

Lotus Approach queries
- This object type represents available Lotus Approach queries for use with
your organization's data.

Members within a multi-dimensional database
- This object type represents a member within a multi-dimensional
database. A member is part of a dimension, and a dimension is part of a
multi-dimensional database.

Multi-dimensional datbases
- This object type represents multi-dimensional databases.

Online news services
- This object type represents news and information services that can be
accessed online.

Online publications
- This object type represents publications and other documents that can be
accessed from online services.

People to contact
- This object type identifies a person or group that is responsible for
single or multiple objects within the information catalog.

- This object type represents various printed or electronic
presentations. These presentations might include product, customer,
quality, and status presentations.

Programs that can be started from information catalog objects
- This object type is created when an information catalog is created.
This object type is used to define an application capable of processing a
particular object type. In the sample information catalog, ICMSAMP,
this object type is named "Programs that can be invoked from information
catalog objects."

- This object type represents MDIS Record objects that do not map directly
to the "Files" or "Relational tables or views" object
types. Records are comprised of elements.

Relational tables or views
- This object type represents tables or views of relational

- This object type represents desktop spreadsheets (for example, Lotus 1-2-3
or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets).

Star schema
- This object type represents relational data. A star schema contains
a fact table and one or more dimension tables.

- This object type represents logical groupings of records within a

Text-based reports
- This object type represents either printed or electronic reports.

- This object type represents expressions or logic used to populate columns
of data within the target relational database. Transformations objects
indicate either the expression used to convert source operational data to
target columns, or the one-to-one mapping of source fields to target

Video clips
- This object type represents files that contain video information.
These objects might represent electronic (AVI files) or physical video
information (for example, video tapes or laser disks).
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