Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide

Predefined Information Catalog Manager object types

The Information Catalog Manager includes predefined object types that can be exchanged with metadata from other Data Warehouse Center components and other MDIS-conforming products from IBM and other companies. This section describes all of the predefined Information Catalog Manager object types, including how the object type properties map to MDIS object types. For information about the Metadata Interchange Specification, including complete MDIS object type definitions, go to the Meta Data Coalition's Web site at

The Information Catalog Manager provides both the predefined object types and sample objects of each type within the sample information catalog. The sample information catalog includes at least one object type for each of the seven Information Catalog Manager categories. This section describes how to create the sample information catalog. For details of Information Catalog Manager object type capabilities, see the Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide.

Table 77 lists all the object types in the sample information catalog. Object types can represent data or a relationship between two object types.

Object types that represent data
Most predefined object types represent types of data such as the Charts or Documents object types.

Object types that represent relationships
The Transformations object type is a special object type that represents a relationship between two other object types. Specifically, it represents the transformation of data from the data's source format to its target format. You can use Transformations object types to provide information about the lineage of the data within a target relational database.

Table 77. Predefined data object types summary
Object type name Description Properties defined on page
Application data Internal use only Table 78
Audio clips Represents files that contain audio information Table 97
Business subject areas Represents logical grouping of objects Table 79
Charts Represents either printed or electronic charts Table 98
Columns or fields Represents columns within a relational table, fields within a file, or fields within an IMS segment Table 80
Comments Contains comments about other objects in the information catalog Table 113
Databases Represents relational databases Table 81
Information Catalog Manager news Conveys information about changes to the information catalog Table 109
Dimensions within a multi-dimensional database Represents dimensions within a multidimensional database Table 82
Documents Represents books, manuals, and technical papers Table 99
Elements Represents MDIS Element objects that do not map directly to the "Columns or fields" object type Table 84
Files Represents a file within a file system Table 85
Glossary entries Represents definitions for terms used in the information catalog "Glossary entries"
Images or graphics Represents graphic images, such as bitmaps Table 100
IMS database definitions (DBD) Represents IMS database definitions Table 86
IMS program control blocks (PCB) Represents IMS program control blocks Table 87
IMS program specification blocks (PSB) Represents IMS program specification blocks Table 88
IMS segments Represents IMS segments Table 89
Internet documents Represents Web sites and other documents on the Internet that might be of interest Table 101
Lotus Approach queries Represents available Lotus Approach queries for use with your organization's data Table 102
Members within a multidimensional database Represents a member within a multidimensional database Table 90
Multidimensional databases Represents multidimensional databases Table 91
Online news services Represents news and information services that can be accessed online Table 110
Online publications Represents publications and other documents that can be accessed from online services Table 111
People to contact Identifies a person or group that is responsible for single or multiple objects within the information catalog Table 107
Presentations Represents printed or electronic presentations Table 103
Programs that can be invoked from Information Catalog Manager objects Defines an application capable of processing a particular object type Table 112
Records Represents MDIS Record objects that do not map directly to the "Files" or "Relational tables or views" object type Table 92
Relational tables and views Represents tables or views of relational databases Table 93
Subschemas Represents logical groupings of records within a database Table 95
Transformations Represents expressions or logic used to populate columns of data within the target relational database Table 96
Spreadsheets Represents desktop spreadsheets (for example, Lotus 1-2-3(R) or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets) Table 104
Text-based reports Represents either printed or electronic reports Table 105
Video clips Represents files that contain video information Table 106

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