Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide

Importing metadata into the Data Warehouse Center

You import metadata into the Data Warehouse Center so that the Data Warehouse Center can extract and transform data for the warehouse or run partner applications that extract and transform data.

Importing metadata into the Data Warehouse Center involves the following tasks:

  1. Build a tag language file (a file that contains the metadata for the objects to import).
  2. Import the tag language file.
  3. Prepare the steps to run on your data warehouse.

Building the tag language file

To build the tag language file:

  1. Select the objects for which to import metadata.
  2. Define the metadata for each object by using the Data Warehouse Center metadata templates. The Data Warehouse Center metadata templates are subsets of the tag language file that include tokens to represent a partner metadata value. Your program can search for the tokens and substitute values for them without referring to the syntax of the tag language file.

Selecting objects for which to import metadata

You can import metadata for the following types of objects into the Data Warehouse Center:

Agent sites

A warehouse agent performs the actual transfer of data between the source database or file (warehouse source), and the target database (warehouse target). It also performs any transformation of that data. The warehouse agent receives commands from the warehouse server. Then, the agent issues SQL commands, starts a partner application, or starts a Data Warehouse Center program that starts a partner application. A warehouse agent can also import table definitions.

An agent site is the machine on which an agent runs. The agent site must have access to the machine that contains the source database and the target database.

Warehouse sources and warehouse targets
A source database or source file is the database or file from which the Data Warehouse Center or a partner application extracts data for further processing. The generic term source means a database or a group of one or more files. A source is associated with one or more tables, files or segments. A table, file or segment is associated with one or more columns or fields. A warehouse source is a subset of tables and views from a single database, or a set of files, that have been defined to the Data Warehouse Center.

A warehouse target or target file is the database or file to which the Data Warehouse Center or a partner application writes the data after processing it. The generic term target means a database or a group of one or more files. A target is associated with one or more tables or files. A table or file is associated with one or more columns or fields. A warehouse target is a subset of tables, or a set of files, that are managed by the Data Warehouse Center.

A warehouse target is the database that contains the warehouse that users will use to run queries and reports.

Data Warehouse Center programs
A Data Warehouse Center program is a user-written or partner application that performs some kind of data transformation. You define the program to the Data Warehouse Center so that you can schedule it to run and monitor its operations as part of a step. A Data Warehouse Center program is generally associated with one or more parameters. You can group related Data Warehouse Center programs together by associating them with a Data Warehouse Center program group.

Subject areas
You use a subject area to logically group the processes (and the steps, warehouse sources, and warehouse targets within the processes) that are related to a particular topic or function. For example, if you have a series of processes that move and transform sales data, you create a Sales subject area, and create the processes within the subject area. Similarly, you group Marketing processes under a Marketing subject area.

A process is a a series of steps, which commonly operates on source data, that changes data from its original form into a form conducive to decision support. A Data Warehouse Center process commonly consists of one or more warehouse sources, one or more steps, and one or more warehouse targets.

A step is a single operation on data in a Data Warehouse Center process. A process commonly consists of one or more warehouse sources, one or more steps, and one or more warehouse targets. In most cases, a step includes a warehouse source, a description of the transformation or movement of data, and a warehouse target. You use steps to define and schedule each step in the extraction, transformation, and writing of the data. The metadata for a step includes the source and target tables on which the Data Warehouse Center or the partner application is to operate. It also includes the SQL statements to issue or the program to start to perform the transformation.

Cascade relationships between steps
A cascade relationship is a schedule for a step that is based on the processing status of another step. You can schedule a step to run after another step finishes running.

Relationships between Data Warehouse Center objects
The metadata for Data Warehouse Center objects describes relationships to other objects. For example, the metadata for a step describes relationships to the warehouse source and warehouse target tables that the step uses.

Defining objects with the Data Warehouse Center metadata templates

To define objects that you want to import into the Data Warehouse Center, you build a tag language file from one or more Data Warehouse Center metadata templates.

Each template corresponds to an object, such as a table, or a subset of an object, such as a column. You combine templates to define all the details about an object. For example, if you want to define a source database, you combine database, table, and column templates.

You must write a program that obtains values from the partner metadata store and use these values to replace tokens in the template. This book calls this type of program an interchange program.

Each template contains tokens for which your interchange program must specify values. For example, the token *TableDescription represents the description of a table. Your interchange program would search for *TableDescription and change it to the string that contains the description of the table specified in the relational catalog. For a DB2(TM) Universal Database table, the description is in the REMARKS field of the syscat.tables table of the system catalog. Because your interchange program replaces the tokens with a value, you do not need to know the syntax of the underlying tag language that identifies metadata in the file.

Installing the metadata templates

You can choose to install the templates when you install the Application Development Client.

To install the templates:

  1. Click Custom on the installation Setup Type window.
  2. Click Data Warehouse ISV Toolkit.
  3. Select the directory for the templates.

    The default directory for the ISV Toolkit is x:\sqllib\templates. The Data Warehouse Center sets the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable to the location of the ISV Toolkit. Your program can query the value of VWS_TEMPLATES to locate the templates.

The Data Warehouse Center installs the files in subdirectories of the directory that is set by VWS_TEMPLATES. Table 2 lists the types of files that are installed and the subdirectories in which the files are installed.

Table 2. File types and subdirectories for templates
Type of file Subdirectory
Templates ISV
Samples Samples
Header files Include

Writing an interchange program

When you write an interchange program, you need to:

You can also log processing messages in the same directory that the Data Warehouse Center uses to log processing messages.

Including the ISV_defines.h header file

Use of the ISV_Defines.h header file allows your program logic to stay the same even if the template's tokens change. You simply need to recompile your program.

Copying and changing templates

Your program must use the following procedure to work with the templates:

  1. Use the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable to obtain the directory in which the templates are stored. Append \ISV\ to the value to obtain the complete path for the templates.
  2. Read a copy of the templates locally into your program.
  3. Search the templates for the tokens in the templates and replace the tokens with the metadata from the partner application.

    Use a search and replace methodology, rather than programming to the format of the tag language file. Use of the tokens enables your program to be independent of changes to the tag language that is used in the template file.

    In the templates, each token is enclosed in parentheses; the closing parenthesis identifies the end of the value. Your program should substitute values for only the token and not remove the parentheses.

    Any string that is to replace a token value must follow the following rules:

    If your interchange program does not have a value for a token, it should replace the token with the constant ISV_DEFAULTVALUE (defined in ISV_defines.h). However, you must specify a value other than ISV_DEFAULTVALUE for any token that is required.

    Because there is no template for security groups, your program must specify the value ISV_DEFAULTSECURITYGROUP for any instances of the *SecurityGroup token.

    The templates use default values for Data Warehouse Center specific metadata. For example, retry count and retry interval for warehouse sources and warehouse targets are set to their Data Warehouse Center default values.

Setting checkpoints

Each template contains a *CurrentCheckPointID++ token, which you can use to track progress when you import the tag language file. When your program sets values for the tokens, it should set the first occurrence of *CurrentCheckPointID++ to 0. Your program should increase the value of *CurrentCheckPointID++ by 1 each time it appears. The Data Warehouse Center will write these checkpoints to the log file as the tag language file is being imported.

Appending templates to the tag language file

Tables Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5 list the order in which your program must append templates to the tag language file. They also provide the conditions under which the template is required or optional.

Except for the header, you can define as many copies of each template as you need. You must define only one copy of the header in each tag language file.

Table 3. Relationships between templates and conditions
Order Template Required or optional
1 HeaderInfo.tag Always required
2 AgentSite.tag Required if you do not use the default agent site
3 VWPGroup.tag Required if you are defining Data Warehouse Center programs
4 VWPProgramTemplate.tag Required if you are defining Data Warehouse Center programs
5 VWPProgramTemplateParameter.tag Required if you are defining Data Warehouse Center programs
6 SourceDataBase.tag


Required if you are defining warehouse sources or warehouse targets
7 Table.tag Required if you are defining warehouse sources or warehouse targets
8 Column.tag Required if you are defining warehouse sources or warehouse targets

After you append the Column.tag template to the tag language file, the series of templates and the order in which the templates are appended to the tag language file depend on whether you want to define a step or a star schema.

If you are defining a step, append the following templates to the tag language file in the order shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Relationships between templates and conditions when defining a step
Order Template Required or optional
9 SubjectArea.tag Required if you are defining steps.
10 Process.tag Required if you are defining steps.
11 Step.tag Required if you are generating SQL transformations between source and target data or defining programs that the Data Warehouse Center is to execute.
12 StepInputTable.tag Required if you are defining a step of type:




Optional if you are defining a step of type:


13 StepOutputTable.tag Required if you are defining a step of type:




StepOutputTable cannot be used for steps of type:


14 StepVWPOutputTable.tag

Optionalif you are defining a step of type:


15 StepCascade.tag Required in order to link steps in a cascaded relationship
16 StepVWPProgramInstance.tag Required if the step uses a Data Warehouse Center program
17 VWPProgramInstanceParameter.tag Required if the step uses a Data Warehouse Center program which expects parameters to be passed and has parameters.

If you are defining a star schema, append the following templates to the tag language file in the order shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Relationships between templates and conditions for defining a star schema
Order Template Required or optional
9 StarSchema.tag Required if you are defining a star schema.
10 StarSchemaInputTable.tag Required if you are defining a star schema.

For detailed information about these templates, see Metadata templates.

Logging processing messages

Your interchange program can write log processing messages or trace files to the directory that the VWS_LOGGING environment variable specifies. The Data Warehouse Center uses this directory for its log files and its trace files.

Defining the header for the tag language file

To define the objects that a tag language file can contain, you must define the header.

To define the header:

  1. Copy the applicable template.
  2. Substitute actual values for tokens.

Copying templates

Your program must copy and change the HeaderInfo.tag template file.

Substituting values

Your program must supply the following values:

For information about the tokens in the template, see HeaderInfo.tag.

Program logic

Figure 3 is a pseudocode example of the logic that your program can use to build the header portion of the tag language file.

Figure 3. Pseudocode for adding the header to the tag language file

Initialize native metadata environment (need to include ISV_defines.h)
Read a copy of the HeaderInfo.tag template (from the templates directory)
Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata 
   store (or defaults)
Write the output to a target file

The ISV_Sample program provides an example of the header portion of the tag language file. You can find the source code for the program in the Samples subdirectory of the directory that is set by the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable.

Defining agent sites

You can use one of the following agent site types:

To define a new agent site:

  1. Copy the applicable template.
  2. Substitute actual values for tokens.

Copying templates

Your program must copy and change the AgentSite.tag template file. The AgentSite.tag template requires the HeaderInfo.tag template as a prerequisite.

Substituting values

To define a new agent site, your program must obtain metadata about the workstation on which the warehouse agent is installed. Your program must substitute the values that it obtains for the appropriate tokens in the template.

Program logic

Figure 4 shows a pseudocode example of the logic your program can use to add a new agent site to the tag language file.

Figure 4. Pseudocode example of modifying the AgentSite.tag template

If the ISV wants to create an AgentSite specific to the ISV:
     Read a copy of the AgentSite.tag template from the template directory
     Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native 
       metadata store (or defaults)
     Append the output to a target file
     Set AgentSite token to default agentsite value

The ISV_Sample program provides an example of adding an agent site that is specific to a partner tool to the tag language file. You can find the source code for the program in the Samples subdirectory of the directory that is set by the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable.

Defining sources and targets

You define sources if you want the Data Warehouse Center or a partner application to read data from those sources. Similarly, you define targets if you want the Data Warehouse Center or a partner application to write data to those targets. You must define any sources and targets that are used, except under the following conditions:

To define sources and targets:

  1. Copy the applicable templates.
  2. Substitute actual values for tokens.

Copying templates

You can define the following types of source objects:

You can define relational databases as target objects.

Tables Table 6 and Table 7 list the templates that your program must copy and change to define each type of source and target object.

Relational tables

Table 6 lists the templates that your program must copy to define a relational database.

Table 6. Templates for relational source and target definitions
Source or target definition Number of copies of template Template to copy Prerequisite template
Database One copy for each database you want to use "SourceDataBase.tag" (see page "SourceDataBase.tag")

"WarehouseDataBase.tag" (see page "WarehouseDataBase.tag")

"HeaderInfo.tag" (see page "HeaderInfo.tag")

"AgentSite.tag" (see page "AgentSite.tag") if you are not using the default agent

Table One copy for each table that you want to define in the database "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag") "SourceDataBase.tag" (see page "SourceDataBase.tag")

"WarehouseDataBase.tag" (see page "WarehouseDataBase.tag")

Column One copy for each column that you want to define in each table "Column.tag" (see page "Column.tag") "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag")

You relate the templates for the tables to the template for the database by specifying common values in the templates. Similarly, you relate templates for the columns to the template for the table by specifying common values in the templates.

Figure 5 shows the relationship between the database, table, and column templates. The 1 to m notation indicates a one to many relationship, where many is inclusive of zero.

Figure 5. Relationship between the DataBase.tag, Table.tag, and Column.tag templates

Figure IWHT1035 not displayed.

IMS databases

Table 7 lists the templates that your program must copy to define an IMS database. You must use the Data Warehouse Center ODBC drivers to access these IMS objects.

Table 7. Templates for IMS source definitions
Source or target definition Number of copies of template Template to copy Prerequisite template
Database One copy for each database you want to use "SourceDataBase.tag" (see page "SourceDataBase.tag") "HeaderInfo.tag" (see page "HeaderInfo.tag")

"AgentSite.tag" (see page "AgentSite.tag") if you are not using the default agent

Segment One copy for each segment that you want to use in the database "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag") "SourceDataBase.tag" (see page "SourceDataBase.tag")
Field One copy for each field that you want to use in each segment "Column.tag" (see page "Column.tag") "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag")

You define relationships between the templates for the database, segments, and fields in the same manner that you define relationships for tables. (See Figure 5.)


Table 7 lists the templates that your program must copy to define either a file system and its associated files, or a single file.

Table 8. Templates for file systems or a single file
Source or target definition Number of copies of template Template to copy Prerequisite template
File system One copy for each file system "SourceDataBase.tag" (see page "SourceDataBase.tag") "HeaderInfo.tag" (see page "HeaderInfo.tag")

"AgentSite.tag" (see page "AgentSite.tag") if you are not using the default agent

File One copy for each file that you want to use in the file system "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag") "SourceDataBase.tag" (see page "SourceDataBase.tag")
Field One copy for each field that you want to use in each file "Column.tag" (see page "Column.tag") "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag")

You define relationships between the templates for the file system, files, and fields in the same manner that you define relationships for tables. (See Figure 5.)

Substituting values

Your program must obtain values that describe databases or files from the partner metadata store. Your program must substitute the values that it obtains for the appropriate tokens in the template.


Your program must supply the following metadata about the source databases or the target databases:


Your program must supply the following metadata about the source files:

Program logic

Figure 6 shows a pseudocode example of the logic that your program can use to create or update data resources for source or target definitions.

Figure 6. Pseudocode for creating or updating data resources for source and target definitions. Use this logic for each source or target definition that you want to create or update.

For each source or target to be defined:
   Read a copy of the SourceDatabase.tag or WarehouseDatabase.tag template  
   Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata source 
      (or defaults)
   Append the output to a target file
   For each table, file, or segment that is to be defined:
      Read a copy of the Table.tag template
      Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata source
         (or defaults)
      Append the output to a target file
      For each column or field that the table contains: 
         Read a copy of the Column.tag template
         Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata source
            (or defaults)
         Append the output to a target file
      End (for each column)
   End (for each table)
End (for each source or target data source)

The ISV_Sample program provides an example of creating or updating data sources for source or target definitions. You can find the source code for the program in the Samples subdirectory of the directory that is set by the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable.

Defining Data Warehouse Center programs

If you want the Data Warehouse Center to schedule and run a partner application, you must first define the application as a Data Warehouse Center program. Then you can schedule and run the program by using it in one or more steps.

If your tag language file is to contain Data Warehouse Center programs, you must define the following objects, in order:

  1. One or more program groups to contain the Data Warehouse Center programs.
  2. One or more Data Warehouse Center program templates, which provide the base definition of the program to the Data Warehouse Center.
  3. One or more Data Warehouse Center program template parameters, which provide the default parameters that the Data Warehouse Center passes to the program.

    You can change the parameters that are used in a particular step by defining an instance of the program parameters for the step. For more information about using a Data Warehouse Center program in a step, see Defining steps.

For information about writing a program for use with the Data Warehouse Center, see Appendix C, Writing your own program to use with the Data Warehouse Center.

To define a Data Warehouse Center program:

  1. Copy the applicable template.
  2. Substitute actual values for tokens.

Copying templates

Table 9 lists the templates that your program must copy and change to define Data Warehouse Center programs.

Table 9. Templates for Data Warehouse Center programs
Definition Number of copies of template Template to copy Prerequisite template
Data Warehouse Center program group One copy for each program group to define "VWPGroup.tag" (see page "VWPGroup.tag") "HeaderInfo.tag" (see page "HeaderInfo.tag")
Data Warehouse Center program template One copy for each Data Warehouse Center program in the program group "VWPProgramTemplate.tag" (see page "VWPProgramTemplate.tag") "VWPGroup.tag" (see page "VWPGroup.tag")
Data Warehouse Center program template parameter One copy for each parameter passed to theData Warehouse Center program "VWPProgramTemplateParameter.tag" (see page "VWPProgramTemplateParameter.tag") "VWPProgramTemplate.tag" (see page "VWPProgramTemplate.tag")

You relate the templates for the Data Warehouse Center program group to the template for the Data Warehouse Center program by specifying common values in the templates. Similarly, you relate templates for the parameters to the template for the Data Warehouse Center program by specifying common values in the templates.

Figure 7 shows the relationship between the Data Warehouse Center program group, the Data Warehouse Center program, and the Data Warehouse Center program parameters.

Figure 7. Relationship between the VWPGroup.tag, VWPProgramTemplate.tag, and VWPProgramTemplateParameter.tag templates

Figure IWHT1034 not displayed.

For information about relating a Data Warehouse Center program to a step, see Defining steps.

Substituting values

Your program must obtain values that describe the Data Warehouse Center programs from the partner metadata store:

Your program must substitute the values that it obtains for the appropriate tokens in the templates.

Program logic

Figure 8 shows a pseudocode example of the logic that your program can use to define applications that will be managed and run by the Data Warehouse Center.

Figure 8. Pseudocode for defining Data Warehouse Center programs

Read a copy of the VWPGroup.tag template
Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store 
     (or defaults)
Append the output to a target file
For each application that is to be managed by the Data Warehouse Center:
     Read a copy of the VWPProgramTemplate.tag template
     Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store 
          (or defaults)
     Append the output to a target file
     For each parameter the application needs passed:
          Read a copy of the VWPProgramTemplateParameter.tag template
          Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store 
               (or defaults)
          Append the output to a target file
     End (for each parameter)
End (for each application)

The ISV_Sample program provides an example of adding Data Warehouse Center programs to the tag language file. You can find the source code for the program in the Samples subdirectory of the directory that is set by the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable.

Defining steps

A step is a single operation on data in a warehouse process. In most cases, a step includes a warehouse source, a transformation or movement of data, and a warehouse target. A step can be run according to a schedule, or it can cascade from another step. You use steps to define and schedule each step in the extraction, transformation, and writing of the data. You must define a step for each part of the transformation process that you want the Data Warehouse Center to manage. Use the information in this section to determine how to define your steps, rather than the information in the Data Warehouse Center online help. The templates require different relationships from steps that are defined using the user interface.

You must define a subject area for the steps. You can use subject areas to group steps that use a particular partner application.

If your tag language file contains steps, you must define the following objects, in order:

  1. One or more subject areas to contain the proceses.
  2. One or more processes to contain steps.
  3. One or more steps.
  4. For each step, a relationship to one or more source tables and a target table if the step uses SQL to do the source-target mapping. If the step uses a Data Warehouse Center program, the source tables and target table are optional.
  5. If the step uses a Data Warehouse Center program:
    1. An instance of the Data Warehouse Center program.
    2. The parameters associated with the Data Warehouse Center program.
    3. Optionally, the output table for the Data Warehouse Center program.

To define steps:

  1. Copy the applicable template.
  2. Substitute actual values for tokens.

Copying templates

Table 10 lists the templates that your program must copy and change to define steps.

Table 10. Templates for steps
Definition Number of copies of template Template to copy Prerequisite template
Subject area One copy for each subject area "SubjectArea.tag" (see page "SubjectArea.tag") "HeaderInfo.tag" (see page "HeaderInfo.tag")

"AgentSite.tag" (see page "AgentSite.tag") if you are not using the default agent

Process One copy for each process "Process.tag" (see page "Process.tag") "SubjectArea.tag"(see page "SubjectArea.tag")
Step One copy for each step "Step.tag" (see page "Step.tag") "SubjectArea.tag" (see page "SubjectArea.tag")

"Process.tag" (see page "Process.tag")

Source table for the step One copy for each source table for the step "StepInputTable.tag" (see page "StepInputTable.tag") "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag")

"Step.tag" (see page "Step.tag")

"Process.tag" (see page "Process.tag")

Target table for the step One copy if the step has a target table "StepOutputTable.tag" (see page "StepOutputTable.tag") "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag")

"Step.tag" (see page "Step.tag")

"Process.tag" (see page "Process.tag")

Target table for a step which uses a Data Warehouse Center program One copy to document each target table updated by the program "StepOutputTable.tag"(see page "StepOutputTable.tag") "Table.tag" (see page "Table.tag")

"Step.tag" (see page "Step.tag")

Data Warehouse Center program instance One copy if the step uses a Data Warehouse Center program "StepVWPProgramInstance.tag"(see page "StepVWPProgramInstance.tag") "VWPProgramTemplate.tag" (see page "VWPProgramTemplate.tag")

"Step.tag" (see page "Step.tag")

Data Warehouse Center program instance parameters One copy for each parameter used in the step "VWPProgramInstanceParameter.tag" (see page "VWPProgramInstanceParameter.tag") "StepVWPProgramInstance.tag"(see page "StepVWPProgramInstance.tag")

You relate the templates for the subject area to the templates for the process by specifying common values in the templates. Similarly, you relate templates for the steps to the templates for input tables and output tables by specifying common values in the templates. You can also relate the template for the step to a template for the program instance by specifying common values in the templates.

Figure 9 shows the relationship between the subject area, step, stepinput table, stepoutput table, stepVWP program instance, and the VWP program instance parameter tags.

Figure 9. Relationship between the SubjectArea.tag, Process.tag, Step.tag, StepInputTable.tag, StepOutputTable.tag, StepVWPOutputTable.tag,StepVWPProgramInstance.tag, and VWPProgramInstanceParameter.tag templates. See Figure 7 to see how the Data Warehouse Center program instance templates relate to the other Data Warehouse Center program templates.

Figure IWHT1033 not displayed.

Substituting values

Your program must obtain values that describe the subject areas and steps from the partner metadata store:

Your program must substitute the values that it obtains for the appropriate tokens in the templates.

Program logic

Figure 10 shows pseudocode of the logic that your program can use to define steps in the tag language file.

Figure 10. Pseudocode for defining steps in the tag language file

Read a copy of the SubjectArea.tag template
Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store (or defaults)
Append the output to a target file	
Read a copy of the process
For each step to be defined:
     Read a copy of the Step.tag template
     Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store 
      (or defaults)
     Append the output to a target file
     If the step is to execute your application:
          Read a copy of the StepVWPProgramInstance.tag template
          Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store 
               (or defaults)
          Append the output to a target file
          For each parameter that your application needs:
               Read a copy of the VWPProgramInstanceParameter.tag template
               Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store
                    (or defaults)
               Append the output to a target file
          End (for each parameter)
          If the step is to be related to its VWP output target data:
               Read a copy of the StepVWPOutputTable.tag template
               Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store
                    (or defaults)
               Append the output to a target file
          End (step relation to its output)
     End (if step to execute your application)
     If the step is to be related to its input source data:
          Read a copy of the StepInputTable.tag template
          Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store
           (or defaults)
          Append the output to a target file
     End (step relation to its source)
     If the step is to be related to its output target data:
          Read a copy of the StepOutputTable.tag template
          Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store 
           (or defaults)
          Append the output to a target file
     End (step relation to its target)
End (for each step)

The ISV_Sample program provides an example of adding steps to the tag language file. You can find the source code for the program in the Samples subdirectory of the directory that is set by the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable.

Defining cascading steps

In your tag language file, you can specify that steps start other steps:

To define the cascading steps:

  1. Copy the applicable template.
  2. Substitute actual values for tokens.

Copying templates

Table 11 lists the templates that your program must copy and change to define cascade relationships.

Table 11. Templates for cascade relationships
Definition Number of copies of template Template to copy Prerequisite template
Step cascade relationship One copy for each relationship StepCascade.tag StepCascade.tag

Substituting values

Your program must supply the name of a step and the name of another step to:

Your program must substitute the values it obtains for the appropriate tokens in the templates.

Program logic

Figure 11 shows pseudocode of the logic that your program can use if you want your application to relate two steps together so that one step starts at the completion of another step.

Figure 11. Pseudocode for relating steps for cascaded processing

Read a copy of the StepCascade.tag template
Search for and replace tokens with the metadata from your native metadata store
     (or defaults)
Append the output to a target file
End (relate steps for cascaded processing)

The ISV_Sample program provides an example of how to relate steps for cascaded processing in the tag language file. You can find the source code for the program in the Samples subdirectory of the directory that is set by the VWS_TEMPLATES environment variable.

Importing metadata from the tag language file

You can import metadata from the tag language file by using a command window or the user interface. This section describes how to use the command window. For information about using the user interface, see the Data Warehouse Center online help.

To import a tag language file, enter the following command at a DOS command prompt:

iwh2imp2 tag-filename log-pathname target-control-db userid password 
   [PREFIX = schema]

The full path and file name of the tag language file.

The fully qualified path name of the log file.

The name of the warehouse control database that is the target database for the import.

The user ID to use to access the warehouse control database.

The password to use to access the warehouse control database.

[PREFIX = schema]
The table qualifier for the metadata tables.

If a prefix is not specified, the default value is IWH.

To get help for the import command parameters, enter the command only.

When the import utility imports metadata from a tag language file, it creates a log file with:

The import process records the return code and the last completed checkpoint at the end of the log file.

You can also code the return code into your interchange program by using the system() call or the rexec() call. The call to use depends on the operating system on which your program is running.

For more information about importing metadata into the Data Warehouse Center, see the Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide.

Preparing the steps to run

After you import the metadata into the Data Warehouse Center, you must complete the following procedure to set up an automated process for your warehouse:

  1. Specify passwords for the following objects:
  2. For SQL steps, if the source tables or files map directly to the target table, map the source columns to the target columns.
  3. After the objects are created in the Data Warehouse Center, define specific date and time schedules for the steps using the Data Warehouse Center. You can also define cascade relationships if you did not do so in the tag language file.
  4. Promote the steps to test mode.
  5. To test the steps, run them by selecting them in the Run New Step window.

    If you need to make changes:

    1. Demote the steps to development mode if necessary.
    2. Make the changes.
    3. Promote the steps to test mode again.

    Be sure to update your program to account for these changes.

  6. Promote the steps to production mode to activate their schedules.

    Your steps will now run on an automated schedule.

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