Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide


Use this template to define target warehouse databases to import into the Data Warehouse Center.

This template also defines the relationship between the following objects:


Table 52 provides information about each token in the template.

Table 52. WarehouseDataBase.tag tokens
Token Description Allowed values
Entity parameters
*DatabaseName The unique name of the database.

The name must be unique within the warehouse control database.

This token is required.

A text string, up to 80 bytes in length.
*DatabaseDescription The short description of the database.

This token is optional.

A text string, up to 254 bytes in length.
*DatabaseNotes The long description of the database.

This token is optional.

A text string, up to 32700 bytes in length.
*DatabaseContact The person to contact for information about this database.

This token is optional.

A text string, up to 64 bytes in length.
*DatabaseServerName The name of the server on which the database resides.

This token is optional.

A text string, up to 64 bytes in length.
The version of the database. A text string.
*DatabasePhysicalName The physical database name of the database as defined to the database manager.

This token is required.

A text string, up to 40 bytes in length.
*DatabaseType The type of database family.

This token is required.

One of the following values:

DB2 Family



Microsoft SQLServer


Generic ODBC

Flat File LAN


*DatabaseTypeExtended The type of AS/400 system or file.

This token is required.

One of the following values:

DB2 UDB for AS/400 for CISC

DB2 UDB for AS/400 for RISC

Local flat file

Local flat file sent using FTP from a remote system
*DatabaseUserid The user ID with which to access the database.

This token is optional.

A text string, up to 36 bytes in length.
Relationship parameters
*SecurityGroup The security group in which to create the source or target database.

This token is required, but you can specify the default security group.

A text string, up to 80 bytes in length.

Specify ISV_DEFAULTSECURITYGROUP for the default security group.

*AgentSite The agent site to use for the source or target.

This token is required.

A text string, up to 80 bytes in length.

Specify ISV_DEFAULTAGENTSITE for the default agent site.

*CurrentCheckPointID++ An index, starting with 0, that increases each time that it is substituted in a token.

This token is required.

A numeric value.

Examples of values

Table 53 provides examples of values for each token to illustrate the kind of metadata that you might provide for each token.

Table 53. example values for WarehouseDataBase.tag tokens
Token Example value
*DatabaseName Finance Warehouse
*DatabaseDescription This database contains financial information.
*DatabaseNotes This is the warehouse where all geographies keep financial information.
*DatabaseContact Valerie Zieman
*DatabaseServerName CHI11W71
*DatabasePhysicalName FINANCE
*DatabaseType DB2 Family
*DatabaseTypeExtended ISV_DEFAULTVALUE
*DatabaseUserid DB2ADMIN
*AgentSite My agent site
*CurrentCheckPointID++ 6

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