Application Development Guide

Stored Procedures

  • Stored Procedure Overview
  • Advantages of Stored Procedures
  • Writing Stored Procedures
  • Client Application
  • Allocating Host Variables
  • Calling Stored Procedures
  • Running the Client Application
  • Stored Procedures on the Server
  • Registering Stored Procedures
  • Variable Declaration and CREATE PROCEDURE Examples
  • SQL Statements in Stored Procedures
  • Nested Stored Procedures
  • Restrictions
  • Writing OLE Automation Stored Procedures
  • Example OUT Parameter Stored Procedure
  • OUT Client Description
  • Example OUT Client Application: Java
  • Example OUT Client Application: C
  • OUT Stored Procedure Description
  • Example OUT Parameter Stored Procedure: Java
  • Example OUT Parameter Stored Procedure: C
  • Code Page Considerations
  • C++ Consideration
  • Graphic Host Variable Considerations
  • Multisite Update Consideration
  • NOT FENCED Stored Procedures
  • Returning Result Sets from Stored Procedures
  • Example: Returning a Result Set from a Stored Procedure
  • C Example: SPSERVER.SQC (one_result_set_to_client)
  • Java Example: (resultSetToClient)
  • Example: Accepting a Result Set from a Stored Procedure
  • Resolving Problems

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