Application Development Guide

Returning Result Sets from Stored Procedures

You can code stored procedures to return one or more result sets to DB2 CLI, ODBC, JDBC, or SQLJ client applications. Aspects of this support include:

For additional details on handling result sets:

Example: Returning a Result Set from a Stored Procedure

This sample stored procedure shows how to return a result set to the client application in the following supported languages:



This sample stored procedure accepts one IN parameter and returns one OUT parameter and one result set. The stored procedure uses the IN parameter to create a result set containing the values of the NAME, JOB, and SALARY columns for the STAFF table for rows where SALARY is greater than the IN parameter.

Register the stored procedure using the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. For example, to register the stored procedure written in embedded SQL for C, issue the following statement:
      (IN salValue DOUBLE, OUT sqlCode INTEGER)
      EXTERNAL NAME 'spserver!one_result_set_to_client'

For embedded SQL in C stored procedures, use the DECLARE CURSOR and OPEN CURSOR statements to create an open cursor. For CLI stored procedures, use the SQLPrepare and SQLBindParameter APIs to create a result set. For Java stored procedures written with JDBC, use the prepareStatement and executeQuery methods to create a result set.

Close the connection to the database without closing the cursor or result set. This step does not apply to embedded SQL in C stored procedures.

Java stored procedures: for each result set that a PARAMETER STYLE JAVA stored procedure returns, you must include a corresponding ResultSet[] argument in the stored procedure method signature.

C Example: SPSERVER.SQC (one_result_set_to_client)

  SQL_API_RC SQL_API_FN one_result_set_to_client
    (double *insalary, sqlint32 *out_sqlerror)
    l_insalary = *insalary;
    *out_sqlerror = 0;
      SELECT name, job, CAST(salary AS INTEGER)
      FROM staff
      WHERE salary > :l_insalary
      ORDER BY salary;
    EXEC SQL OPEN c3;                   (2)
    /* Leave cursor open to return result set */
    return (0);   (3)
    /* Copy SQLCODE to OUT parameter if SQL error occurs */
      *out_sqlerror = SQLCODE;
      return (0);
  } /* end one_result_set_to_client function */

Java Example: (resultSetToClient)

   public static void resultSetToClient 
        (double inSalaryThreshold, // double input
         int[] errorCode,            // SQLCODE output
         ResultSet[] rs)             // ResultSet output (4)
         throws SQLException
      errorCode[0] = 0; // SQLCODE = 0 unless SQLException occurs
      try {
         // Get caller's connection to the database
         Connection con = 
         // get salary result set using a parameter marker
         String query = "SELECT name, job, CAST(salary AS DOUBLE) " +
                 "FROM staff " +
                 "WHERE salary > ? " +
                 "ORDER BY salary";
         // prepare the SQL statement
         PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
         // set the value of the parameter marker (?)
         stmt.setDouble(1, inSalaryThreshold);
         // get the result set that will be returned to the client
         rs[0] = stmt.executeQuery(); (2)
         // to return a result set to the client, do not close ResultSet
         con.close(); (3)
      catch (SQLException sqle)
         errorCode[0] = sqle.getErrorCode();

Example: Accepting a Result Set from a Stored Procedure

This sample client application shows how to accept a result set from a stored procedure in the following supported languages:

C (using CLI)


This sample client application calls the RESULT_SET_CLIENT stored procedure and accepts one result set. The client application then displays the contents of the result set.

Call the stored procedure with arguments that correspond to the parameters you declared in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.

JDBC applications use the getNextResultSet method to accept the first result set from the stored procedure.

Fetch the rows from the result set. The sample CLI client uses a while loop to fetch and display all rows from the result set. The sample JDBC client calls a class method called fetchAll that fetches and displays all rows from a result set.

CLI Example: SPCLIENT.C (one_result_set_to_client)
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <sqlcli1.h>
  #include <sqlca.h>
  #include "utilcli.h"          /* Header file for CLI sample code */
       SQLCHAR      stmt[50];
       SQLINTEGER   out_sqlcode;
       char         out_buffer[33];
       SQLINTEGER   indicator;
       struct sqlca sqlca;
       SQLRETURN    rc,rc1  ; 
       char         procname[254];
       SQLHANDLE    henv;  /* environment handle */
       SQLHANDLE    hdbc;  /* connection handle */
       SQLHANDLE    hstmt1; /* statement handle */    
       SQLHANDLE    hstmt2; /* statement handle */    
       SQLRETURN    sqlrc = SQL_SUCCESS;
       double       out_median;
       int oneresultset1(SQLHANDLE);
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       SQLHANDLE    hstmt; /* statement handle */    
       SQLHANDLE    hstmt_oneresult; /* statement handle */    
       char         dbAlias[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1] ;
       char         user[MAX_UID_LENGTH + 1] ;
       char         pswd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH + 1] ;
       /* Declare  variables for passing data to INOUT_PARAM */
       double inout_median;
      /* checks the command line arguments */
       rc = CmdLineArgsCheck1( argc, argv, dbAlias, user, pswd );
       if ( rc != 0 )  return( 1 ) ;
      /* allocate an environment handle */
      printf("\n    Allocate an environment handle.\n");    
      sqlrc = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv ) ;
      if ( sqlrc != SQL_SUCCESS ) 
      {   printf( "\n--ERROR while allocating the environment handle.\n" ) ;
          printf( "  sqlrc             = %d\n", sqlrc);
          printf( "  line              = %d\n", __LINE__);
          printf( "  file              = %s\n", __FILE__);	    
          return( 1 ) ;
      /* allocate a database connection handle */
      printf("    Allocate a database connection handle.\n");    
      sqlrc = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc ) ;
      HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv, sqlrc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;
      /* connect to the database */
      printf( "    Connecting to the database %s ...\n", dbAlias ) ;    
      sqlrc = SQLConnect( hdbc,
                       (SQLCHAR *)dbAlias, SQL_NTS,
                       (SQLCHAR *)user, SQL_NTS,
                       (SQLCHAR *)pswd, SQL_NTS
                     ) ;
      HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, sqlrc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;     
      printf( "    Connected to the database %s.\n", dbAlias ) ;
      /* set AUTOCOMMIT off */
      sqlrc = SQLSetConnectAttr( hdbc,
                                 SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, SQL_NTS) ;
      HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, sqlrc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;   
      /* allocate one or more statement handles */
      printf("    Allocate a statement handle.\n");    
      sqlrc = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt ) ;
      HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, sqlrc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;    
      sqlrc = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt_oneresult ) ;
      HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, sqlrc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;    
     * Call oneresultsettocaller stored procedure             *
      rc = oneresultset1(hstmt_oneresult);
      rc = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt_oneresult ) ;
      HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, rc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;    
      /* ROLLBACK, free resources, and exit */
       rc = SQLEndTran( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT ) ;
       HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, rc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;    
       printf("\nStored procedure rolled back.\n\n");
      /* Disconnect from Remote Database */
       rc = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt ) ;
       HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, rc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;    
       printf( "\n>Disconnecting .....\n" ) ;
       rc = SQLDisconnect( hdbc ) ;
       HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, rc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;    
       rc = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc ) ;
       HANDLE_CHECK( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, rc, &henv, &hdbc ) ;    
       rc = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV,  henv ) ;
       if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS ) return( SQL_ERROR )  ;
       return( SQL_SUCCESS ) ;
       int oneresultset1(hstmt)
       SQLHANDLE    hstmt; /* statement handle */    
     * Call one_result_set_to_client stored procedure         *
      double          insalary = 20000;
      SQLINTEGER      salary_int; 
      SQLSMALLINT     num_cols;
      char            name[40];
      char            job[10];
      strcpy(procname, "RESULT_SET_CALLER");                                (1)
      printf("\nCALL stored procedure:  %s\n", procname);
      strcpy((char*)stmt,"CALL RESULT_SET_CALLER ( ?,? )");
      rc = SQLPrepare(hstmt, stmt, SQL_NTS);
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      /* Bind the parameter to application variables () */
      rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, 
                           SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_DOUBLE, 
                           0, &insalary,
                           0, NULL);
      rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, 
                           SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT, SQL_C_LONG, 
                           0, &out_sqlcode,
                           0, NULL);
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      rc = SQLExecute(hstmt);
      rc1 = SQLGetSQLCA(henv, hdbc, hstmt, &sqlca);
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      rc = SQLNumResultCols( hstmt, &num_cols ) ;
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      printf("Result set returned %d columns\n", num_cols);
      /* bind columns to variables */
      rc = SQLBindCol( hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, name, 40, &indicator);
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      rc = SQLBindCol( hstmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, job, 10, &indicator);
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      rc = SQLBindCol( hstmt, 3, SQL_C_LONG, &salary_int, 0, &indicator);
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      /* fetch result set returned from stored procedure */
      rc = SQLFetch( hstmt );                                               (2)
      rc1 = SQLGetSQLCA(henv, hdbc, hstmt, &sqlca);
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
      printf("\n--------Name---------,  --JOB--, ---Salary--  \n");
      while (rc  == SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND )                 (3)
      printf("%20s,%10s,    %d\n",name,job,salary_int);    
      rc = SQLFetch( hstmt );
      STMT_HANDLE_CHECK( hstmt, rc);
     /* Check that the stored procedure executed successfully */
      if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS) { 
       printf("Stored procedure returned successfully.\n");
       else { 
       printf("Stored procedure returned SQLCODE %d\n", out_sqlcode);
      rc = SQLCloseCursor(hstmt);

Java Example: (resultSetToClient)
         // prepare the CALL statement for RESULT_SET_CLIENT
         procName = "RESULT_SET_CLIENT";
         sql = "CALL " + procName + "(?, ?)"; (1)
         callStmt = con.prepareCall(sql);
         // set input parameter to median value passed back by OUT_PARAM
         callStmt.setDouble (1, outMedian); 
         // register the output parameter
         callStmt.registerOutParameter (2, Types.INTEGER);
         // call the stored procedure
         System.out.println ("\nCall stored procedure named " + procName);
         // retrieve output parameter
         outErrorCode = callStmt.getInt(2);
         if (outErrorCode == 0) {
            System.out.println(procName + " completed successfully");
            ResultSet rs = callStmt.getResultSet(); (2)
            while ( {
               fetchAll(rs); (3)
            // close ResultSet
         else  { // stored procedure failed
            System.out.println(procName + " failed with SQLCODE " 
              + outErrorCode);

Resolving Problems

If a stored procedure application fails to execute properly, ensure that:

Note:For more information on debugging Java stored procedures, see Debugging Stored Procedures in Java.

You can use the debugger supplied with your compiler to debug a local FENCED stored procedure as you would any other application. Consult your compiler documentation for information on using the supplied debugger.

For example, to use the debugger supplied with Visual Studio(TM) on Windows NT, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Set the DB2_STPROC_ALLOW_LOCAL_FENCED registry variable to true.

Step  2.

Compile the source file for the stored procedure DLL with the -Zi and -Od flags, and then link the DLL using the -DEBUG option.

Step  3.

Copy the resulting DLL to the instance_name \function directory of the server.

Step  4.

Invoke the client application on the server with the Visual Studio debugger. For the client application outcli.exe, enter the following command:

   msdev spclient.exe

Step  5.

When the Visual Studio debugger window opens, select Project --> Settings.

Step  6.

Click the Debug tab.

Step  7.

Click the Category arrow and select the Additional DLLs.

Step  8.

Click the New button to create a new module.

Step  9.

Click the Browse button to open the Browse window.

Step 10.

Select the module spserver.dll and click OK to close the Settings window.

Step 11.

Open the source file for the stored procedure and set a breakpoint.

Step 12.

Click the Go button. The Visual Studio debugger stops when the stored procedure is invoked.

Step 13.

At this point, you can debug the stored procedure using the Visual Studio debugger.

Refer to the Visual Studio product documentation for further information on using the Visual Studio debugger.

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