An application program containing executable SQL statements can use either the SQLCODE or SQLSTATE values to handle return codes from SQL statements. There are two ways in which an application can get access to these values.
The SQLCA includes an integer variable named SQLCODE and and a character string variable named SQLSTATE.
Occasionally, warning conditions are mentioned in addition to error conditions with respect to return codes. A warning SQLCODE is a positive value and a warning SQLSTATE has the first two characters set to '01'.
An SQLCODE is set by the database manager after each SQL statement is executed. All database managers conform to the ISO/ANSI SQL standard, as follows:
The meaning of SQLCODE values other than 0 and 100 is product-specific. See the Message Reference for the product-specific meanings.
SQLSTATE is also set by the database manager after execution of each SQL statement. Thus, application programs can check the execution of SQL statements by testing SQLSTATE instead of SQLCODE.
SQLSTATE provides application programs with common codes for common error conditions. Furthermore, SQLSTATE is designed so that application programs can test for specific errors or classes of errors. The coding scheme is the same for all IBM database managers and is based on the ISO/ANSI SQL92 standard. For a complete list of the possible values of SQLSTATE, see the Message Reference.