To ease your client administration workload, DB2 Universal Database Version 6 offers support for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory services. LDAP directory services both store, and provide an access method for, detailed information about resources such as users, printers, computers, file servers and application servers. If you take advantage of LDAP by publishing database and server location and configuration in the LDAP directory, you do not have to manually catalog database and node entries on client machines.
DB2 supports the IBM SecureWay Client Version 3.1 and the following LDAP servers:
For more information on DB2 support for LDAP directory services, refer to the Administration Guide, Design and Implementation .
OLE DB table functions make it easier to access data from an OLE DB-compliant data source. To perform operations including GROUP BY, JOIN, and UNION on data sources that expose their data through the OLE DB interface, define a table function with a CREATE FUNCTION statement. Once you have defined the OLE DB table function, you can use it as a data source in your SQL statements. You do not have to do any programming to take advantage of OLE DB table functions. For more information on OLE DB table functions , refer to the Application Development Guide .
DB2 Universal Database Version 6 provides replication support for large objects (LOBs). You can replicate LOBs between DB2 Universal Database databases, between DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 databases, or between DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 databases.
For more information on replicating LOBs, refer to the Replication Guide and Reference .
To ease migration of your authentication scheme from encrypted SERVER authentication to DCE authentication, DB2 Universal Database Version 6 introduces a new authentication scheme, DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT, that accepts both DCE authentication and encrypted SERVER authentication. To use this new form of authentication, specify DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT as the authentication type at the server node.
If you use DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT, you can create a user on the server which matches the short name mapped from the actual DCE logon name. This provides you with group list support over and above the support that DB2 provides at authentication time. This extra group list support is available because, after authentication time, DB2 assumes that the group lists it requests come from the base operating system rather than DCE. If both client and server resolve to DCE authentication, DB2 continues to get the group list from DCE at authentication time.
For more information on using the DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication scheme , refer to the Administration Guide, Design and Implementation .
For DB2 Universal Database Version 6, the load utilities, including LOAD, IMPORT, and AUTOLOAD, offer improved data loading behavior. A brief description of the enhancements to the load utilities follows. For more information on the load utilities, refer to the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference .
When you issue a load command, DB2 detects any indexes defined on the target table and rebuilds those indexes. When you perform loads in insert mode, DB2 rebuilds the indexes using keys extracted from the existing table data. When you perform a load in insert and replace mode, DB2 rebuilds the indexes using keys extracted from the input data file.
In DB2 Universal Database Version 6, load utilities invoked in TERMINATE mode roll back a previously interrupted load to the point in time where it was started. This roll back occurs even if it passes consistency points. The states of tablespaces involved in the roll back return to normal, and all table objects, with the possible exception of indexes, are consistent.
You can use the RESTART option to restart a load operation that was interrupted or terminated abnormally. You do not have to specify extra information for the restart. A LOAD command that uses the RESTART option resumes from the last successful consistency point. An AUTOLOAD command that uses the RESTART option uses the same unmodified CFG file used by the original AUTOLOAD command.
Incremental indexing, a technique available with DB2 Universal Database Version 6, can automatically improve the performance of load operations. Your data loading operations benefit from the performance boost without any effort on your part. The load utilities decide at run time to either rebuild indexes or extend indexes incrementally, depending on the estimated cost of each option.
DB2 Universal Database Version 6 enables you to specify the Delimiter Priority (DELPRIORITYCHAR) option for all LOAD, IMPORT, and AUTOLOAD operations. By default, the record delimiter takes precedence over the string delimiter when DB2 loads data from a delimited data file. If, however, you specify the DELPRIORITYCHAR option for a LOAD, IMPORT, or AUTOLOAD operation, the sequence of delimiter priority is:
For more information on the Delimiter Priority option, refer to the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference .
DB2 Universal Database Version 6 improves the performance of LOAD operations that add data to an existing table. In most cases, DB2 only checks the appended portion of the table for violations of constraints created with the SET CONSTRAINTS statement. There are, however, some cases in which DB2 checks the entire table to ensure data integrity.
For more information on LOAD INSERT, refer to the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference .