Lists containers for the specified table space.
This command returns information only for the node on which it is executed.
One of the following:
Required Connection
Command Syntax
>>-LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS FOR--tablespace-id--+-------------+--> '-SHOW DETAIL-' >--------------------------------------------------------------><
Command Parameters
If this option is specified, the following additional information about each container is provided:
The following is sample output from LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS:
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 0 Container ID = 0 Name = /home/smith/smith/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLT0000.0 Type = Path |
The following is sample output from LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS with SHOW DETAIL specified:
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 0 Container ID = 0 Name = /home/smith/smith/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLT0000.0 Type = Path Total pages = 895 Useable pages = 895 Accessible = Yes |
See Also