Lists packages or tables associated with the current database.
For the system catalogs SYSCAT.PACKAGES (LIST PACKAGES) and SYSCAT.TABLES (LIST TABLES), one of the following is required:
Required Connection
Database. If implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established.
Command Syntax
>>-LIST----+-PACKAGES-+---+--------------------------------+----> '-TABLES---' | .-USER-----------------. | '-FOR--+-ALL------------------+--' +-SCHEMA--schema-name--+ '-SYSTEM---------------' >-----+--------------+----------------------------------------->< '-SHOW DETAIL--'
Command Parameters
The following is sample output from LIST PACKAGES:
Bound Total Isolation Package Schema by sections Valid Format level Blocking ---------- --------- -------- ------------- -------- -------- --------- -------- P1 SMITH SMITH 1 Yes 0 CS U 1 record(s) selected. |
The following is sample output from LIST TABLES:
Table/View Schema Type Creation time ------------------ ---------------- ---------- ---------------------------- DEPARTMENT SMITH T 1997-02-19- EMP_ACT SMITH T 1997-02-19- EMP_PHOTO SMITH T 1997-02-19- EMP_RESUME SMITH T 1997-02-19- EMPLOYEE SMITH T 1997-02-19- ORG SMITH T 1997-02-19- PROJECT SMITH T 1997-02-19- SALES SMITH T 1997-02-19- STAFF SMITH T 1997-02-19- 9 record(s) selected. |
Usage Notes
LIST PACKAGES and LIST TABLES commands are available to provide a quick Version 1 interface to the system tables. However, Version 2 system tables offer a greater granularity of information, and should be used whenever possible.
The following Version 2 SELECT statements return similar information. They can be expanded to select the additional information that Version 2 provides.
select tabname, tabschema, type, create_time from syscat.tables order by tabschema, tabname; select pkgname, pkgschema, boundby, total_sect, valid, format, isolation, blocking from syscat.packages order by pkgschema, pkgname; select tabname, tabschema, type, create_time from syscat.tables where tabschema = 'SYSCAT' order by tabschema, tabname; select pkgname, pkgschema, boundby, total_sect, valid, format, isolation, blocking from syscat.packages where pkgschema = 'NULLID' order by pkgschema, pkgname; select tabname, tabschema, type, create_time from syscat.tables where tabschema = USER order by tabschema, tabname; select pkgname, pkgschema, boundby, total_sect, valid, format, isolation, blocking from syscat.packages where pkgschema = USER order by pkgschema, pkgname;