SQL2501C The database was restored but the data in the restored database was unusable.
Explanation: The RESTORE utility either could not read data from the restored database or only a portion of the database was restored. Both cases indicate that the restored database is not usable.
The database is unusable and the RESTORE utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the RESTORE command.
SQL2502C An error occurred while reading the backup files. Either the disk could not physically be read or the specified disk did not contain a valid backup.
Explanation: An operating system error occurred when the RESTORE utility was reading the diskette or disk, or the diskette or disk does not contain a backup of the database directory or does not contain the results of any previous backup.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: If the input drive specified is a diskette drive, check the diskette being used. If the input drive is a hard file, verify that it is the correct hard file. Resubmit the command with the correct input drive and the correct diskettes, if applicable.
SQL2503N The RESTORE was not successful. The backup used to restore the database contained the wrong database.
Explanation: The name of the database contained on the backup disk does not match the database name specified on the RESTORE command. The RESTORE utility cannot determine the name until after the database has been restored because a previous release backup image was restored.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: If the wrong database name was used in the command, resubmit the command with the correct database name. If the input drive specified is a diskette drive, check the diskette being used. If the input drive is a hard file, verify that it is the correct hard file. Resubmit the command with the correct input drive and the correct diskettes, if applicable.
SQL2504W Insert the first backup diskette into drive "<drive>".
Explanation: The RESTORE utility reads the first backup diskette to determine the path of the database directory that was backed up. If the backup media is a diskette and the diskette is not found in the specified input drive, the utility returns to the caller with this prompt. The calling program is expected to query the user and return to the utility with the user response.
The utility waits for a response from the caller.
User Response: Prompt the user for the diskette and return to the utility with the callerac parameter, indicating if processing continues or ends.
SQL2505W Warning! Database "<name>" resides at "<drive>". The files for this database will be deleted.
Explanation: If the database being restored already exists, its files will be deleted before the restore process starts. The utility returns to the caller with this warning. The caller is expected to query the user and return to the utility with the user response. Once the database is dropped, it cannot be accessed again.
The utility waits for response from the caller.
User Response: Warn the user that the database files will be deleted and return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating if processing continues or ends.
SQL2506W The database was restored, but there may be extra files in the database.
Explanation: If changes-only backups were performed and database files were deleted between backups, the RESTORE utility adds these deleted files back into the database. The restore process could not delete the extra files either because of an I/O error or by the failure of an internal connection to an internally stopped database.
The utility ends successfully.
User Response: Either use the database as it is or attempt to restore it again. Ensure that the DB2 configuration is compatible with the restored database configuration before rerunning the RESTORE utility.
SQL2507W The RESTORE utility is not bound to the database correctly.
Explanation: Because the RESTORE utility was not bound to the database or the package of the utility that was bound to the database is not compatible with the installed version of DB2, all the utilities have been rebound to the database. But there is a timestamp conflict between the installed version of DB2 and the package so the utility and bind file are not compatible.
The database is restored, but the utility is not correctly bound.
User Response: Reinstall DB2 or reapply recent updates and resubmit the utility command.
SQL2508N The Database Restore timestamp parameter "<timestamp>" is not valid.
Explanation: The timestamp parameter must contain either NULL or a portion of a valid timestamp, the portion consisting of complete components of a timestamp.
User Response: Resubmit the Restore operation with a valid timestamp value.
SQL2509N The database drive parameter is not valid.
Explanation: The drive specified does not exist, or the database does not exist on this drive or is not cataloged on this drive. RESTORE should use the db2uexit command to perform the database restore.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the utility command with a valid drive.
SQL2510N An operating system semaphore error occurred.
Explanation: An error occurred in the wait or post semaphore.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Stop the database manager, then restart it and resubmit the utility command.
SQL2511N The utility encountered an error "<error>" while dropping the database.
Explanation: The utility could not drop the database.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error number in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2512N The utility encountered an error "<error>" while creating the database.
Explanation: The utility could not create the database.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error number in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2513N The utility encountered an error "<error>" renaming the database.
Explanation: The utility could not rename the database.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error number in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2514C The RESTORE was not successful. The backup used to restore the database contained a database with a release number that is not compatible with the installed version of the database manager.
Explanation: The release number of the restored database is not compatible with the release number of the installed version of the database manager.
The utility erases the restored database and stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a backup that is compatible with the release level of the database manager.
SQL2515N The user does not have the authority to run the RESTORE utility against the database.
Explanation: The user attempted to execute the RESTORE utility without SYSADM authority.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Do not attempt to call the RESTORE utility command without appropriate authorization.
SQL2516N The RESTORE utility cannot complete because at least one database on the workstation is in use.
Explanation: In some situations, the RESTORE utility can attempt to move a database to a directory by renaming the directory associated with the database. This cannot be done if any databases are in use in any process on the workstation.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Wait until no databases on the workstation are in use and resubmit the command.
SQL2517W The restored database was migrated to the current release.
Explanation: The database being restored was backed up using a previous release of DB2. The RESTORE utility migrated it to the format of the current release.
The user who submitted the RESTORE command is given DBADM authority for the database. If there are other users, the database administrator with DBADM authority must grant authorization privileges to the specific database users.
The RESTORE utility completes successfully.
User Response: No action is required.
SQL2518N The RESTORE was not successful. An I/O error occurred while trying to restore the database configuration file.
Explanation: The database configuration file could not be restored due to an I/O error.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Determine whether the I/O error can be corrected. Resubmit the command.
SQL2519N The database was restored, but the restored database was not migrated to the current release. Error "<sqlcode>" with tokens "<tokens>" is returned.
Explanation: The backup image contains a previous release of the database. After the database files were restored, an attempt was made to migrate the database to the current release. The migration failed.
The utility finishes processing but the database was not migrated.
User Response: Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make changes and submit the Migrate command before using the database.
SQL2520W The database was restored. The backup version of the configuration file was used.
Explanation: When a database is restored, the current database configuration file is not always replaced with the backup version. The current database configuration file was not usable. It has been replaced by the backup version.
The utility completed successfully.
User Response: Some values in the database configuration file may be different after the restore process. Check that the configuration parameters are set to the desired values.
SQL2521W The database was restored, but an I/O error "<code>" occurred while deleting the .BRG file.
Explanation: The restore process ran successfully. The .BRG file was not deleted due to an I/O error.
The .BRG file is used to determine whether a Restore operation has terminated abnormally. The .BRG file resides in the local database directory of the database in question and consists of a filename equivalent to the database token and filetype of .BRG.
The utility completed successfully.
User Response: Try to delete the .BRG file. If you are unsuccessful, contact your technical service representative.
SQL2522N More than one backup file matches the timestamp value provided for the backed up database image.
Explanation: The backup image file filename consists of a database alias and a timestamp component. A filename is constructed from the source database alias and timestamp parameters provided in the Database Restore call. A portion of a timestamp may have been specified so that a match with more than one backup image filename was found.
User Response: Resubmit the operation by specifying a timestamp with sufficient timestamp components to result in a match to a unique backup file.
SQL2523W Warning! Restoring to an existing database that is different from the database on the backup image, but have matching names. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted.
Explanation: The database alias and name of the target database are the same as the backup image database alias and name. The database seeds are not the same indicating that the databases are not the same. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted. The current configuration file will be overwritten with the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2524W Warning! Restoring to an existing database which appears to be the same but the alias "<dbase>" of the existing database does not match the alias "<dbase>" of the backup image. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version.
Explanation: The database seeds of the target database and the database image are the same, indicating these are the same databases, the database names are the same, but the database aliases are not the same. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2525W Warning! Restoring to an existing database that is different from the database on the backup image, and the alias "<dbase>" of the existing database does not match the alias "<dbase>" of the backup image, but the database names are the same. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted.
Explanation: The database aliases of the target database and database image are not the same, the database names are the same, and the database seeds are not the same, indicating these are different databases. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted. The current configuration file will be overwritten with the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2526W Warning! Restoring to an existing database that is the same as the backup image database, and the alias names are the same, but the database name "<dbname>" of the existing database does not match the database name "<dbname>" of the backup image. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version.
Explanation: The database aliases of the target database and database image are the same, and the database seeds are the same, however the database names are different. These are the same databases. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2527W Warning! Restoring to an existing database that is different from the backup image database, and the database name "<dbname>" of the existing database does not match the database name "<dbname>" of the backup image, but the alias names are the same. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted.
Explanation: The database aliases of the target database and database image are the same, the database names are not the same, and the database seeds are not the same, indicating these are different databases. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted. The current configuration file will be overwritten with the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2528W Warning! Restoring to an existing database that is the same as the backup image database, but the alias name "<dbase>" of the existing database does not match the alias "<dbase>" of backup image, and the database name "<dbname>" of the existing database does not match the database name "<dbname>" of the backup image. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version.
Explanation: The database aliases of the target database and database image are not the same, the database names are not the same, and the database seeds are the same, indicating these are the same databases. The current database will be overwritten by the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2529W Warning! Restoring to an existing database that is different from the backup image database, and the alias name "<dbase>" of the existing database does not match the alias name "<dbase>" of the backup image, and the database name "<dbname>" of the existing database does not match the database name "<dbname>" of the backup image. The target database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted.
Explanation: The database aliases of the target and database image are not the same, the database names are not the same, and the database seeds are not the same, indicating these are different databases. The current database will be overwritten by the backup version. The Roll-forward recovery logs associated with the target database will be deleted. The current configuration file will be overwritten with the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2530N The backup image is corrupted. Restore of database from this backup image is not possible.
Explanation: The backup image being restored is corrupted making the database image non-restorable.
User Response: Discard the backup image as it is unusable. Restore from a previous backup if possible.
SQL2531N The backup image selected for restore is not a valid database backup image.
Explanation: The file selected for restore is not a valid backup image. Either the file selected has become corrupted or a backup tape is not at the correct position.
User Response: Determine the location of the correct backup image file, and resubmit the Restore command.
SQL2532N The backup file contains the backup image of database "<dbalias>" taken at timestamp "<timestamp>". This is not the backup image requested.
Explanation: The file selected for restore does not contain the requested backup image. The image is for a different database than that requested.
User Response: If using tape, ensure that the correct tape is mounted. If a restore or load is being done from disk, then the file must have been renamed. Rename the file to the correct filename with a match on database name and timestamp. Resubmit the command after taking the appropriate action.
SQL2533W Warning! The backup file on device "<device>" contains the image of database "<database>" taken at timestamp "<timestamp>". This is not the backup image requested.
Explanation: The backup image read from the tape position contains a media header that does not match the header of the image of the first file of the backup file sequence.
User Response: Ensure that the tape is positioned at the correct backup, then return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating if processing continues.
SQL2534W Warning! The media on device "<device>" is not positioned at a valid backup media header.
Explanation: The data read from the tape position does not contain a valid backup media header.
User Response: Ensure that the tape is positioned at the correct position, then return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating if processing continues.
SQL2535W Warning! End of media on device "<device>" has been reached. Please mount the next source media.
Explanation: The end of tape has been reached and there is still more data to be processed. The remainder of the backup or load source exists on another tape or on several more tapes.
User Response: Mount the next tape in sequence that contains the source image and resubmit the Restore or Load command with the callerac parameter set to continue or end.
SQL2536W Warning! The backup image on device <device> contains an incorrect sequence number. Sequence number <number> is expected.
Explanation: The tape is positioned on a backup image file that is out of sequence. The tape containing the backup image must be positioned to the file of sequence number "<sequence>" of the backup image.
User Response: Position the tape containing the backup image to the correct file and resubmit the Restore command with the callerac parameter set to continue or end.
SQL2537N Roll-forward is required following the Restore.
Explanation: SQLUD_NOROLLFWD was specified for the rst_type parameter of the Database Restore utility, indicating that a roll-forward is not required to make the restored database usable. The database to be restored was backed up in online mode and a roll-forward operation is necessary to make the database usable.
User Response: Resubmit the Database Restore command without specifying SQLUD_NOROLLFWD for the rst_type parameter.
SQL2538N Unexpected End of File of Backup Image reached on media "<media>".
Explanation: While reading and restoring from the Backup Image file, an end of file condition was reached unexpectedly. The backup image is unusable and the restore operation terminates.
User Response: Resubmit the Database Restore command with a usable backup image file.
SQL2539W Warning! Restoring to an existing database that is the same as the backup image database. The database files will be deleted.
Explanation: The database aliases, names and seeds of the target database and database image are the same, indicating these are the same databases. The current database will be overwritten by the backup version.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2540W Restore is successful, however a warning "<warn>" was encountered during Database Restore while processing in No Interrupt mode.
Explanation: The Database Restore utility was invoked in No Interrupt mode, i.e. SQLUB_NO_INTERRUPT or SQLUD_NO_INTERRUPT was specified. During the processing a warning was encountered but not returned at the time it was encountered. The Restore has completed successfully and the warning message found is shown at the completion in this message.
User Response: Ensure that the action that caused this warning to be generated has not resulted in a condition not wanted.
SQL2541W The utility was successful, however the file containing the backup image could not be closed.
Explanation: The utility was successful, but the file containing the backup image could not be closed.
User Response: Attempt to close the file containing the backup image.
SQL2542N No match for a database image file was found based on the source database alias and timestamp provided.
Explanation: The backup image file filename consists of a database alias and a timestamp component. A filename is constructed from the source database alias and timestamp parameters provided in the Database Restore call. No filename existed in the source directory that matched based on the source database alias and timestamp provided.
User Response: Ensure that the database backup image resides on the media source. Resubmit the operation by specifying a correct timestamp to result in a match.
SQL2543N The target directory specified for the database is not valid.
Explanation: The application calling the Restore utility has supplied a target directory for the new database to be created. Either this directory does not exist, or is not a valid directory for database creation. An invalid directory for database creation would be a directory of greater than 255 characters in length.
User Response: Reissue the Backup or Restore command with a valid target directory.
SQL2544N The directory where the database is being restored has become full.
Explanation: While the database was being restored the directory to which it was being restored had become full. The database being restored is unusable. The Restore terminates and if the database being restored is a new database, then it is deleted.
User Response: Free up sufficient space on the directory for the database, and reissue the Restore, or if restoring to a new database supply a directory with sufficient space to contain the database.
SQL2545W Warning! The backup image on the ADSM server is currently stored on mountable media. The time required to make it available is unknown.
Explanation: The backup image is not immediately accessible by the ADSM server. The restore process can continue and make the request to the server to retrieve the data. The time required is unknown.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2546N The image on media "<media>" is not the first in sequence from the backup or copy.
Explanation: During restore or load recovery, the first image from the backup or copy must be processed first. The image found on the media is not the first in sequence.
The utility waits for a response to continue.
User Response: Mount the media with the correct backup or copy image and return to the utility with the correct caller action parameter to indicate if processing should continue or terminate.
SQL2547N The database was not restored because the backup image is from a previous release and was an online backup.
Explanation: The physical log file formats have changed between these releases, making rollforward impossible.
User Response: Restore the database using the version of DB2 used to create the database and rollforward to the end of logs. Take an off-line full database backup at this time. This new backup image will be restorable on the new release of DB2.
SQL2548N Database codepage "<codepage1>" indicated in the backup image differs from that of the current on-disk database codepage "<codepage2>". The Restore operation has failed.
Explanation: The database contained in the backup image contains data stored in a codepage different from that of the database into which the data is being restored.
This problem can be caused by one of the following situations:
User Response:
SQL2549N The database was not restored because either all of the table spaces in the backup image are inaccessible, or one or more table space names in list of table space names to restore are invalid.
Explanation: The containers which were used by the table spaces in the backup image are not available, are already in use, or one or more table space names specified in the list on the restore command do not exist in the backup image.
User Response: Use redirected restore to redefine the containers for the table spaces in this backup image, or specify a list of valid table space names to restore.
SQL2550N Database backed up on node "<node1>" cannot be restored to node "<node2>".
Explanation: The backup image used for the restore is a backup of a database from a different node. You can only restore a backup to the same node.
User Response: Ensure that you have the correct backup image for the node then issue the request again.
SQL2551N Database with catalog node "<node1>" cannot be restored to a database with catalog node "<node2>".
Explanation: The catalog node can exist on only one node and there is a discrepancy between the backup image and the node being restored to. This can occur in the following cases:
User Response: Verify that the correct backup image is being restored.
If you are restoring to an existing database and want to change the catalog node to "<node2>", the existing database must be dropped first.
If you are restoring to a new database, restore the catalog node "<node1>" first.
SQL2552N Invalid report file name specifed in the restore command.
Explanation: The length of the report file name exceeded the allowed limit of 255.
User Response: Specify a report file name whose length is within the allowed limit and resubmit the restore command.
SQL2553I The RECONCILE utility completed successfully.
Explanation: The utility completed successfully.
User Response: No action necessary.
SQL2554N The RECONCILE utility failed with reason code "<reason-code>". Possible problem with "<component>".
Explanation: Possible Reason codes:
User Response: Possible Solutions:
SQL2560N The target database is not identical to the source database for a restore from a table space level backup.
Explanation: For a restore from a table space level backup, the target database must be either the original database from which the backup is taken or a new database.
User Response: Specify the correct target database and resubmit the utility command.
SQL2561W Warning! Restoring from a table space level backup to a database which does not exist. A database with the same attributes in the backup will be created.
Explanation: For a restore from a table space level backup, the target database must have the same attributes (database name, alias and seed) as the source database. If the database does not already exist, it will be created.
User Response: Return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating processing to continue or end.
SQL2562N Table space level restore from a full database backup is not allowed.
Explanation: For a restore from a full database level backup, the restore type cannot be table space level.
User Response: Specify a correct restore type or use a correct backup image and resubmit the utility command.
SQL2563W The restore process has completed successfully, but one or more table spaces from the backup were not restored.
Explanation: The restore process has completed successfully. One or more table spaces that are in the backup were not restored for one of the following reasons:
User Response: If this message is not due to a subset restore, use the query table space function to check the states of the table spaces. If a table space is in the "storage definition pending" state, the storage definition for the table space must be corrected for restore to complete successfully. See the Administration Guide for details about recovering the table space.
SQL2564N The pagesize of one or more table spaces in the backup image do not match that of the corresponding destination table spaces.
Explanation: The target table space pagesize must match that of the table space pagesize in the backup image. Restoring to a table space of a different pagesize is not supported. The default pagesize is 4K.
User Response: Ensure that the table space being restored into has the same pagesize as the table space in the backup image.
SQL2565N The option specified for RESTORE is not allowed with the backup image provided.
Explanation: The database contained in the backup image is an existing database and does not match the database to be restored. The option you have specified for restore requires that the database being restored to is new or the same as in the backup image.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct database name.
SQL2566W The restore process has completed successfully, but one or more table spaces have their tables put in DRP/DRNP state. Check the db2diag.log file for details.
Explanation: One or more table spaces have tables in DATALINK Reconcile Pending (DRP) or DATALINK Reconcile Not Possible (DRNP) because of one of the following reasons:
User Response: Look in the db2diag.log file to find out what tables are put in DRP/DRNP state. See the Administration Guide for information on reconciling tables that are in DRP/DRNP state.