SQL2400N The type specified in the BACKUP command is not valid. It must be either 0 to back up the entire database or 1 to back up only the current changes.
Explanation: The type must be either 0 for backing up the whole database or 1 for backing up changes only.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the utility command with the correct type.
SQL2401N "Backup changes only" cannot be performed until a backup of the entire database has been done. The type must be 0.
Explanation: A backup of changes only has been requested without requesting a backup of the entire database first, or an internal file has been damaged such that the BACKUP utility cannot determine whether a full backup had been taken. The backup of changes only cannot be used until after a backup of the entire database.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the utility command with the correct type.
SQL2403N The user does not have the authority to run the utility against the database.
Explanation: The user attempted to execute a database utility without either SYSADM or DBADM authority.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Do not attempt to call the utility command without appropriate authorization.
SQL2404N The backup target media is full. At least "<number>" free bytes are needed on the target media.
Explanation: The backup target media does not have enough space for creating an internal subdirectory and information file.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Prepare a backup media that has at least the specified number of bytes of free space and then resubmit the command.
SQL2405N The BACKUP cannot be performed because there is a previously incomplete RESTORE.
Explanation: The database is in an inconsistent state due to a system crash during a restore operation or due to an abnormally terminated RESTORE.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the RESTORE command.
SQL2406N The BACKUP cannot be performed because the database needs to be rolled forward.
Explanation: The backup failed because the database is in an inconsistent state.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Use the ROLLFORWARD command to make the database usable. Then resubmit the BACKUP command.
SQL2407N An I/O error occurred reading the file "<name>". The BACKUP cannot be performed because it cannot determine if a RESTORE was completed.
Explanation: The indicated file cannot be read due to the I/O error. Since the file exists, a BACKUP or RESTORE command must have not completed. Upon successful completion of the process this file is deleted.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Determine which process was executed previously. Delete the indicated file and resubmit the previous command.
SQL2408W The database was backed up, but an I/O error "<error>" occurred while deleting the file "<name>".
Explanation: The BACKUP command ran successfully. The indicated file was not deleted due to an I/O error.
The utility completed processing.
User Response: Try to delete the file indicated in the message.
SQL2409N When doing a BACKUP of changes only, the most recent backup image must be used.
Explanation: The user has attempted to perform a changes only backup but the backup image specified is not the most current backup or the previous backup of changes only failed.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Locate the most recent backup image and resubmit the command. If the most recent backup image cannot be located or if the previous backup of changes only failed, resubmit the command requesting a backup of the entire database rather that a changes only backup.
SQL2410N "Backup changes only" cannot be performed if the database is enabled for ROLLFORWARD or if the BACKUP is being done through a user exit.
Explanation: The user requested a changes only backup of a database with roll-forward enabled, or has requested a changes only backup through the user exit program.
User Response: Possible solutions include:
SQL2411C An I/O error occurred while running a utility. Either the disk could not be physically written to or has been filled.
Explanation: An operating system error occurred when the utility was writing to the disk or diskette. The actual return code can be found in the SQLERRD[0]field of the SQLCA.
User Response: Look at the error return code in the SQLERRD[0] field of the SQLCA. Correct the error, if possible, and resubmit the command.
SQL2412C A corrupted database page was encountered while running a database utility.
Explanation: During the utility operation a corrupted database page was encountered. The database is in an unpredictable state and the utility cannot continue.
User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE).
If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your technical service representative with the following information:
SQL2413N Online backup is not allowed because either logretain or userexit for roll-forward is not activated, or a backup pending condition is in effect for the database.
Explanation: Online backup cannot be performed while the database is not logging for forward recovery as forward recovery will be required at restore time. Forward recovery is placed into effect by setting either the database configuration logretain parameter or the userexit parameter, and then performing an offline backup of the database.
User Response: Execute an offline backup or reconfigure the database for roll-forward recovery and issue an offline backup so that subsequent online backups will be allowed.
SQL2414W Warning! Insufficient space on device "<device>" to contain backup control information. This media will not contain backup information.
Explanation: During the Backup operation a new media was mounted and positioned after one or more media became full. There is not enough space on this media to contain the Backup Control Information and the media should not be included during the Restore operation.
User Response: Mount a new media, or reposition the current media to provide enough space for this header, then return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating if processing continues.
SQL2416W Warning! Device "<device>" is full. Please mount new media.
Explanation: The tape which the utility is using has become full.
User Response: Mount another tape and continue the operation with the callerac parameter indicating if processing continues.
SQL2418N The database specified for Backup does not exist.
Explanation: The database specified in the dbase parameter of the Database Backup command could not be found.
User Response: Ensure that the correct database alias was specified for the Backup Database utility and that the database exists for this alias. Resubmit the command with the correct alias.
SQL2419N The target disk "<disk>" has become full.
Explanation: During the processing of a database utility, the target disk became full. The utility has stopped and the target is deleted.
User Response: Ensure enough disk space is available for the utility or direct the target to other media, such as tape.
On unix-based systems, this disk full condition may be due to exceeding the maximum file size allowed for the current userid. Use the chuser command to update fsize. A reboot may be necessary.
On non unix-based systems, this disk full condition may be due to exceeding the maximum file size allowed for the operating system. Direct the target to other media, such as tape, or use multiple targets.
SQL2420N Insufficient space on device "<device>" to contain initial backup control information.
Explanation: During the Backup operation an initial backup header needs to be created at the start of the backup image. This header must fit on one tape when backing up to tape. There is insufficient space on the tape to contain this header.
User Response: Resubmit the Backup operation and either direct the output to a new tape, or reposition the current tape to provide enough space for this header.
SQL2421N Table space level backup is not allowed because roll-forward recovery is not enabled.
Explanation: Table space level backup cannot be performed while the database is not logging for forward recovery as forward recovery will be required at restore time. Forward recovery is placed into effect by setting either the database configuration logretain parameter or the userexit parameter, and then performing an offline backup of the database.
User Response: Execute a full database backup or reconfigure the database for roll-forward recovery and issue an offline backup so that subsequent table space level backups will be allowed.
SQL2422N The database cannot be backed up with a back-level backup API due to incompatible table space locations.
Explanation: This database contains table space(s) which have been defined in a location other than the database subdirectory. This is not compatible with the API being used.
User Response: Use the current backup API to backup the database.
SQL2423N The database cannot be backed up because some index files are missing.
Explanation: Some of the index files required by the backup are missing. These index files must be recreated prior to backing up the database.
User Response: Run the 'db2recri' program to recreate the missing index files and then resubmit the backup command.
SQL2424N The backup could not succeed because asynchronous copy operations at DB2 Data Links Managers are not complete.
Explanation: The ADSM or vendor supplied archive server might not be in operational state.
User Response: Ensure ADSM or the vendor supplied archive server is in an operational state and resubmit the backup command.