IBM Books

Message Reference

SQL20200 - SQL20299

SQL20200N The install or replace of "<jar-id>" failed as "<url>" could not be located.

Explanation: The URL specified on the install or replace jar procedure did not identify a valid jar file.

User Response: Reissue the install or replace jar procedure with a URL that identifies a valid jar file.

sqlcode: -20200

sqlstate: 46001

SQL20201N The install, replace or remove of "<jar-id>" failed as the jar name is invalid.

Explanation: The jar name specified on the install, replace or remove jar procedure was invalid. For example, the jar id may be of the improper format, may not exist to be replaced or removed, or can not be installed as it already exists.

User Response: Ensure the jar id is of the correct format. If the jar id exists, it may need to be removed before it can be installed. For the remove or replace procedures, ensure the jar id exists.

sqlcode: -20201

sqlstate: 46002

SQL20202N The replace or remove of "<jar-id>" failed as "<class>" is in use.

Explanation: The specified class in the jar file is currently in use by a defined procedure, or the replacement jar file does not contain the specified class for which a procedure is defined.

User Response: Ensure all procedures referencing the classes being removed are dropped and resubmit the replace or remove procedure.

sqlcode: -20202

sqlstate: 46003

SQL20203N User defined function or procedure "<function-name>" has a Java method with an invalid signature.

Explanation: The signature of the java method used to implement the function or procedure was invalid. For example, the method may have parameters that are not mappable to the parameters on the corresponding create statement or the method for a procedure may specify a return value.

User Response: Reissue the corresponding CREATE statement specifying parameters that match the Java method, or correct the parameters or return type of the Java method and rebuild the class.

sqlcode: -20203

sqlstate: 46007

SQL20204N The user defined function or procedure "<function-name>" was unable to map to a single Java method.

Explanation: The identified function or procedure either failed to find a matching Java method, or found more than 1 matching Java method.

User Response: Correct either the Java method or corresponding create statement so that the function or procedure call resolves to a single Java method.

sqlcode: -20204

sqlstate: 46008

SQL20205N The user defined function or procedure "<function-name>" has an input argument with a null value that could not be passed to the method.

Explanation: A function created with "CALLED ON NULL INPUT" or procedure has an input parameter with a null value but the Java datatype of this argument does not support null values. Examples of Java datatypes that do not support null values are BOOLEAN, BYTE, SHORT, INT, LONG or DOUBLE.

User Response: If the method is to be called with null values, ensure the input Java types are capable of accepting a null value. For functions, the function could also be created with "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT".

sqlcode: -20205

sqlstate: 39004

SQL20206W The procedure "<function-name>" returned too many result sets.

Explanation: The specified procedure returned more results sets than were specified on the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.

User Response: Modify the procedure to return fewer result sets, or drop and recreate the procedure specifying the correct number of result sets.

sqlcode: +20206

sqlstate: 0100E

SQL20207N The install or remove jar procedure for "<jar-id>" specified the use of a deployment descriptor.

Explanation: The DEPLOY or UNDEPLOY parameter of the install or replace jar procedure was non-zero; this parameter is not supported and must be zero.

User Response: Reissue the procedure with the DEPLOY or UNDEPLOY parameter set to zero.

sqlcode: -20207

sqlstate: 46501

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