SQL20108N A result set contains an unsupported data type in position "<position-number>" for the cursor "<cursor-name>" opened by the stored procedure "<procedure-name>".
Explanation: The stored procedure named by procedure-name cannot return at least one of its query result sets named by cursor-name because at least one of the columns, column position-number contains a data type which is not supported by either the DRDA Application Requestor (client) or the DRDA Application Server (server). As such the call to the stored procedure fails.
User Response: Modify the OPEN statement (and subsequent FETCH statements) for cursor cursor-name in the stored procedure procedure-name on the server to not select the unsupported data type in column position-number. The client application which invoked the stored procedure may need to be modified to reflect the change in the stored procedure.
sqlcode: -20108
sqlstate: 56084
SQL20109W Error in DB2 debugger support. Reason code: "<reason-code>".
Explanation: The debugger support had an error situation which will disable debugging, but not affect normal execution. The following is a list of reason codes:
User Response:
sqlcode: +20109
sqlstate: 01637