IBM Books

Message Reference

SQL20100 - SQL20199

SQL20108N A result set contains an unsupported data type in position "<position-number>" for the cursor "<cursor-name>" opened by the stored procedure "<procedure-name>".

Explanation: The stored procedure named by procedure-name cannot return at least one of its query result sets named by cursor-name because at least one of the columns, column position-number contains a data type which is not supported by either the DRDA Application Requestor (client) or the DRDA Application Server (server). As such the call to the stored procedure fails.

User Response: Modify the OPEN statement (and subsequent FETCH statements) for cursor cursor-name in the stored procedure procedure-name on the server to not select the unsupported data type in column position-number. The client application which invoked the stored procedure may need to be modified to reflect the change in the stored procedure.

sqlcode: -20108

sqlstate: 56084

SQL20109W Error in DB2 debugger support. Reason code: "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The debugger support had an error situation which will disable debugging, but not affect normal execution. The following is a list of reason codes:

  1. The debugger support is not installed.

  2. There has been a syntax error in IP address of debugger client in the debugger table.

  3. A timeout in the communication between the debugger backend and the debugger client occurred.

  4. A problem occured accessing the debugger table DB2DBG.ROUTINE_DEBUG.

User Response:

  1. Verify that you install the debugger option on the DB2 server machine.

  2. Make sure that the IP address in the debugger table has the correct syntax.

  3. Check that the debugger demon on the client is started and that the ports on the client and server match.

  4. Verify that you have created the debugger tables with the correct layout.

sqlcode: +20109

sqlstate: 01637

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