Table 12. Class Code 23: Constraint Violation
Meaning |
23001 | The update or delete of a parent key is prevented by a RESTRICT update or delete rule. |
23502 | An insert or update value is null, but the column cannot contain null values. |
23503 | The insert or update value of a foreign key is invalid. |
23504 | The update or delete of a parent key is prevented by a NO ACTION update or delete rule. |
23505 | A violation of the constraint imposed by a unique index or a unique constraint occurred. |
23510 | A violation of a constraint on the use of the command imposed by the RLST table occurred. |
23511 | A parent row cannot be deleted, because the check constraint restricts the deletion. |
23512 | The check constraint cannot be added, because the table contains rows that do not satisfy the constraint definition. |
23513 | The resulting row of the INSERT or UPDATE does not conform to the check constraint definition. |
23514 | Check data processing has found constraint violations. |
23515 | The unique index could not be created or unique constraint added, because the table contains duplicate values of the specified key. |
23520 | The foreign key cannot be defined, because all of its values are not equal to a parent key of the parent table. |
23521 | The update of a catalog table violates an internal constraint. |