IBM Books

Message Reference

Class Code 22 Data Exception

Table 11. Class Code 22: Data Exception
22001 Character data, right truncation occurred; for example, an update or insert value is a string that is too long for the column, or a datetime value cannot be assigned to a host variable, because it is too small.
22002 A null value, or the absence of an indicator parameter was detected; for example, the null value cannot be assigned to a host variable, because no indicator variable is specified.
22003 A numeric value is out of range.
22007 An invalid datetime format was detected; that is, an invalid string representation or value was specified.
22008 Datetime field overflow occurred; for example, an arithmetic operation on a date or timestamp has a result that is not within the valid range of dates.
22011 A substring error occurred; for example, an argument of SUBSTR is out of range.
22012 Division by zero is invalid.
22018 The character value for the CAST, DECIMAL, FLOAT, or INTEGER scalar function is invalid.
22019 The LIKE predicate has an invalid escape character.
22021 A character is not in the coded character set.
22024 A NUL-terminated input host variable or parameter did not contain a NUL.
22025 The LIKE predicate string pattern contains an invalid occurrence of an escape character.
2202D Null instance used with a mutator method.
22501 The length control field of a variable length string is negative or greater than the maximum.
22504 A mixed data value is invalid.
22506 A reference to a datetime special register is invalid, because the TOD clock is malfunctioning or the operating system timezone parameter is out of range.
22522 A CCSID value is not valid at all, not valid for the data type or subtype, or not valid for the encoding scheme.

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