IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for UNIX**


  • Access Profile
  • creating (609)
  • using (607)
  • accessing data
  • through DB2 Connect (665)
  • through Net.Data or JDBC (670)
  • accessing multiple servers (618), (662)
  • accessing servers
  • overview (614)
  • TCP/IP (626), (636)
  • Administering Satellites Guide and Reference (862)
  • Administration Guide (842)
  • Administration Server
  • overview (710)
  • remove (794)
  • start (782)
  • stop (784)
  • Administrative API Reference (843)
  • ADSM
  • software requirements (467)
  • Alert Center (691)
  • APPC
  • software requirements (458), (499), (528), (537)
  • support on AIX
  • SNA Server (462)
  • support on OS/2
  • Communications Manager for OS/2 (507)
  • Communications Server for OS/2 (506)
  • support on Solaris
  • SunLink SNA (461), (517)
  • supported platforms (459)
  • APPC, CPI-C and SNA Sense Codes (845)
  • Application Building Guide (844)
  • application development
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (673)
  • Application Development Guide (846)
  • authority
  • levels (770)
  • C
  • cataloging
  • databases (643), (644), (731)
  • TCP/IP node (640), (642)
  • CD-ROM
  • installing DB2 Software Developer's Kit (566)
  • installing DB2 Universal Database (569)
  • CLI Guide and Reference (847)
  • Client Configuration Assistant
  • administering clients communications (605)
  • changing privileges (715)
  • client profiles (606)
  • exporting (613)
  • using (611)
  • overview (706)
  • searching the network (599)
  • using access profiles (608)
  • client profile
  • exporting (612)
  • clients
  • configuring (615)
  • installing (556)
  • operating systems supported (651), (652), (659)
  • overview (653)
  • CLP See using the command line processor (CLP)
  • Command Center
  • entering DB2 commands (712)
  • entering SQL statements (713)
  • overview (681), (685)
  • Command Reference (848)
  • commands
  • alter table (750)
  • db2admin (783)
  • db2ckmig (727), (748)
  • db2idrop (801), (802), (805)
  • db2imigr (743), (764), (767)
  • db2licd (737), (741)
  • db2start (773)
  • db2stop (736), (789), (804)
  • db2uiddl (774)
  • drop function (751)
  • drop trigger (752)
  • drop view (753)
  • mount (592)
  • rlogin (596)
  • smit_install_remove (810)
  • swremove (812)
  • SYSADM (771)
  • communication protocols
  • APPC (463), (475), (480), (486), (494) , (514), (523), (532)
  • IPX/SPX (464), (481), (487), (495), (516) , (524), (533)
  • Named Pipes (496), (525), (534)
  • NetBIOS (465), (497), (526), (535)
  • TCP/IP (466), (476), (482), (488), (498) , (515), (527), (536), (627)
  • configuring (637)
  • communications
  • configuring the client (604), (633)
  • managing (619)
  • Client Configuration Assistant (597)
  • Control Center (694)
  • supported protocols
  • TCP/IP (631)
  • configuration parameters
  • setting DB2 (721)
  • setting kernel (541)
  • SYSADM_GROUP (716)
  • configuring
  • TCP/IP (629)
  • configuring client communications
  • setting configuration parameters (621), (779)
  • using the Client Configuration Assistant (603)
  • using the command line processor (620)
  • configuring communications
  • overview (625)
  • using Client Configuration Assistant (598)
  • configuring server communications
  • setting DB2COMM (610)
  • connecting to the Internet using Net.Data (669), (675)
  • Connectivity Supplement (852)
  • Control Center
  • components (689)
  • overview (678), (683)
  • D
  • Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference (849)
  • database
  • authentication type (754), (761)
  • migration (769)
  • naming rules (817)
  • database access
  • two-phase commit (664)
  • database administration tools
  • Control Center (679)
  • overview (682)
  • database alias
  • naming rules (816)
  • database manager
  • stopping (790)
  • database objects
  • naming rules (821)
  • DB2 client
  • accessing databases (661)
  • installing (555)
  • Windows 9x (557)
  • Windows NT (558)
  • installing on OS/2 (565)
  • overview (654), (660)
  • platforms supported (657), (658)
  • software requirements (468)
  • DB2 Connect
  • overview (648), (666), (667)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for OS/2 and Windows NT Quick Beginnings (869)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings (870)
  • DB2 Connect Personal Edition Quick Beginnings (850)
  • DB2 Connect User's Guide (851)
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for AIX Quick Beginnings (871)
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT Quick Beginnings (872)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition
  • disk requirements (436)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings (867)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT Quick Beginnings (868)
  • DB2 Enterprise Edition
  • configuration planning (432)
  • memory requirements (433)
  • DB2 Installer See installation
  • DB2 library
  • books (841)
  • Information Center (879)
  • language identifier for books (876)
  • late-breaking information (877)
  • online help (840)
  • ordering printed books (884)
  • printing PostScript books (883)
  • searching online information (882)
  • setting up document server (880)
  • SmartGuides (839)
  • structure of (838)
  • viewing online information (878)
  • DB2 Personal Edition Quick Beginnings (863)
  • DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide (873)
  • DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide (874)
  • DB2 Query Patroller User's Guide (875)
  • db2 terminate command (738)
  • DB2 Universal Database
  • components included
  • Client Configuration Assistant (705), (707)
  • Control Center (684), (687)
  • DB2 client (656)
  • DB2 Performance Monitor (702)
  • DB2 Snapshot Monitor (671)
  • Visual Explain (696), (698), (701)
  • overview (688)
  • platforms supported (680)
  • software requirements (443), (457)
  • DB2 Workgroup Edition
  • configuration planning (431)
  • disk requirements (435)
  • memory requirements (430)
  • db2ckmig command (728), (742)
  • db2idrop command (800), (806)
  • db2imigr command (745), (766)
  • db2stop command (788), (803)
  • db2uiddl command (775)
  • developing applications
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (674)
  • disk requirements
  • client (440)
  • server (439)
  • Distributed Computing Environment
  • software requirements (460), (477), (483), (489), (502) , (520)
  • E
  • environment variables
  • db2profile script (580)
  • error handling
  • log (749)
  • migration (746)
  • execs
  • db2uexit.exe (756), (759)
  • db2uext2.exe (757), (760)
  • F
  • files
  • db2systm (798), (799)
  • fixed disks
  • hardware requirements (441)
  • G
  • Glossary (853)
  • H
  • hardware requirements
  • fixed disk (442)
  • I
  • installation
  • CID using SystemView LAN (564), (573)
  • clients
  • AIX (574)
  • HP-UX (575)
  • OS/2 (567), (568)
  • Solaris (576)
  • Windows 9x (559)
  • Windows NT (560)
  • DB2 Installer (550)
  • DB2 server on UNIX systems
  • removing DB2 products (781)
  • updating kernel components (539), (543), (544), (577), (581) , (582), (583), (584)
  • disk requirements
  • client (437)
  • server (438)
  • errors (562), (571)
  • log (563), (572)
  • memory requirements
  • client (423)
  • server (422)
  • mounting the CD-ROM (545), (585), (586)
  • AIX (546), (551), (587), (588)
  • HP-UX (547), (548), (552), (589), (590) , (591)
  • Solaris (549), (553), (593), (594)
  • remote (595)
  • servers
  • OS/2 (570)
  • UNIX installations
  • using DB2 Installer (554)
  • Installation and Configuration Supplement (854)
  • instances
  • naming restrictions (827)
  • removing (796), (807)
  • SPM instance creation (797)
  • stopping (787), (792), (793)
  • software requirements (500), (519)
  • verifying the connection (647)
  • J
  • Java Support (677)
  • Journal (692)
  • K
  • kernel configuration parameters
  • updating (540), (578)
  • L
  • LANG environment variable (835)
  • M
  • managing connections
  • client
  • overview (623), (708)
  • using the Client Configuration Assistant (601), (704)
  • using the command line processor (622)
  • server
  • overview (709)
  • using the Client Configuration Assistant (602)
  • using the Command Line Processor (624)
  • managing databases using the Control Center (686)
  • managing server communications
  • overview (695)
  • memory requirements
  • client (425)
  • estimating (428)
  • recommended (429)
  • server (424)
  • Message Reference (855)
  • Microsoft SNA Server
  • version required (538)
  • migration
  • data (739)
  • database (762), (768)
  • DB2 Version 2.x (722), (724), (732)
  • db2chkmig (747)
  • instance (734), (740), (763), (765)
  • post-installation (733), (735)
  • post-migration
  • rebinding packages (777)
  • unique index conversion (772)
  • updating database and database manager configuration (778)
  • updating statistics (776)
  • pre-migration (726), (730)
  • previous releases (723), (725)
  • user exit program (755), (758)
  • N
  • naming rules
  • database (818)
  • database alias (819)
  • database objects (820)
  • general (815)
  • groups (823)
  • instance names (825)
  • password (830)
  • userids (822)
  • username (561), (824)
  • workstation name (nname) (829)
  • National Language Support (NLS)
  • code set (833), (834)
  • codepage support (832), (836)
  • determining codepage (837)
  • Net.Data (505)
  • overview (672), (676)
  • NetBIOS
  • on the client (501)
  • Netfinity Server (503)
  • NLS See National Language Support (NLS)
  • O
  • operating systems
  • client (655)
  • P
  • parameters
  • setting kernel configuration (542), (579)
  • SYSADM_GROUP (714), (717)
  • password
  • naming rules (831)
  • Performance Monitor
  • using (697)
  • planning
  • DB2 configuration (426), (434)
  • DB2 Connect configuration (427)
  • privileges
  • required (718)
  • product
  • descriptions (650)
  • overview (649)
  • programs
  • db2chkmig (744)
  • protocols
  • TCP/IP (628)
  • Q
  • Quick Beginnings for OS/2 (864)
  • Quick Beginnings for UNIX (865)
  • Quick Beginnings for Windows NT (866)
  • R
  • removing
  • administration server (795)
  • product options (780), (808)
  • AIX (809), (813)
  • HP-UX (811), (814)
  • Replication Guide and Reference (856)
  • restrictions
  • instance name (826)
  • S
  • script
  • db2cshrc (786)
  • db2profile (785)
  • Script Center (690)
  • setting configuration parameters (617)
  • setting up client communications
  • using the Client Configuration Assistant (600)
  • using the command line processor (616)
  • setting up document server (881)
  • Software Developer's Kit See also Software Developer's Kit
  • overview (711)
  • software requirements
  • communication protocols (445), (447), (451), (454)
  • DB2 client (448), (469), (472), (491), (508) , (511), (521), (529)
  • DB2 Connect (449), (450), (452), (455)
  • DB2 Software Developer's Kit (446), (456), (470), (473), (479) , (485), (492), (509), (512), (522) , (530)
  • DB2 Universal Database (444), (453)
  • Net.Data (471), (474), (493), (513), (531)
  • SQL
  • access plans
  • viewing using Visual Explain (700)
  • SQL Getting Started (857)
  • SQL Reference (858)
  • starting
  • database manager (791)
  • privileges
  • controlling (720)
  • SYSADM_GROUP parameter (719)
  • system configuration
  • with DB2 Connect (668)
  • with DB2 Universal Database (663)
  • System Monitor Guide and Reference (859)
  • T
  • TCP/IP
  • client (630)
  • configuring (635)
  • preventing socket collisions (638)
  • setting up client-to-server (634)
  • software requirements (478), (484), (490), (504), (510) , (518)
  • troubleshooting (639)
  • Tools Setting (693)
  • Troubleshooting Guide (860)
  • U
  • user privileges See privileges
  • username
  • naming rules (828)
  • using the command line processor (CLP)
  • cataloging a database (645), (729)
  • cataloging a node (641)
  • connecting to a database (646)
  • V
  • verifying the connection
  • using the command line processor
  • TCP/IP (632)
  • Visual Explain
  • overview (699), (703)
  • W
  • What's New (861)

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