IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for UNIX**

Migrating Databases

To migrate databases owned by an instance, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Log on with a user ID that has SYSADM authority.

step  2.

Ensure that the databases you want to migrate are cataloged.

step  3.

Migrate the database. Refer to the Command Reference for the database migration syntax command.

Trouble-Shooting Database Migration Errors

The SQL1704N warning message, Database migration failed with reason code 6, is received because of a failure to relocate the database. To correct this error, you should check the db2diag.log file and do the following if you receive the following messages.

Table 16. Correcting SQL1704N warning messages
Error Message Cause/Action
Mount unmounted filesystem(s) failed. Manual remount is required before retrying migration. Please check fname. A problem was encountered when unmounting some of the filesystems. Attempts to clean up these unmounted filesystems also failed. Check the fname file and remount the listed filesystems before retrying the migration.
Unmount mounted filesystem(s) failed. No database relocation is done. Attempts to unmount some filesystem(s) failed. Remount the unmounted filesystems and try the database migration again.
Remount unmounted filesystem(s) to new mount points failed. Restart of database migration is needed. Attempts to remount filesystems to new mount points failed. Retry database migration.

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