************************************************************************* ** ** Source File Name = tload.sqb 1.2 ** ** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM ** ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 1999 ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ** ** PURPOSE: to show the usage of LOAD and QUIESCE APIs ** ** APIs : ** EXPORT sqlgexpr ** QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE sqlgvqdp ** LOAD sqlgload ** ** For more information about these samples see the README file. ** ** For more information on programming in COBOL, see the: ** - "Programming in COBOL" section of the Application Development Guide. ** ** For more information on Building COBOL Applications, see the: ** - "Building COBOL Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. ** ** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. ** ************************************************************************* Identification Division. Program-ID. "tload". Data Division. Working-Storage Section. copy "sqlenv.cbl". copy "sqlca.cbl". copy "sqlutil.cbl". EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION END-EXEC. 77 statement pic x(254). 01 userid pic x(8). 01 passwd. 49 passwd-length pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0. 49 passwd-name pic x(18). EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION END-EXEC. 77 errloc pic x(80). 77 stmt pic x(254). 77 impstmt pic x(254). 77 rc pic s9(9) comp-5. * Variables for IMPORT/EXPORT APIs 77 msgfile-x pic x(10) value "EXPMSG.TXT". 77 msgfile-x-len pic 9(4) comp-5 value 10. 77 fileformat pic x(3) value "DEL". 77 fileformat-len pic 9(4) comp-5 value 3. * Variables for the QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE API 77 tname-len pic s9(4) comp-5 value +9. 77 quiesce-mode pic s9(4) comp-5 value +2. 77 tname pic x(19) value "loadtable". * Variables for the LOAD API 77 lclfile-len pic s9(4) comp-5 value +7. 77 lclfile pic x(7) value "LOADMSG". 77 rmtfile-len pic s9(4) comp-5 value +8. 77 rmtfile pic x(8) value "RLOADMSG". 77 null-ind pic s9(9) comp-5. 01 datafile-len1 pic 9(4) comp-5 value 12. 01 datafile-ixf. 05 datafile-len pic 9(9) comp-5 value 12. 05 datafile pic x(12) value "EXPTABLE.IXF". 01 work-dir-ixf. 05 work-dir-len pic 9(9) comp-5 value 1. 05 work-dir-path pic x(12) value ".". 01 copy-dir-ixf. 05 copy-dir-len pic 9(9) comp-5 value 1. 05 copy-dir-path pic x(12) value ".". 01 lob-dir-ixf. 05 lob-dir-len pic 9(9) comp-5 value 1. 05 lob-dir-path pic x(12) value ".". 01 datafile-list. 05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE PIC X. 05 SQL-FILLER PIC X(3). 05 SQL-SESSIONS PIC S9(9) COMP-5. 05 SQL-TARGET. 10 SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-VENDOR REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-LOCATION REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 FILLER REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA PIC X(4). 01 work-dir. 05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE PIC X. 05 SQL-FILLER PIC X(3). 05 SQL-SESSIONS PIC S9(9) COMP-5. 05 SQL-TARGET. 10 SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-VENDOR REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-LOCATION REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 FILLER REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA PIC X(4). 01 copy-target. 05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE PIC X. 05 SQL-FILLER PIC X(3). 05 SQL-SESSIONS PIC S9(9) COMP-5. 05 SQL-TARGET. 10 SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-VENDOR REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-LOCATION REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 FILLER REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA PIC X(4). 01 lobpaths. 05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE PIC X. 05 SQL-FILLER PIC X(3). 05 SQL-SESSIONS PIC S9(9) COMP-5. 05 SQL-TARGET. 10 SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-VENDOR REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 SQL-LOCATION REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA USAGE IS POINTER. 10 FILLER REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA PIC X(4). * COMMON Variables among the above APIs 77 reserved-x pic s9(9) comp-5 value 0. 77 msgfile-len pic s9(4) comp-5. 77 filetype-len pic s9(4) comp-5 value 3. 77 msgfile pic x(1025). 77 filetype pic x(3) value "IXF". 77 callerac pic s9(4) comp-5. Procedure Division. tload Section. display "Sample COBOL program: TLOAD". display "Enter your user id (default none): " with no advancing. accept userid. if userid = spaces EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample END-EXEC else display "Enter your password : " with no advancing accept passwd-name. inspect passwd-name tallying passwd-length for characters before initial " ". display " ". * need to preset the size of structure field and counts move "select id,name from staff" to stmt. move "insert into imptable (id,name)" to impstmt. move SQLUEXPT-OUT-SIZE to SQL-SIZE-OF-UEXPT-OUT. move 0 to SQL-COMMITCNT. move 0 to SQL-RESTARTCNT. move stmt to SQL-TCOLSTRG-DATA. move 25 to SQL-TCOLSTRG-LEN. move SQL-METH-D to SQL-DCOLMETH. move 0 to SQL-FILETMOD-LEN of SQL-FILETMOD. * connecting to SAMPLE database. EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample USER :userid USING :passwd END-EXEC. move "CONNECT TO SAMPLE" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. display "Exporting id and name from staff table into file: ", datafile. ********************* * EXPORT API called * ********************* call "sqlgexpr" using by value datafile-len1 by value fileformat-len by value msgfile-x-len by reference datafile by value 0 by value 0 by reference SQL-DCOLDATA by reference SQL-TCOLSTRG by reference fileformat by reference SQL-FILETMOD by reference msgfile-x by value SQLU-INITIAL by reference SQL-UEXPT-OUT by value 0 by reference sqlca returning rc. move "EXPORTING TABLE" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. display "Rows exported : ", SQL-ROWSEXPORTED. * drop the table just in case it already exists move "drop table loadtable" to statement. EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :statement END-EXEC. EXEC SQL COMMIT END-EXEC. * create the table loadtable EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE loadtable (num char(6), format varchar(10)) END-EXEC. move "CREATE TABLE loadtable" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. EXEC SQL COMMIT END-EXEC. move "COMMIT the CREATE TABLE" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. ********************************* * QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE * ********************************* move SQLU-QUIESCEMODE-EXCLUSIVE to quiesce-mode. call "sqlgvqdp" using by value tname-len by reference tname by value quiesce-mode by reference reserved-x by reference sqlca returning rc. move "QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. display "Tablespace for loadtable has been quiesced.". ******** * LOAD * ******** * initialize variables for the Load API move SQLU-SERVER-LOCATION to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of datafile-list. move +1 to SQL-SESSIONS of datafile-list. * set the pointer set SQL-MEDIA of datafile-list to address of datafile-len. move SQLU-INITIAL to callerac. move +0 to SQL-SESSIONS of work-dir. move SQLU-LOCAL-MEDIA to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of work-dir. set SQL-LOCATION of work-dir to address of work-dir-len. move +0 to SQL-SESSIONS of copy-target. move SQLU-LOCAL-MEDIA to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of copy-target. set SQL-LOCATION of work-dir to address of copy-dir-len. move +0 to SQL-SESSIONS of lobpaths. move SQLU-LOCAL-MEDIA to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of lobpaths. set SQL-LOCATION of lobpaths to address of lob-dir-len. move +0 to null-ind. move +0 to reserved-x. initialize SQLULOAD-IN. move SQLULOAD-IN-SIZE to SQL-SIZE-OF-STRUCT of SQLULOAD-IN. move +0 to SQL-SAVECNT of SQLULOAD-IN. move +0 to SQL-RESTARTCOUNT of SQLULOAD-IN. move +0 to SQL-ROWCNT of SQLULOAD-IN. move +0 to SQL-WARNINGCNT of SQLULOAD-IN. move +0 to SQL-DATA-BUFFER-SIZE of SQLULOAD-IN. move +0 to SQL-SORT-BUFFER-SIZE of SQLULOAD-IN. move +0 to SQL-HOLD-QUIESCE of SQLULOAD-IN. move " " to SQL-RESTARTPHASE of SQLULOAD-IN. move SQLU-STATS-NONE to SQL-STATSOPT of SQLULOAD-IN. move SQL-METH-D to SQL-DCOLMETH of SQL-DCOLDATA. initialize SQLULOAD-OUT. move SQLULOAD-OUT-SIZE to SQL-SIZE-OF-STRUCT of SQLULOAD-out. move "insert into loadtable " to impstmt. move impstmt to SQL-TCOLSTRG-DATA. move 21 to SQL-TCOLSTRG-LEN. move SQL-DEL to filetype. * Call LOAD API call "sqlgload" using by value filetype-len by value lclfile-len by value rmtfile-len by reference datafile-list by reference lobpaths by reference SQL-DCOLDATA by reference SQL-TCOLSTRG by reference filetype by reference SQL-FILETMOD by reference lclfile by reference rmtfile by value callerac by reference SQLULOAD-IN by reference SQLULOAD-OUT by reference work-dir by reference copy-target by reference null-ind by reference reserved-x by reference sqlca returning rc. move "LOAD" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. display "Load of table LOADTABLE is complete.". display "Rows loaded: ", SQL-ROWS-LOADED. display "Rows committed: ", SQL-ROWS-COMMITTED. EXEC SQL CONNECT RESET END-EXEC. move "CONNECT RESET" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. End-tload. stop run.