      ** Source File Name = restart.cbl  1.2 
      ** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
      ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 1999  
      ** All Rights Reserved. 
      ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
      ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
      ** PURPOSE: to restart a database when it has been abnormally terminated 
      ** APIs USED : 
      **        RESTART DATABASE        sqlgrstd() 
      ** For more information about these samples see the README file. 
      ** For more information on programming in COBOL, see the: 
      **    -  "Programming in COBOL" section of the Application Development Guide. 
      ** For more information on Building COBOL Applications, see the: 
      **    - "Building COBOL Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. 
      ** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. 

       Identification Division.
       Program-ID. "restart".

       Data Division.
       Working-Storage Section.

           copy "sqlenv.cbl".
           copy "sql.cbl".
           copy "sqlca.cbl".

      * Local variables 
       77 rc            pic s9(9) comp-5.
       77 errloc        pic x(80).

      * Variables used for the RESTART DATABASE API 
       77 dbname-len    pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
       77 passwd-len    pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
       77 userid-len    pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
       77 dbname        pic x(9).
       77 passwd        pic x(19).
       77 userid        pic x(9).

       Procedure Division.
       Main Section.
           display "Sample COBOL program: restart.cbl".

           display "Enter in the database name to restart :" with
              no advancing.
           accept dbname.

           display "Enter in your user id :" with no advancing.
           accept userid.

           display "Enter in your password :" with no advancing.
           accept passwd.

           inspect dbname tallying dbname-len for characters before
              initial " ".

           inspect userid tallying userid-len for characters before
              initial " ".

           inspect passwd tallying passwd-len for characters before
              initial " ".

           call "sqlgrstd" using
                                 by value       passwd-len
                                 by value       userid-len
                                 by value       dbname-len
                                 by reference   sqlca
                                 by reference   passwd
                                 by reference   userid
                                 by reference   dbname
                           returning rc.
           move "RESTART DATABASE" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "The database has been successfully RESTARTED".
           stop run.