** Source File Name = multicon.c  1.3                                      
** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   
** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 1999
** All Rights Reserved.                                                   
** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            
** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      
**    PURPOSE :                                                           
**    - Demonstrate connecting to multiple data sources.
**    - Print Connection information
**    - Disconnect from each data source
**    - Basic error handling only
** For more information about these samples see the README file.
** For more information on programming in CLI see the:
**     - "Building CLI Applications" section of the Application Building Guide, and the
**     - CLI Guide and Reference.
** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sqlcli1.h>
#include "samputil.h"          /* Header file for CLI sample code */

/* For the Macintosh environment when generating 68K applications */
#ifdef DB268K
   /* Need to include ASLM for 68K applications */
   #include <LibraryManager.h>


 Global Variables for user id and password.
 To keep samples simple, not a recommended practice.
extern SQLCHAR server[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1] ;
extern SQLCHAR uid[MAX_UID_LENGTH + 1] ;
extern SQLCHAR pwd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH + 1] ;

/* main */
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {

    SQLRETURN rc ;

    int con = 0 ;
    char prompt[2] ;

/* For the Macintosh environment when generating 68K applications */
#ifdef DB268K
   /* Before making any API calls for 68K environment, need to initialize the
      Library Manager */

    /* allocate an environment handle */
    rc = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv ) ;
    if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS ) return( terminate( henv, rc ) ) ;

     Before allocating any connection handles, set Environment wide
     Connect Options
     Set to Connect Type 2, Syncpoint 1
    if ( SQLSetEnvAttr( henv,
                        ( SQLPOINTER ) SQL_COORDINATED_TRANS,
                      ) != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( ">---ERROR while setting Connect Type 2 -------------\n" ) ;
       return( SQL_ERROR ) ;

    if ( SQLSetEnvAttr( henv,
                        ( SQLPOINTER ) SQL_ONEPHASE,
                      ) != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( ">---ERROR while setting Syncpoint One Phase -------------\n" ) ;
       return( SQL_ERROR ) ;

    /* Connect to one or more data sources  */
    while ( con < MAX_CONNECTIONS ) {
       printf( "Connect to another Data Source?(Y or N)\n" ) ;
       gets( prompt ) ;
       if ( *prompt == 'y' || *prompt == 'Y' ) {
          rc = prompted_connect( henv, &hdbc[con] ) ;
          if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS ) return( terminate( henv, rc ) ) ;
          con++ ;
       else break ;

    /*********   Start Processing Step  *************************/
    /* allocate statement handle, execute statement, etc.       */
    /*********   End Processing Step  ***************************/

    /* Disconnect and Free each Connection */
    printf( "Disconnecting ...\n" ) ;
    con-- ;
    while ( con >= 0 ) {
       rc = SQLDisconnect( hdbc[con] ) ;
       CHECK_HANDLE( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc[con], rc ) ;
       rc = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc[con] ) ;
       CHECK_HANDLE( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc[1], rc ) ;
       con-- ;

    /* free environment handle */
    rc = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv ) ;
    if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS ) return( terminate( henv, rc ) ) ;

    return( SQL_SUCCESS ) ;
