/********** Start of Header ******************************************** ** ** Source File Name = asynrlog.sqc 1.3 ** ** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM ** ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999 ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ** ** ** PURPOSE: This sample program demonstrates the use of a sqlurlog ** (asynhronous log read) API. ** ** An external function "check_error" is contained in the file "util.c" ** which must be compiled along with this file. ** ** EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES : ** - Ensure existence of database for precompile purposes. ** - Precompile with the SQL precompiler (PREP in DB2) ** - Bind to a database (BIND in DB2) ** - Compile and link with the IBM Cset++ compiler (AIX and OS/2) ** or the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (Windows) ** or the compiler supported on your platform. ** ** For more information about these samples see the README file. ** ** For more information on programming in C, see the: ** - "Programming in C and C++" section of the Application Development Guide ** For more information on Building C Applications, see the: ** - "Building C Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. ** ** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. ** *********** End of Header ********************************************** * example tags in SQLB0206 API */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "sqlutil.h" #include "util.h" EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA ; #define CHECKERR(CE_STR) if (check_error (CE_STR, &sqlca) != 0) return 1; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SQLU_RLOG_INFO readLogInfo ; struct sqlca sqlca ; SQLU_LSN startLSN ; SQLU_LSN endLSN ; char *logBuffer ; unsigned long callerAction ; unsigned long logBufferSize ; int returnCode = 0 ; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char userid[9]; char passwd[19]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; printf( "Sample C program: ASYNRLOG\n" ); if (argc == 1) { EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample; CHECKERR ("CONNECT TO SAMPLE"); } else if (argc == 3) { strcpy (userid, argv[1]); strcpy (passwd, argv[2]); EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample USER :userid USING :passwd; CHECKERR ("CONNECT TO SAMPLE"); } else { printf ("\nUSAGE: asynrlog [userid passwd]\n\n"); return 1; } /* endif */ /* Initialize the sqlurlog() parameters to QUERY values */ callerAction = SQLU_RLOG_QUERY ; memset( &startLSN, 0, sizeof( startLSN )) ; memset( &endLSN, 0, sizeof( endLSN )) ; logBuffer = NULL ; logBufferSize = 0 ; memset( &readLogInfo, '\0', sizeof( readLogInfo )) ; memset( &sqlca, '\0', sizeof( sqlca )) ; /* Query the database log for database SAMPLE */ returnCode = sqlurlog( callerAction, &startLSN, &endLSN, logBuffer, logBufferSize, &readLogInfo, &sqlca ) ; if (( returnCode == 0 ) && ( sqlca.sqlcode == 0 )) { /* Reset the sqlurlog() parameters to READ values */ callerAction = SQLU_RLOG_READ ; /* Use a 50 * 4k buffer to store the returned log records */ logBufferSize = 50 * 4096 ; logBuffer = ( char * ) malloc( logBufferSize ) ; memset( logBuffer, '\0', logBufferSize ) ; /* Read the log sequence number range as passed back from the ** QUERY of the SAMPLE database */ memcpy( &startLSN, &readLogInfo.initialLSN, sizeof( startLSN ) ) ; memcpy( &endLSN, &readLogInfo.curActiveLSN, sizeof( endLSN ) ) ; memset( &readLogInfo, '\0', sizeof( readLogInfo )) ; /* Read the database log for database SAMPLE */ returnCode = sqlurlog( callerAction, &startLSN, &endLSN, logBuffer, logBufferSize, &readLogInfo, &sqlca ) ; } /* Disconnect from the database */ EXEC SQL CONNECT RESET ; }