Resets the internal database system monitor data areas of a specified database, or of all active databases, to zero. The internal database system monitor data areas include the data areas for all applications connected to the database, as well as the data areas for the database itself.
One of the following:
Required Connection
Instance or database:
To reset the monitor switches for a remote instance (or a different local instance), it is necessary to first attach to that instance.
Command Syntax
>>-RESET MONITOR------------------------------------------------> >-----+-ALL--+-----+---------------------------------+--------->< | '-DCS-' | '-FOR--+-----+--+-DATABASE-+---database-alias--' '-DCS-' '-DB-------'
Command Parameters
Usage Notes
Each process (attachment) has its own private view of the monitor data. If one user resets, or turns off a monitor switch, other users are not affected. Change the setting of the monitor switch configuration parameters to make global changes to the monitor switches .
If ALL is specified, some database manager information is also reset to maintain consistency of the returned data, and some node-level counters are reset.
See Also