Displays to standard output information about applications that are connected to host databases via DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition.
One of the following:
Required Connection
Instance. To list the DCS applications at a remote instance, it is necessary to first attach to that instance.
Command Syntax
>>-LIST DCS APPLICATIONS----+-------------+-------------------->< +-SHOW DETAIL-+ '-EXTENDED----'
Command Parameters
The following is sample output from LIST DCS APPLICATIONS:
Auth Id Application Name Appl. Outbound Application Id Handle -------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------------------- DDCSUS1 db2bp_s 2 0915155C.139D.971205184245 |
The following is sample output from LIST DCS APPLICATIONS EXTENDED:
List of DCS Applications - Extended Report Client application ID = 09151251.0AD1.980529194106 Sequence number = 0001 Authorization ID = SMITH Application name = db2bp Application handle = 0 Application status = waiting for reply Status change time = Not Collected Client DB alias = MVSDB Client node = antman Client release level = SQL05020 Client platform = AIX Client protocol = TCP/IP Client codepage = 819 Process ID of client application = 38340 Client login ID = user1 Host application ID = G9151251.GAD2.980529194108 Sequence number = 0000 Host DB name = GILROY Host release level = DSN05011 Host CCSID = 500 |
Usage Notes
The database administrator can use this command to match client application connections to the gateway with corresponding host connections from the gateway.
The database administrator can also use agent ID information to force specified applications off a DB2 Connect server.