IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Apply program messages

ASN1000SAn internal error occurred for message number "<number>". Its substitution fields are "<substitution_field_1>", "<substitution_field_2>", "<substitution_field_3>", "<substitution_field_4>", "<substitution_field_5>", "<substitution_field_6>", and "<substitution_field_7>". The error code is "<error_code>". The return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The message file for Apply was installed incorrectly.

User Response: Refer to the installation and configuration information in this book pertaining to your platform. Make sure the message file is installed in the correct directory. If it is, contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1001EThe Apply program encountered an SQL error.


Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an SQL statement.

User Response: Refer to your database messages reference for SQL.

ASN1002EThe "<table_name>" could not be locked. ERRCODE is "<error_code>", SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>", SQLERRM is "<sqlerrm>", SQLERRP is "<sqlerrp>", server name is "<server_name>", table name is "<table_name>"

Explanation: The Apply program could not lock the table.

User Response: Refer to your database messages reference.

ASN1003EThe Apply program could not connect to the server "<server>".


Explanation: The Apply program attempted to connect to the database and received a failing return code because either the database was not up or too many users were accessing it.

User Response: If you are running Apply under DB2 UDB for UNIX or under DataJoiner for UNIX, ensure that the LIBPATH environment variable is set to the same environment in which the Apply program starts. See Capture and Apply for UNIX platforms for more information.

Refer to your database messages reference for SQL.

ASN1004IThe trial version of Apply will end in nn days.

Explanation: You are using the trial version of DB2 DataPropagator. After nn days have passed, you will no longer be able to use DB2 DataPropagator unless you install the DataPropagator licensed feature of DB2 for OS/390.

User Response: None; however you might want to contact the person responsible for ordering the DB2 DataPropagator product.

ASN1005EThe trial period for the Apply program has expired.

Explanation: The trial period for the DB2 DataPropagator product has ended. You can no longer use this product until you order and install the DataPropagator licensed feature of DB2 for OS/390.

User Response: Contact the person responsible for ordering the DB2 DataPropagator product.

ASN1006EThe product registration module has unexpected content.

Explanation: The content of the registration module (ASNAPR61) for the DB2 DataPropagator feature is not as expected for this version of the DB2 DataPropagator product. No further use of the product is possible until you provide the correct registration module.

User Response: Verify that the DB2 DataPropagator feature was installed without errors. If errors occurred, correct them and try again.

If the DB2 DataPropagator feature installed without error and you are correctly accessing the feature-registration module (ASNAPR61), contact IBM customer service for assistance.

ASN1007EThe product trial module has unexpected content.

Explanation: The content of the DB2 DataPropagator trial module is not as expected for this version of the DB2 DataPropagator product. No further use of the product is possible until you provide the correct trial module.

User Response: Verify that the DB2 DataPropagator feature was installed without errors. If errors occurred, correct them and try again.

If the DB2 DataPropagator feature installed without error and you are correctly accessing it, contact IBM customer service for assistance.

ASN1008EThe subscription set with Apply qualifier "<qualifier>" and set name "<set_name>" is not defined correctly. ERRCODE is %3.

Explanation: The subscription set is not defined correctly.

User Response: Make sure that the WHOS_ON_FIRST column in ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET is specified correctly.

ASN1009EThere is no subscription set defined for Apply qualifier "<qualifier>".

Explanation: There is no subscription set defined for Apply qualifier "<qualifier>".

User Response: Define at least one subscription set for Apply qualifier "<qualifier>".

ASN1010EThe Apply program could not insert row "<row>" into the audit trail table due to the following error: "<error_code>".

Explanation: This is an SQL return code indicating that the audit trail table was not set up with the same structure as the table in Table structures.

User Response: Refer to Table structures and your database SQL manual.

ASN1011EThe copy request has incompatible source and target attributes. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: This is an SQL error code indicating that the attributes of the target table must be compatible with the attributes of the source table.

User Response: Refer to the BASE_STRUCTURE column in the register table for the compatibility of the source and target attributes.

ASN1012EThe source table structure is invalid. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: This is an SQL return code indicating that the source table structure in the register table was not set up according to the SOURCE_STRUCTURE column in the register table.

User Response: Refer to Table structures, the SOURCE_STRUCTURE column in the register table for valid source table structures.

ASN1013EThe target table structure is invalid. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The target table structure in the subscriptions target member table (ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR) was not valid.

User Response: Refer to Table structures for valid target table structures.

ASN1014EThe Apply program could not find a source for the copy request because it could not find the change data table. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The change data table was not defined in the register table because either the Apply program did not find the change data table name in the register table or the source table was not registered correctly.

User Response: Refer to Table structures and verify that the change data table is correctly defined in the register table (ASN.IBMSNAP_REGISTER CD_OWNER, CD_TABLE).

ASN1015IThe Apply program is waiting for the Capture program at server "<server_name>" to advance the global SYNCHTIME. Verify that the Capture program is running.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1016IRefresh copying has been disabled. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: While attempting to perform a full refresh, the Apply program encountered a DISABLE_REFRESH column in the register table which was set on.

User Response: Either turn off the DISABLE_REFRESH column or bypass the Apply program and perform a manual refresh.

ASN1017EApply could not find any target column names. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: Apply could not find any columns in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS subscription columns table.

User Response: Redefine the subscription set and subscription-set members (see Setting up your replication environment for instructions).

ASN1018IThe Apply program is processing subscription set "<set_name>"("<whos_on_first>"). ("<set_number>" of "<total_sets>").

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1019EThe target table does not have any key columns. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not find key column names in one of the columns requiring a primary key.

User Response: Redefine the subscription set and the subscription-set members (see Setting up your replication environment for instructions).

ASN1020SThe Apply program could not reserve a storage block. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not obtain the required (memory) storage.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1021SThe Apply program could not read the work file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not read the work file due to a system error.

User Response: Determine if the problem is caused by lack of space and contact your system administrator to obtain what is needed.

ASN1022SThe Apply program could not write into the work file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: Either the user does not have the proper access authority for one or all of the files or not enough space is left after writing to the target file.

User Response: Determine whether the problem is caused by a lack of access authority or a lack of space and contact your system administrator to obtain what is needed.

ASN1023SThe Apply program could not open the work file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not open the work file.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1024SThe Apply program could not close the work file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not close the work file.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1025IThe Apply program completed processing for subscription set "<set_name>"("<whos_on_first>"). The return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1026IThe Apply program encountered an error while trying to bind. SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of bind.

User Response: Refer to your database messages reference.

ASN1029EThe SQL statement could not execute. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The execution of the SQL statement specified by the user was not successful.

User Response: Refer to the SQLSTATE, SQLCODE, SQLERRO, and SQLERRM in the apply trail table and your database SQL manual for detailed information.

ASN1030SThe Apply program encountered an OS/2 error. The error code is "<error_code>"; the return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The execution of an OS/2 API failed.

User Response: For more information on the return code, refer to the OS/2 WARP Control Program Programming Reference.

ASN1031EThe SQL statement is empty. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The SQL statement is an empty string.

User Response: Specify the SQL statement to be executed.

ASN1032SThe Apply program log file could not be opened. The error code is "<error_code>"; the return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not open the log file.

User Response: For more information on the return code, either refer to the OS/2 WARP Control Program Programming Reference or to the system library information for your particular platform.

ASN1033EThe Apply program could not write to the Apply log file. The error code is "<error_code>"; the return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not write to the log file.

User Response: For more information on the return code, either refer to the OS/2 WARP Control Program Programming Reference or to the system library information for your particular platform.

ASN1034EStored procedures are not supported in DB2 for MVS/ESA V3. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: DB2, Version 3 does not support the stored procedure call.

User Response: Remove the stored procedure CALL statement from the statement table (ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_STMT).

ASN1035EThe Apply program could not access the subscription columns table.


Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an SQL statement.

User Response: Refer to your database messages reference for SQL.

ASN1036EThe column type "<col_type>" for expression "<expression>" is invalid. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The value for the COL_TYPE column in the subscription columns table is invalid.

User Response: Change the value to A, B, C, F, or R.

ASN1037EThe Apply program could not obtain the date and time. The error code is "<error_code>"; the return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The OS/2 API DosGetDateTime failed.

User Response: For more information on the return code, refer to the OS/2 WARP Control Program Programming Reference.

ASN1038ENo column names or expressions were specified in the subscription columns table.

Explanation: Column names or expressions for a copy statement must be specified.

User Response: Refer to Setting up your replication environment for more information about requirements for subscription definitions.

ASN1039SThe Apply program plan, "<plan_name>", could not be opened.


Explanation: The Apply program plan could not be opened.

User Response: Refer to the Apply for OS/390 Program Directory.

ASN1040SThe Apply program encountered an OS/390 error. The error code is "<error_code>"; the return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: Execution of an OS/390 system operation failed.

User Response: Refer to your OS/390 system library information.

ASN1041IThe Apply program was started using subsystem name: "<subsystem>".

Explanation: This is not an error message, however, you should make sure that the displayed subsystem name is valid.

User Response: Verify that the subsystem name is valid.

ASN1042WThere are too many invocation parameters.

Explanation: The number of parameters you specified when you invoked the Apply program exceeds the maximum allowed.

User Response: Refer to the Capture and Apply section for your platform for information on the appropriate number of invocation parameters.

ASN1043EThere is already one Apply instance running with this Apply program qualifier "<qualifier>". The error code is "<error_code>"; the reason code is "<reason_code>".

Explanation: Verification attempt failed.

User Response: Make sure that only one instance of the Apply program is running under this user ID on this subsystem or database.

ASN1044IThe Apply program will become inactive for "<number>" minutes and "<number>" seconds.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1045IThe Apply program was started using database "<database>".

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required unless this is not the intended database.

ASN1046SThe Apply program libraries are not authorized for the Authorized Program Facility (APF).

Explanation: The Apply program libraries must be APF authorized.

User Response: Authorize the Apply libraries.

ASN1048EThe execution of a copy statement failed. See the Apply trail table for full details: "<text>"

Explanation: A copy statement could not execute. In the message, "<text>"identifies the "<copy_server>", "<copy_owner, copy_table, stmt_number>", and "<cntl_server>".

User Response: Check the APPERRM fields in the audit trail table to determine why the copy statement failed.

ASN1049SThe Apply program encountered a system error. The error code is "<error_code>". The return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: Execution of a system operation failed.

User Response: Refer to the system library information for your particular platform.

ASN1050EThe Apply program encountered an invalid operation while updating the target table. The error code is "<error_code>". The invalid operation to be applied is "<operation>".

Explanation: The operation field of a row fetched from the source table is not valid.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1051EThe Apply program detected a gap between the source "<source>" table and the target table. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program has detected that the Capture program had lost change data before the Apply program could copy it. For example, the Capture program may have been cold started.

User Response: Check the control tables to determine why the gap is present. Take proper action to preserve data integrity before you reset the control table information to execute the definition again.

ASN1052EThe Apply program could not find the ASNLOAD program.

Explanation: The Apply program cannot find the ASNLOAD program in the current directory.

User Response: Make sure that ASNLOAD is in the directory from which you are invoking the Apply program.

ASN1053EThe execution of the ASNLOAD program failed. The return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The ASNLOAD program detected an error.

User Response: Refer to the messages files generated by the EXPORT and IMPORT utilities. Note that these files names are different for Apply for OS/2 and Apply for AIX.

ASN1054SThe Apply program could not find the registration information for source owner "<src_ownr>", source table "<src_tbl>", and source view qualifier "<src_view_qual>".

Explanation: The source table registration is incorrect or incomplete.

User Response: Drop the registration and redo it. Also make sure that the registration information is in both the register table and the pruning control table.

ASN1055SThe Apply program could not find the prune control information for source owner "<src_ownr>", source table "<src_tbl>", source view qualifier "<src_view_qual>", target owner "<tgt_ownr>", and target table "<tgt_tbl>".

Explanation: The source table registration is incorrect.

User Response: Drop the subscription and redo it.

ASN1056EThe Apply program could not connect to the server due to lack of user ID/password. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not find the password and user ID to connect to the server.

User Response: Make sure that the Apply program password exists. If you are using DB2 Universal Database Satellite Edition, make sure that the password and user ID are defined to the client systems.

ASN1057EThe Apply program could not read the password in the Apply password file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program found no password.

User Response: If you want to use the AUTHENTICATION=SERVER scheme, you must provide a password as described in the Apply program section in the Capture and Apply chapter for your platform.

ASN1058EThe Apply program could not close the password file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not close the password file.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1059EThe Apply program detected invalid syntax for line "<line>" in the password file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program could not recognize a line in the password file.

User Response: Correct the syntax error in the password file. See the Apply program section in the Capture and Apply chapter for your platform.

ASN1060EThe dynamic allocation for the temporary work file failed. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: A system error was encountered during dynamic allocation.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1061EAn invalid keyword parameter was specified. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: An invalid invocation parameter was specified and ignored by the Apply program.

User Response: Correct the invocation parameter. See the Apply program section in the Capture and Apply chapter for your platform.

ASN1063EA subscription set cannot have more than 200 members. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The number of subscriptions has exceeded the maximum allowed number of 200.

User Response: Remove excess members from the subscription.

ASN1066SAn internal Apply program error occurred. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: An internal Apply error occurred.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1067EThe Apply program has detected update conflicts and compensated rejected transactions. See the unit-of-work table for details. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: More than one application updated the same row in a table from different locations. Some transactions have been rejected and compensated.

User Response: See the ASN.IBMSNAP_UOW table for details.

ASN1068EThe Apply program has deactivated the subscription due to an RI violation. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: A referential integrity violation was detected when copying data from the source table to a replica. The Apply program has terminated and the subscription has been deactivated.

User Response: Correct the referential integrity error and reactivate the subscription.

ASN1069EThe Apply program has deactivated the subscription due to an RI violation. All the affected units-of-works have been marked in the unit-of-work table and compensated. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: A referential integrity violation was detected when replicating data from the replica to the user table. The Apply program has terminated and the subscription has been deactivated.

User Response: Correct the referential integrity error and reactivate the subscription.

ASN1070EThe Apply program could not lock the target table.


Explanation: The Apply program could not lock the target tables before it was to check update conflicts.

User Response: Verify that all the target tables are available before rerunning Apply.

ASN1071EThe Apply program has detected an error while reading the temporary work file. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Apply program has detected an error while reading the temporary work file.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1072EThe Apply program could not find the ASNDONE program.

Explanation: The Apply program could not find the user exit program, ASNDONE.

User Response: Verify that the ASNDONE program is located in the correct directory.

ASN1073EThe execution of the ASNDONE program failed. The return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: An error occurred while calling the user exit, ASNDONE.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN1097IThe Apply program stopped due to the above error.

Explanation: The error reported previously caused the Apply program to stop.

User Response: Fix the error reported before this message.

ASN1100IA user has stopped the Apply program.

Explanation: A user issued the STOP command to stop the Apply program.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1109INot all of the Jet database changes are applied due to an RI violation.

Explanation: There was at least one change in the row-replica target list table that violates the referential integrity (RI) of the source table.

User Response: Refer to the IBMSNAP_ERROR_INFO and IBMSNAP_ERROR_MESSAGE tables for more details.

ASN1110IThe Apply program created Jet database "<db_name>".

Explanation: The target database <db_name> was created.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1111IThe Apply program converted Jet Database "<db_name>" to a Design Master.

Explanation: The database that you specified is now a Design Master from which all Microsoft Jet Replicas will be created.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1115IODBC call was successful with sqlcode "<sqlcode>", sqlstate "<sqlstate>", and message "<message>".

Explanation: The ODBC call was successful, but a message was issued. This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1116EODBC call failed. sqlcode "<sqlcode>", sqlstate "<sqlstate>", and message "<message>".

Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an ODBC operation against either the DB2 ODBC driver or the MS Jet ODBC driver.

User Response: Refer to the appropriate ODBC reference for more information.

ASN1130EExecution of DAO call failed. ERRCODE "<error_code>", DAO error number "<error_number>", and DAO error message "<error_message>".

Explanation: An error occurred during a Microsoft Data Access Object (DAO) execution.

User Response: Refer to the Microsoft DAO reference for more information.

ASN1135EFile operation failed. File name is "<file_name>", error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: Open, close, read, or write operations failed.

User Response: Verify that the user has authority for the file operation. Also verify that there is enough space in the system.

ASN1200IThe asncopy program completed.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1201SPlace holder for generic message - internal error

Explanation: The asncopy program encountered an SQL error.


User Response: Refer to your database messages reference for SQL.

ASN1202EThe asncopy program encountered an SQL error. ERRCODE is "<error code>", SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>", SQLERRM is "<sqlerrm>", SQLERRP is "<sqlerrp>", table name is "<table name>".

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1203IThe asncopy program was stopped by the user.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1204EThe asncopy program encountered an incorrect keyword. The keyword is "<keyword>".

Explanation: A keyword was entered incorrectly.

User Response: Execute the command again, using the correct keyword.

ASN1205EThe asncopy program terminated due to a Capture program error.

Explanation: An inconsistency in Capture program executions has caused the asncopy program to end.

User Response: Refer to the trace produced by the Capture program (ASN.IBMSNAP_TRACE) or the asncopy program error log to determine the cause of the error.

ASN1206EThe asncopy program terminated due to an Apply program error.

Explanation: An inconsistency in Apply program executions has caused the asncopy program to end.

User Response: Refer to the apply trail table or the asncopy program error log to determine the cause of the error.

ASN1207EThe subscription for "<subscription>" was not activated.

Explanation: The selected subscription is inactive.

User Response: Either activate the subscription or select another one.

ASN1208EThe asncopy program could not find the subscription for set "<set>".

Explanation: The selected subscription does not exist.

User Response: Enter the correct subscription.

ASN1209EThe asncopy program could not find any eligible subscription.

Explanation: Either no subscription name was specified or the names specified are invalid.

User Response: Check the subscription names and be sure to enter the correct ones.

ASN1210EAn Apply qualifier must be specified following the keyword -q.

Explanation: You must specify an Apply qualifier following the keyword -q.

User Response: Specify an Apply qualifier following the keyword -q.

ASN1211ESet names must be specified following the keyword "<keyword>".

Explanation: You must specify the set names following the keyword (O, U, D, or S).

User Response: Reinitiate the asncopy program, specifying the keyword and then the set names.

ASN1212EA read-only set name "<set_name>" is found following the keyword "<keyword>".

Explanation: A read-only set name was specified following the keyword U or D.

User Response: Specify only replica for the keywords U and D.

ASN1214EThe set name "<set_name>" is specified more than once.

Explanation: The same set name cannot be specified in more than one list.

User Response: Reinitiate the asncopy program, being sure to specify each set name only once among all lists.

ASN1221ISet "<set_name>" has been successfully refreshed with "<number>"rows at "<time>".

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1222ISet "<set_name>" has successfully inserted "<number>" rows, deleted "<number>" rows, updated "<number>" rows at "<time>".

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1223EThe Apply program could not copy for set "<set_name>".

Explanation: The Apply program encountered a problem while copying.

User Response: Refer to the apply trail table or the asncopy program error log to determine the cause of the error.

ASN1230SThe asncopy program encountered a system error. The error code is "<error_code>"and the return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The asncopy program encountered an error in the database.

User Response: Trace the error and call your IBM Service representative.

ASN1240EA system error has been detected. The error code is "<error_code>", return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The asncopy program encountered an error in the database.

User Response: Trace the error and call your IBM Service representative.

ASN1242EA SQL error occurred. ERRCODE is "<error_code>", SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>", SQLERRM is "<sqlerrm>", SQLERRP is "<sqlerrp>", table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN1243EThere is no eligible subscription in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table.

Explanation: Either a subscription has not been selected or the apply qualifier is invalid.

User Response: Verify the subscription names and apply qualifier.

ASN1244EUser has not selected any set.

Explanation: A subscription set has not been selected from the ASNMOBIL dialog.

User Response: Select at least one set from ASNMOBIL dialog.

ASN1303EThe ASNSAT program encountered an incorrect invocation keyword. The keyword is "<keyword>".

Explanation: An unknown keyword parameter was specified.

User Response: Specify the correct keyword parameter.

ASN1304EThe ASNSAT program terminated due to a Capture error.

Explanation: The Capture program returned an error.

User Response: Determine the error from the Capture log file.

ASN1305EThe ASNSAT program terminated due to an Apply error.

Explanation: The Apply program returned an error.

User Response: Determine the error from the Apply log file.

ASN1309ECannot find default control database name from the directory.

Explanation: The user did not specify the control server name, and the Apply program could not find the default control server name from the directory.

User Response: Specify the control server name following the -n keyword.

ASN1310EThe ASNSAT program encountered a system error while attempting to invoke the Capture program. Return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: An operating system error occurred while calling asnccp.

User Response: Make sure that the Capture program is in the execution path.

ASN1311EThe ASNSAT program encountered a system error while attempting to invoke the Apply program. Return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: An operating system error occurred while calling asnapply.

User Response: Make sure that the Apply program is in the execution path.

ASN1312E The default target server, DB2DBDFT, is not set.

Explanation: The user did not specify the target server name, and the ASNSAT program could not determine the default database name from DB2DBDFT.

User Response: Specify the target server name following the -t keyword.

ASN1314EAn SQL error occurred while ASNSAT was getting the default Apply qualifier. SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: The user did not specify the Apply qualifier. The ASNSAT program encountered an error while retrieving the USER special register.

User Response: Specify the Apply qualifier following the -q keyword.

ASN1315ECannot connect to database server. SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to connect to the target database.

User Response: Refer to your database messages reference.

ASN1316EASNSAT encountered an error while trying to bind. The SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to auto bind.

User Response: Make sure that the bind file exists in the sqllib\bnd directory.

ASN1317EAn SQL error occurred while ASNSAT was getting the CD_TABLE value from ASN.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table. SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: An SQL error occurred while selecting from the register table.

User Response: Refer to your database messages reference.

ASN1318E An SQL error occurred while ASNSAT attempted to get the DB2 node type. SQLSTATE is "<sqlstate>", SQLCODE is "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: An error occurred while retrieving the node type configuration parameter.

User Response: Refer to your database messages reference.

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