IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Capture program messages

Note:For soft SQL errors, see the DB2 Messages Reference for your platform.

ASN0000SAn internal error occurred for message number "<number>". The error code is "<error_code>". The return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The message file for Capture was installed incorrectly.

User Response: Refer to the installation and configuration information in this book pertaining to your platform. Make sure the message file is installed in the correct directory. If it is, contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN0001EThe Capture program encountered an SQL error.


Explanation: A nonzero SQLCODE was returned when the Capture program issued an EXEC SQL statement.

User Response: See the messages and codes publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform for information about SQL return codes that use SQLERRML and SQLERRMC as substitution fields. Contact your DBA for more information.

ASN0002EThe Capture program could not connect to DB2.


Explanation: An error occurred when the Capture program issued either

User Response: See DB2 codes in the messages and codes publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform for the appropriate reason code.

For DB2 for OS/390 errors, see the section in the administration guide that describes the Call Attachment Facility. Contact your DBA for questions and diagnosis.

If you are running Capture under DB2 UDB for UNIX or under DataJoiner for UNIX, ensure that the LIBPATH environment variable is set to the same environment in which the Capture program starts. See Capture and Apply for UNIX platforms for more information.

ASN0003EThe Capture program could not open the plan.


Explanation: An error occurred when the Capture program tried to open the plan, ASNLPLAN.

User Response: See the DB2 Codes section in the messages and codes publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform to find the appropriate reason code. See the appropriate section in the administration guide publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform: "Call Attachment Facility".

ASN0004EThe Capture program could not start the trace.


Explanation: An error occurred when the START TRACE DB2 command was issued, or when Capture programread the DB2 log.

User Response: See the DB2 Codes section of in the messages and codes publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform to find the appropriate reason code. For more information, see either of the following sections in the administration guide publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform: "Call Attachment Facility" (CAF) for START TRACE DB2 errors, or the Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI) for DB2 log read errors, or contact your DBA. If CAF or the IFI returned a message, it is also printed on the system display console.

ASN0005EThe Capture program encountered an error while reading the DB2 log.


Explanation: An error occurred when the Capture program read the DB2 log. There might be an SQL error.

For Capture program for OS/390, a dump has been generated for this message. The output appears in the data set whose name is specified by the CEEDUMP DDNAME on your Capture program for OS/390 invocation JCL.

For DB2 DataPropagator, the "<return_code>" value is for the Asynchronous Read Log. For UNIX, the log file might not be in the path.

For Capture for VSE, the "<return code>" is for the VSE/VSAM GET macro.

For Capture for VM, the "<return code>" is for Diagnose X'A4'.

User Response: See the DB2 Codes section in the messages and codes publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform for the appropriate reason code.

For Capture program for OS/390, see the Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI) section in the administration guide publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform or contact your DBA.

For Capture for VSE, see the VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros, VSE/ESA System Macro Reference, and VSE/ESA V2R3 Messages and Codes manuals for more information.

For VM/ESA, see the VM/ESA Programming Services for more information.

For the IBM DPROPR Capture of Universal Database, see the active and archived database logs section in the administration guide for common servers or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0006EThe Capture program encountered an unexpected log error of unknown log variation. The routine name is "<routine>".

Explanation: An unexpected log error not reported by either:

occurred while the Capture program was processing the DB2 log records. The Capture program could not determine the type of SQL update associated with the log record.

For Capture program for OS/390, a dump has been generated for this message. The output appears in the dataset whose name is specified by the CEEDUMP DDNAME on your Capture program for OS/390 invocation JCL.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0007EThe Capture program encountered an unexpected log error of unimplemented data type. The routine name is "<routine>".

Explanation: An unexpected log error not reported by either:

occurred while the Capture program was processing the DB2 log records. The Capture program could not determine the type of SQL update associated with the log record.

For Capture program for OS/390, a dump has been generated for this message. The output appears in the dataset whose name is specified by the CEEDUMP DDNAME on your Capture program for OS/390 invocation JCL.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN0008IThe Capture program was stopped.

Explanation: The IBM Replication administrator stopped the Capture program using one of the valid methods.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0009EThe table was created without the DATA CAPTURE CHANGES (DCC) attribute.


Explanation: The source table was defined without the DCC attribute and the Capture program tried to capture changes for the replication source.

User Response:

  1. Stop the Capture program.

  2. Delete the replication source.

  3. Define the replication source again; if you do not have the Data capture is full-refresh only check box selected, the DB2 Control Center will alter the source table with the DCC attribute.

  4. Start the Capture program.

ASN0010EThe Capture program cannot obtain enough storage.


Explanation: The Capture program cannot continue processing because not enough free storage is available.

User Response: For Capture program for OS/390, ensure that the REGION parameter has enough storage allocated to run your job. If necessary, contact your OS/390 system programmer to determine the method for requesting sufficient storage.

For Capture for VM, a request to obtain virtual storage could not be satisfied. You might need to increase the size of the virtual machine in which Capture program runs.

For Capture for VSE, all available GETVIS storage has been exhausted. You might need to restart the Capture program after allocating a larger partition.

ASN0011EThe DB2 compression dictionary is not available or the IFCID 306 buffer is invalid.


Explanation: In the case of DB2 compression dictionary is not available error, the Capture program attempted to read log records for an old compression dictionary. DB2 for OS/390 only retains one version of the compression dictionary in memory. DB2 can only decompress log records for a compressed table if the compression dictionary used to compress the log records is still the current compression dictionary.

In the case of the IFCID 306 buffer being invalid, the control information is missing from the buffer.

For both cases, a dump has been generated for this message. The output appears in the dataset whose name is specified by the CEEDUMP DDNAME on your Capture program for OS/390 invocation JCL.

User Response: For the DB2 compression dictionary error, to avoid an unwanted cold start of the Capture program, you must capture all log records for a compressed table before creating a new version of the compression dictionary. Use the KEEPDICTIONARY option to retain the current version of the compression dictionary during routine REORG processing.

When you want a new compression dictionary for the table, you must synchronize running the REORG utility with running your updated applications and the Capture program as follows:

  1. Quiesce your updated applications.

  2. Let the Capture program capture all logged updates for the compressed table.

  3. Use the REORG utility on the compressed table, creating a new compression dictionary.

  4. Release your updated applications.

For the IFCID 306 buffer error, ensure all DB2 maintenance is current.

ASN0013EThe Capture program required a column that was not defined in the change data (CD) table.


Explanation: The user did not define an IBMSNAP required column in the change data table.

User Response: Ensure that the change data table definition is correct. Refer to Table structures for more information.

ASN0014EThe processing of the Capture program has fallen below a minimum level. The log record lags current time by "<number>" seconds. The routine name is "<routine>".

Explanation: The Capture program terminated because a high DB2 transaction rate caused the Capture program to run slower than the defined minimum level.

User Response: Refer to the Capture and Apply chapter for your platform for more information on the lag limit. Perform a cold start.

ASN0015EThe Capture program encountered a storage allocation error.


Explanation: A storage allocation error was detected; sufficient storage is not available. The Capture program might have been installed improperly.

For the Capture program on AIX, you might not have set the soft links for the component files to the shared directory.

User Response: Determine why memory could not be allocated by looking at the operating system and application task status. Contact your system programmer to determine the method of requesting the storage listed in the error message.

For Capture for AIX, determine whether you have set the soft links for the component files.

For Capture for VM, a request to obtain virtual storage could not be satisfied. You might need to increase the size of the virtual machine in which Capture program runs.

For Capture for VSE, all available GETVIS storage has been exhausted. You might need to restart the Capture program after allocating a larger partition.

ASN0016EThe Capture program could not begin capturing changes because there was no eligible replication source.


Explanation: The replication source information in the register table has not been defined.

The Capture program started but could not find source tables that were:

User Response: Ensure that the register table is defined properly. For more information about the register table, see Table structures. Verify that replication sources have been defined.

ASN0017EThe Capture program encountered a severe internal error and could not issue the correct error message. The routine name is "<routine>"; the return code is "<return_code>"; the error message number is "<error_message_num>".

Explanation: The Capture program could not retrieve the message from the Capture program messages file.

User Response: Edit the Capture program error message file. Locate the ASNnnnn error message number to determine which error message should have been issued. See the information about the error message in this listing to determine how to resolve the error.

ASN0018WThe Capture program did not process updates made to the register table rows. The routine name is "<routine>"; the table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: The user changed a replication source definition while the Capture program was running and then issued a REINIT command. The register table, which contains a row for each replication source, might not match the other replication source control tables.

User Response:

  1. Stop Capture.

  2. Delete the replication source.

  3. Redefine the replication source.

  4. Start Capture.

ASN0019EThe Capture program libraries are not authorized for the Authorized Program Facility (APF).

Explanation: The Capture program cannot process the STOP, SUSPEND, RESUME, or REINIT commands because the STEPLIB libraries are not authorized for APF.

User Response: Authorize the Capture link library for APF.

ASN0020INetview Generic Alerts Interface failure. The Netview return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: The Network Major Vector Transport (NMVT) could not be sent to Netview by the program because the program interface failed. This is a secondary informational message.

User Response: See the Netview programming documentation for a description of the return code to determine the interface error. The Capture program alerts will not be received by the System Services Control Point (SSCP) until the error is corrected.

ASN0021INetview Program to Program Interface unavailable. The Netview return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: Netview is unavailable. This is a secondary informational message.

User Response: See the Netview programming documentation for a description of the return code to determine the Netview problem. For example, the subsystem might not have been started.

ASN0022EDB2 release "<release>" is not supported. The routine name is "<routine>".

Explanation: The Capture program does not support this release of DB2.

User Response: Run the Capture program with the appropriate release of DB2.

ASN0023IThe Capture program successfully reinitialized the register table. The table name is "<table_name>"; the routine name is "<routine_name>".

Explanation: A REINIT command was issued and the updates were successfully made to the Capture programinternal control information. This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0024IThe Capture program did not need to reinitialize the register table. Table "<table_name>"did not change.

Explanation: The REINIT command was issued. No updates were made to the register table since initialization or the last REINIT. This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0025IThe Capture program reinitialized the register table. Table "<table_name>" has "<number>" potentially bad row(s).

Explanation: This message accompanies ASN0018W. Reinitialization was performed as requested despite potential problems reported in ASN0018W.

User Response: See ASN0018W.

ASN0026WThe Capture program could not allocate the trace buffer. The routine name is "<routine>"; the storage required is <required_storage>".

Explanation: A storage allocation error was detected; not enough storage is allocated for the trace buffer. The trace buffer is an information-only feature of the Capture program and the allocated storage is not required for the Capture program to run.

User Response: Contact your system programmer to determine the method of requesting the storage listed in the error message.

For Capture for VM, a request to obtain virtual storage could not be satisfied. You might need to increase the size of the virtual machine in which the Capture program runs.

For Capture for VSE, all available GETVIS storage has been exhausted. You might need to restart the Capture program after allocating a larger partition.

ASN0027WThe Capture program is already active.

Explanation: You tried to start more than one the Capture program per DB2 subsystem or database.

For VSE/ESA, Capture for VSE generates a unique lock name for each database. This lock name is already in use, indicating that Capture for VSE is already active for the database.

For VM/ESA, Capture for VM has determined that the resource ID used as a lock is already in use. The resource ID is specified on the ENQ_NAME parameter of the CAPTURE ASNPARMS file.

User Response: For DB2 for OS/390 subsystems, either run only one instance of the Capture program for all subsystems that are members of a data-sharing group, or run only one instance of the Capture program on any stand-alone system.

For other DB2 database platforms, run only one Capture program per database.

For Capture for VM, you can change the ENQ_NAME parameter in the CAPTURE ASNPARMS to ensure unique values for each Capture program if you want to run Capture for VM for more than one DB2 database on a system.

ASN0028IThe Capture program is suspended by operator command.

Explanation: The IBM Replication administrator suspended the Capture program and has entered a wait state. This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0029IThe Capture program is resumed by operator command.

Explanation: The IBM Replication administrator resumed the Capture program from a suspended state and the Capture program has continued running. This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0030IThe Capture program command entered by the operator was unrecognized.

Explanation: The IBM Replication administrator entered a command not recognized by the Capture program. The only valid commands are:

There are no parameters allowed for these commands.

User Response: Use only valid Capture program commands.

ASN0031EThe Capture program tuning parameters table can have only one row. The routine name is "<routine>"; the table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: The tuning parameters table was not defined correctly or has been updated with invalid rows.

User Response: Refer to Table structures to determine the correct format of this table. Remove any invalid rows.

ASN0033EThe Capture program could not reinitialize the register table. The table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: The IBM Replication administrator tried to reinitialize the Capture program, but there was an error in the register table. A user might have tried to update a replication source while the Capture program was running or suspended, and the register table might not match the other control tables.

User Response: This is a secondary message. See any preceding messages for more information about the error. See the Capture and Apply section for your platform for more information about reinitializing the Capture program and Table structures for information about the register table.

ASN0034EAn incorrect value was supplied for column "<column>"of the Capture program tuning parameters table. The routine name is "<routine>"; the table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: The tuning parameters table does not have the correct values. Values might be out of range.

User Response: Refer to the Capture and Apply section for your platform for more information. Check the lag limit, retention period and commit frequency.

ASN0035WSome rows were found in the register table with an unsupported architectural level. The routine name is "<routine>"; the table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: The register table version does not match the current version of the Capture program. The current version of the DB2 Control Center is not compatible with the version of the Capture program that you are running.

User Response: Refer to Table structures to check the required value for the ARCH_LEVEL column in the register table. Verify that the value in the register table at the source server is correct. If not, use compatible versions of the Control Center and the Capture program.

ASN0036EDB2 was terminated abnormally. The routine name is "<routine>".

Explanation: DB2 was terminated while the Capture program was still active.

For OS/390, VSE/ESA or VM/ESA, DB2 was terminated while Capture program was active and the user did not specify the NOTERM invocation parameter.

User Response: Start DB2 and start the Capture program.

ASN0037WDB2 was terminated in QUIESCE mode. The routine name is "<routine>".

Explanation: DB2 was terminated while the Capture program was still active.

User Response: Start DB2 and start the Capture program.

ASN0038EThe disconnect to DB2 failed. The routine name is "<routine>"; the return code is "<return_code>"; the reason code is "<reason_code>".

Explanation: DB2 was stopped in QUIESCE mode, but user wanted to leave the Capture program running. While terminating the connection to DB2, Capture program received an error returned code from the Call Attachment Facility (CAF).

User Response: Restart Capture program.

ASN0040EAn error was returned from the FORK function of "<platform>". The error is "<error_text>".

Explanation: An AIX FORK function returned a negative value. "<Error_text>"describes the error.

User Response: See AIX Calls and Subroutines Reference for information about FORK functions, use the provided error text to determine the error, or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0041EAn error was returned while getting the instance name. The reason code is "<reason_code>".

Explanation: The SQLEGINS API of DB2 Universal Database returned an error.

User Response: See the DB2 for common servers API Reference for information about the SQLEGINS API to determine the error or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0042EAn error was returned from the EXECLP function. The error is "<error_text>".

Explanation: The AIX EXECLP function returned a negative value. "<Error_text>" describes the error.

User Response: See the AIX Calls and Subroutines Reference for information about the EXECLP function or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0043EA child process of ASNLMAIN died.

Explanation: The child process created by ASNLMAIN terminated. Possible causes include:

User Response: Check the system processes for conflicts or contact your AIX system programmer.

ASN0044EThe child process has not called the dummy process after an extended wait.

Explanation: The child process was unable to call the dummy routine ASNLPVRF. The installation softlinks might not have been set.

User Response: Verify whether the installation softlinks have been set, check the system for problems, or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0045EAn error was returned from the MSGRCV function. The error is "<error_text>".

Explanation: The function MSGRCV returned an error. "<Error_text>" describes the error.

User Response: Use the provided error text to determine the error, or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0046EAn error was returned from the MSGGET function. The error is "<error_text>".

Explanation: The function MSGGET returned an error. "<Error_text>" describes the error. This error occurs during message handling.

User Response: Use the provided error text to determine the error, or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0047EAn error was returned from the FTOK function of "<platform>". The error is "<error_text>".

Explanation: The AIX function FTOK returned an error. "<Error_text>" describes the error.

User Response: See AIX Calls and Subroutines Reference for information about the FTOK function, use the provided error text to determine the error, or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0048EThe Capture program could not open the log file. The error is "<error_text>. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The Capture program could not open the log file. Some possible reasons are:

User Response: Contact your system programmer to determine the error or contact your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0050EThe Capture program encountered an error while writing to the error message file.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing to the Capture program log file.

User Response: Check the trace table for error messages.

ASN0053EAn error was returned by the Asynchronous Read Log API (SQLURLOG).


Initial LSN is


lastRead LSN is

CurActive LSN is

log Recswritten is

log Byteswritten is

Explanation: The Asynchronous Read Log API returned an SQLCODE in the SQL error message that preceded this message. The information in this message provides additional information about the SQL error.

User Response: See ASN0001E for information about SQLCODEs.

ASN0054EThe Capture program did not recognize the invocation parameter.

Explanation: An invalid invocation parameter was entered with the ASNCCP command.

User Response: Enter a valid invocation parameter.

See the Capture and Apply section for your platform for information about valid parameters.

ASN0055EThe Capture program encountered an SQLTYPE that is not supported in the origin table.


Explanation: The Capture program encountered an invalid SQL type. A table might have been defined as a replication source outside the DB2 Control Center and contains unsupported SQL types (for example, LONG VARGRAPHIC).

User Response: Delete the replication source and use the DB2 Control Center to define replication sources to ensure only valid types are defined. Or, when manually defining the replication source, ensure that the table has supported SQL types. See the messages and codes publication of the DB2 database manager on your platform to determine the invalid SQLTYPE.

ASN0056EASN.IBMSNAP_UOW table does not exist.

Explanation: The unit-of-work (UOW) table might have been dropped, or the source server database might have been dropped.

User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

ASN0100IThe Capture program initialization is successful.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0101WThe Capture program warm start failed because existing data is too old; a cold start will be attempted.

Explanation: The data in the change data tables is older than the value "<current_timestamp_lag_limit>". A cold start will be performed.

User Response: See Table structures for more information about warm and cold starts to determine why Capture program could not warm start.

ASN0102WThe Capture program will switch to cold start because the warm start information is insufficient.

Explanation: A problem occurred during the retrieval of the warm start information. The warm start table data was invalid. A cold start will be performed.

For DB2 Universal Database, an Asynchronous Read Log API error occurred while reading the log during warm start. For OS/390, an Instrumentation Facility Information (IFI) error occurred while reading the log during warm start.

User Response: See Table structures for more information about warm and cold starts to determine why Capture program could not warm start.

ASN0103IThe Capture program started with: "<server_name>".


Explanation: This is an informational message that displays the DB2 server name and the Capture program start up option.

For Capture for VSE and VM, the ENQ_NAME shows the name on which Capture program locks to make sure that there is only one Capture program running for any DB2 database. The lock name can be specified for VM/ESA by changing the ENQ_NAME parameter value in the CAPTURE ASNPARMS file.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0104IChange capture started for owner "<owner>", the table name is "<copy_table>" at log sequence number (LSN) "<log_sequence_number>".

Explanation: The Capture program was started for the table owner and table name at the specified log sequence number (LSN). This message is issued for each origin table for which the Capture program captures changes. This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0105IData that has been copied was pruned from the change data table and the unit-of-work table.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0106IThe Capture program is waiting for DB2 to come up.

Explanation: When the Capture program is initially brought up, if DB2 is not up at that time, the Capture program waits until DB2 is up. After DB2 is up, the Capture program makes the connection and begins to capture changes.

If the NOTERM option is specified in the Capture invocation parameters, and DB2 comes down smoothly, the Capture program waits for it to come back up.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0110ECapture for OS/390 Storage Dump. The Control Address is "<address>".

Explanation: This is an informational message printed at the top of storage dumps for severe errors. When a dump is generated for a message, the dump output appears in the dataset whose name is specified by the CEEDUMP DDNAME on your Capture for OS/390 invocation JCL.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0115IThe warm start control information was not supplied. The routine name is "<routine>"; the table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: The warm start table is missing or corrupted. This table provides a faster warm start. The Capture program will warm start.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0116IThe Capture program did not reinitialize the tuning parameters table. The routine name is "<routine>"; the table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: The REINIT command was issued, but tuning parameter information from the tuning parameters table was not available. The previous tuning parameter values were retained.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0117WWarm start control information was not saved. The routine name is "<routine>"; the table name is "<table_name>".

Explanation: An error occurred that prevented warm start information from being saved in the IBMSNAP_WARM_START table. Warm start can be attempted and can take longer because backup sources will be used.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0121EThe Capture program warm start failed because existing data is too old. The Capture program will terminate.

Explanation: The time of the warm start information exceeded LAG_LIMIT.

User Response: No response required; the Capture program will terminate because WARMNS was specified.

ASN0122EAn error occurred while reading the warm start information or DB2 log. The Capture program will terminate.

Explanation: A problem occurred while retrieving the warm start information. The warm start table data was invalid or for OS/390, an Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI) error occurred while reading the log during warm start.

User Response: No response required; the Capture program is terminating because WARMNS was specified.

ASN0123IThe highest log sequence number of a successfully captured log record is "<log_sequence_number>".

Explanation: The Capture program saved the highest log sequence number (LSN) in the warm start table. This is the point at which the Capture program finished successfully processing the log data.

User Response: No response required; this message accompanies termination.

ASN0124IThe prune command was accepted; the pruning action is queued.

Explanation: The IBM Replication administrator entered the prune command and the Capture program has queued the request. The Capture program will prune the change data (CD) table and the unit-of-work (UOW) table.

User Response: No response required.

ASN0125IThe current log sequence number of successfully processed log records is "<log_sequence_number>". The log timestamp is "<timestamp>".

Explanation: Capture program is processing the DB2 log at the log sequence number provided.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0126EThe Capture program encountered a syntax error. The Capture program will terminate.

Explanation: The Capture program encountered the wrong combination of invocation parameters.

User Response: Check the Capture and Apply section for your platform for more information about the START command syntax.

ASN0130IThe user requested that the Capture program start reading from the end of the DB2 log.

Explanation: The user specified the WRMSKPM parameter when invoking the Capture program.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0132IThe Capture program was invoked by asncopy with the mobile option.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0133IThe Capture program reached the end of the mobile transactions.

Explanation: This message is for your information only.

User Response: No action is required.

ASN0134EThe Capture program could not obtain the start of log information when it was invoked by asncopy with the mobile option.

Explanation: The Capture program was unable to locate the point in the log where it needed to start reading information.

User Response: Wait for subsequent messages which will provide more detailed information.

ASN0135EThe trial period for the Capture program has expired.

Explanation: The trial period for the DB2 DataPropagator product has ended. You can no longer use this product until you order and install the DataPropagator licensed feature of DB2 for OS/390.

User Response: Contact the person responsible for ordering the DB2 DataPropagator product.

ASN0136IThe trial version of Capture will end in nn days.

Explanation: You are using the trial version of DB2 DataPropagator. After nn days have passed, you will no longer be able to use DB2 DataPropagator unless you install the DataPropagator licensed feature of DB2 for OS/390.

User Response: None; however you might want to contact the person responsible for ordering the DB2 DataPropagator product.

ASN0137EThe product registration module has unexpected content.

Explanation: The content of the registration module (ASNLPR61) for the DB2 DataPropagator feature is not as expected for this version of the DB2 DataPropagator product. No further use of the product is possible until you provide the correct registration module.

User Response: Verify that the DB2 DataPropagator feature was installed without errors. If errors occurred, correct them and try again.

If the DB2 DataPropagator feature installed without error and you are correctly accessing the feature-registration module (ASNLPR61), contact IBM customer service for assistance.

ASN0138EThe product trial module has unexpected content.

Explanation: The content of the DB2 DataPropagator trial module is not as expected for this version of the DB2 DataPropagator product. No further use of the product is possible until you provide the correct trial module.

User Response: Verify that the DB2 DataPropagator feature was installed without errors. If errors occurred, correct them and try again.

If the DB2 DataPropagator feature installed without error and you are correctly accessing it, contact IBM customer service for assistance.

ASN0139EThe Capture program could not open the trace file. The error is "<error_code>".

Explanation: The user specified the TRCFILE option, but the Capture program could not open the trace file. Possible reasons are:

User Response: Contact your system programmer or your IBM Service Representative.

ASN0200EAn incorrect parameter "<parameter>" was passed to the Capture program.

Explanation: For VM/ESA, one of the following situations caused an error:

For VSE/ESA, an invalid parameter was specified on the ASNCCP invocation command.

User Response: Verify that the parameters supplied are valid. See the Capture and Apply section for your platform for more information about the ASNCCP command.

ASN0201EThe Capture program encountered a "<platform>" error. The routine name is "<routine>"; the function name is "<function>"; the return code is "<return_code>".

Explanation: On VM:


User Response: Correct the error as described in the platform documentation. On VM:


ASN0202EThe USERID parameter was not specified.

Explanation: The USERID parameter is required in the PARM= field on the EXEC job control statement that is passed to the Capture program.

User Response: Add the USERID= parameter, specifying the user ID and password, in the PARM= field and resubmit the job.

ASN0203ILinking to "<diskname>" minidisk"<diskowner>"as "<vdev>".

Explanation: The Capture program is about to issue an internal CP link command to the specified database minidisk.

User Response: If prompted, enter the minidisk password.

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