IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

How this book is structured

This book consists of the following parts:

Part 1: Introduction
Introduces the DB2 replication concepts and components, describes the typical replication configurations, guides you through a simple replication scenario using the DB2 Control Center, and outlines the major replication tasks that are described in the following chapters.

Part 2: Administration
Describes how to plan, set up, and maintain your replication environment.

Part 3: Operations
Describes how to operate the Capture and Apply programs for particular operating systems.

Part 4: Occasionally connected environments
Provides information about DB2 Universal Database Satellite Edition, DB2 DataPropagator for Micrsoft Jet, and DB2 mobile replication.

Part 5: The DB2 DataJoiner Replication Administration tool
Describes how to operate the DataJoiner Replication Administration (DJRA) tool.

Part 6: Reference information
Provides reference information for table structures, problem determination facilities, and messages.

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