To install DB2 Satellite Edition, perform the following steps:
Step 1. | On Windows NT, log on to the system with the user account that you created to perform the installation. | ||
Step 2. | Stop any other programs, including all DB2 services and Netfinity service programs, so that the setup program can update files as required. | ||
Step 3. | Insert the CD-ROM into the drive. The auto-run feature automatically starts the setup program. The setup program will determine the system language, and launch the setup program for that language.
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Step 4. | The Welcome window opens.
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Step 5. | Respond to the setup program's prompts. Online help is available to guide you through the remaining steps. Invoke the online help by clicking on Help or pressing F1 at any time. You can click on Cancel at any time to end the installation.
Note: | For information on errors encountered during installation, see the
db2.log file. The db2.log file stores general information
and error messages resulting from the install and uninstall activities.
By default, the db2.log file is located in the x:\db2log
directory, where x: represents the drive on which your operating system
is installed.
For more information, see Installation Problems. |
Based on your component selections, the installation program has:
Note: | These services are created if you are performing the installation using a user account without administration authority. |
On Windows NT, the DB2 instance is added as a service if the installation is performed by a user with local administration authority. If you selected Automatically start the DB2 instance at boot time, the service's start-up type is set to Automatic; otherwise, it is set to Manual.
On Windows 9x, if you selected Automatically start the DB2 instance at boot time, the db2start command is added to the Startup folder.
After performing an interactive install, when you reboot the satellite, the DB2 Synchronizer application is automatically started in test mode.
In test mode, you can use the db2sync -t command to perform the following tasks:
Note: | Before you enter the db2sync -t command, you must set up the DB2 control server by defining this specific satellite and an application version to a group. |
db2sync -t
For more information on the db2sync command, see Running a Test Synchronization and db2sync - Start DB2 Synchronizer.
Note: | If the satellite is remote to the DB2 control server, or is running a different version of DB2, or runs a different operating system, you need to bind the database utilities on the satellite, including the DB2 CLI, to the SATCTLDB database on the DB2 control server. This binding task only needs to be performed once, it does not need to be performed from every satellite. See Binding Utilities for details. |
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