During the installation of either the DB2 control server or of DB2 Satellite Edition on a satellite, errors can occur. Information that you can use to diagnose problems is logged in several locations. The sections that follow provide more detailed information.
You install the DB2 control server by selecting the Control Server component of DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition. Installation-related messages are logged as follows:
Where x: is the drive from which Windows NT is booted (the boot drive).
You can use any editor to examine the file that is created during the installation process.
When the installation program creates the satellite control database, SATCTLDB, messages from this operation are logged in the x:\sqllib\misc\satctldb.log file, where x: is the drive on which you installed DB2.
Installation messages for DB2 Satellite Edition are logged as follows on Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98:
Where x: is the drive from which Windows is booted (the boot drive).
You can use any editor to examine the file that is created during the installation process.
If you create a database during installation, messages from the create database operation are logged in the x:\sqllib\misc\satdb.log file, where x: is the drive on which you installed DB2.
If you perform a response file installation, and the response file imports client profile files to configure the database manager instance, error messages from the import process are written to the db2diag.log for each instance.
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