IBM Books

Administration Guide

Federated Database Query Compiler Phases

This section describes additional query processing phases in a federated database system. It also provides recommendations for improving federated database query performance. Major topics include:

Pushdown Analysis

Pushdown analysis tells the DB2 optimizer if an operation can be performed at a remote data source. An operation can be a function, such as relational operator, system or user functions, or an SQL operator (GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on).

Functions that cannot be pushed-down can significantly impact query performance. Consider the effect of forcing a selective predicate to be evaluated locally instead of at the data source. This approach could require DB2 to retrieve the entire table from the remote data source and then filter it locally against the predicate. If your network is constrained--and the table is large--query performance could suffer.

Operators that are not pushed-down can also significantly impact query performance. For example, having a GROUP BY operator aggregate remote data locally could, once again, require DB2 to retrieve the entire table from the remote data source.

As an example, assume that nickname N1 references the data source table EMPLOYEE in a DB2 for OS/390 data source. Further, assume that the table has 10,000 rows, one of the columns contains the last names of employees, and one of the columns contains salaries. Given the statement:

      WHERE LASTNAME  > 'B' AND SALARY > 50000

several possibilities are considered:

In general, the goal is to ensure that functions and operators can be considered for evaluation on data sources by the optimizer. Many factors can affect whether a function or an SQL operator is evaluated at a remote data source. The key factors are discussed in three groups: server characteristics, nickname characteristics, and query characteristics.

Server Characteristics Affecting Pushdown Opportunities

The following sections contain data source-specific factors that can affect pushdown opportunities. In general, these factors exist because DB2 lets you use a rich SQL dialect to submit queries. This dialect may offer more functionality than the SQL dialect supported by a server accessed during a DB2 query. DB2 can compensate for the lack of function at a data server, but doing so may require that the operation take place at DB2.

SQL Capabilities  Each data source supports a variation of the SQL dialect and different levels of functionality. For example, consider the GROUP BY list. Most data sources support the GROUP BY operator; but, some have restrictions on the number of items on the GROUP BY list or restrictions on whether an expression is allowed on the GROUP BY list. If there is a restriction at the remote data source, DB2 might have to perform the GROUP BY operation locally.

SQL Restrictions  Each data source can have different SQL restrictions. For example, some data sources require parameter markers to bind in values to remote SQL statements. Therefore, parameter marker restrictions must be checked to ensure that each data source can support such a bind mechanism. If DB2 cannot determine a good method to bind in a value for a function, this function must be evaluated locally.

SQL Limits  DB2 might allow the use of larger integers than its remote data sources; however, limit-exceeding values cannot be embedded in statements sent to data sources. Therefore, the function or operator that operates on this constant must be evaluated locally.

Server Specifics  Several factors fall into this category. One example is sorting NULL values (highest, lowest, or depending on the ordering). For example, if the NULL value is sorted at a data source differently from DB2, ORDER BY operations on a nullable expression cannot be remotely evaluated.

Collating Sequence 

Configuring a federated database to use the same collating sequence that a data source uses and then setting the collating_sequence server option to 'Y' allows the optimizer to consider "pushing-down" character range comparison predicates.

When a query from a federated server requires sorting, the place where the sorting is processed depends on several factors. If the federated database's collating sequence is the same as that of the data source where the queried data is stored, the sort may take place at the data source. If collating sequences are the same, the optimizer can decide if a local sort or a sort at the data source is the most efficient way to complete the query. Likewise, if a query requires a comparison of character data, this comparison can also be performed at the data source.

Numeric comparisons, in general can be done at either location even if the collating sequence is different. You may get unusual results, however, if the weighting of null characters is different between the federated database and the data source. Likewise, for comparison statements, be careful if you are submitting statements to a case-insensitive data source. The weights assigned to the characters "I" and "i" in a case-insensitive data source are the same. DB2, by default, is case sensitive and would assign different weights to the characters.

If the collating sequences of the federated database and the data source differ, DB2 retrieves the data to the federated database, so that it can do the sorting and comparison locally. The reason is that users expect to see the query results ordered according to the collating sequence defined for the federated server; by ordering the data locally, the federated server ensures that this expectation is fulfilled.

Retrieving data for local sorts and comparisons usually decreases performance. Therefore, consider configuring the federated database to use the same collating sequences that your data sources use. That way, performance might increase, because the federated server can allow sorts and comparisons to take place at data sources. For example, in DB2 UDB for OS/390, sorts defined by ORDER BY clauses are implemented by a collating sequence based on an EBCDIC code page. If you want to use the federated server to retrieve DB2 for OS/390 data sorted in accordance with ORDER BY clauses, it is advisable to configure the federated database so that it uses a predefined collating sequence based on the EBCDIC code page.

If the collating sequences at the federated database and the data source differ, and you need to see the data ordered in the data source's sequence, you can submit your query in pass-through mode, or define the query in a data source view.

See the Administration Guide, Design and Implementation for more information about collating sequences and how to set them; see Table 45 for more information about the collating_sequence server option.

Server Options  Several server options can affect pushdown opportunities. In particular, review your settings for collating_sequence, varchar_no_trailing_blanks, and pushdown. See "Server Options Affecting Federated Database Queries" for information on setting these options.

DB2 Type Mapping and Function Mapping Factors  The default local data type mappings provided by DB2 (see the Application Development Guide for data type tables) are designed so that sufficient buffer space is given to each data source data type (to avoid loss of data). A user can choose to customize the type mapping for a specific data source to suit specific applications. For example, if you are accessing an Oracle data source column with a DATE data type (which by default is mapped to the DB2 TIMESTAMP data type), you could change the local data type to the DB2 DATE data type.

DB2 can compensate for functions not supported by a data source. There are three cases where function compensation will occur:

Nickname Characteristics Affecting Pushdown Opportunities

The following sections contain nickname-specific factors that can affect pushdown opportunities.

Local Data Type of a Nickname Column  Ensure that the local data type of a column does not prevent a predicate from being evaluated at the data source. As mentioned earlier, the default data type mappings are provided to avoid any possible overflow. However, a joining predicate between two columns of different lengths might not be considered at the data source whose joining column is shorter, depending on how DB2 binds in the longer column. This situation can affect the number of possibilities in a joining sequence evaluated by the DB2 optimizer. For example, Oracle data source columns created using the INTEGER or INT data type are given the type NUMBER(38). A nickname column for this Oracle data type will be given the local data type FLOAT because the range of a DB2 integer is from 2**31 to (-2**31)-1, which is roughly equal to NUMBER(9). In this case, joins between a DB2 integer column and an Oracle integer column cannot take place at the DB2 data source (shorter joining column); however, if the domain of this Oracle integer column can be accommodated by the DB2 INTEGER data type, change its local data type with the ALTER NICKNAME statement so that the join can take place at the DB2 data source.

Column Options  The ALTER NICKNAME SQL statement can be used to add or change column options for nicknames.

One of these options is "varchar_no_trailing_blanks". It can be used to identify a column that contains no trailing blanks. The compiler pushdown analysis step will then take this information into account when checking all operations performed on columns so indicated. Based on this indication, DB2 may generate a different but equivalent form of a predicate to be used in the remote SQL statement sent to a data source. A user might see a different predicate being evaluated against the data source, but the net result should be equivalent.

Another column option is numeric_string. Use this option to indicate if the values in that column are always numbers without trailing blanks.

See Table 52 for column option values and defaults.

Table 52. Column Options and Their Settings
Option Valid Settings Default Setting

Yes, this column contains only strings of numeric data. IMPORTANT: If this column contains only numeric strings followed by trailing blanks, it is inadvisable to specify 'Y'.

No, this column is not limited to strings of numeric data.

By setting numeric_string to 'Y' for a column, you are informing the optimizer that this column contains no blanks that could interfere with sorting of the column's data. This option is helpful when the collating sequence of a data source is different from DB2. Columns marked with this option will not be excluded from local (data source) evaluation because of a different collating sequence.

varchar_no_trailing_blanks Indicates whether trailing blanks are absent from a specific VARCHAR column:

Yes, trailing blanks are absent from this VARCHAR column.

No, trailing blanks are not absent from this VARCHAR column.

If data source VARCHAR columns contain no padded blanks, then the optimizer's strategy for accessing them depends in part on whether they contain trailing blanks. By default, the optimizer "assumes" that they actually do contain trailing blanks. On this assumption, it develops an access strategy that involves modifying queries so that the values returned from these columns are the ones that the user expects. If, however, a VARCHAR column has no trailing blanks, and you let the optimizer know this, it can develop a more efficient access strategy. To tell the optimizer that a specific column has no trailing blanks, specify that column in the ALTER NICKNAME statement (for syntax, see the SQL Reference).


Query Characteristics Affecting Pushdown Opportunities

A query can reference an SQL operator that might involve nicknames from multiple data sources. When DB2 must combine the results from two referenced data sources using one operator, such as a set operator (e.g. UNION), the operation must take place at DB2. The operator cannot be evaluated at a remote data source directly.

Analyzing and Understanding Pushdown Analysis Decisions

Rewriting SQL statements can provide additional pushdown opportunities for DB2 query processing. This section introduces tools for determining where a query is evaluated, lists common questions (and suggested areas to investigate) associated with query analysis, and closes with a brief section about data source upgrades.

Analyzing Where a Query is Evaluated  There are two utilities provided with DB2 that show where queries are evaluated:

Understanding Why a Query is Evaluated at a Data Source or at DB2  This section lists typical plan analysis questions and areas to investigate to increase pushdown opportunities. Key questions include:

Data Source Upgrades and Customization 

Although the DB2 SQL compiler has much information about data source SQL support, this data may need adjustment over time because data sources can be upgraded and/or customized. In such cases, make enhancements known to DB2 by changing local catalog information. Use DB2 DDL statements (such as CREATE FUNCTION MAPPING and ALTER SERVER) to update the catalog. See the SQL Reference for more information.

Remote SQL Generation and Global Optimization

This phase helps produce a globally optimal access strategy to evaluate a query. For a federated database query, the access strategy may involve breaking down the original query into a set of remote query units and then combining the results.

Using the output of pushdown analysis as a recommendation, the optimizer decides whether each operation will be evaluated locally at DB2 or remotely at a data source. The decision is based on the output of its cost model, which includes not only the cost to evaluate the operation but also the cost to transmit the data or messages between DB2 and data sources.

The goal is to produce an optimized query; however, many factors can affect the output from global optimization and thus affect query performance. The key factors are discussed in two groups: server characteristics and nickname characteristics.

Server Characteristics/Options Affecting Global Optimization

Data source server factors that can affect global optimization include the:

Nickname Characteristics Affecting Global Optimization

The following sections contain nickname-specific factors that can affect global optimization.

Index Considerations  DB2 can use information about indexes at data sources to optimize queries. For this reason, it is important that the index information available to DB2 is current. The index information for nicknames is initially acquired at create nickname time. Index information is not gathered for view nicknames.

Creating Index Specifications on Nicknames 

You can create an index specification for a nickname. Index specifications build an index definition (not an actual index) in the catalog for use by the DB2 optimizer. Use the CREATE INDEX SPECIFICATION ONLY statement to create index specifications. The syntax for creating an index specification on a nickname is similar to the syntax for creating an index on a local table. See the Administration Guide, Design and Implementation for more information.

Consider creating index specifications when:

Consider your needs before issuing CREATE INDEX statements against a nickname for a view. In one case, if the view is a simple SELECT on a table with an index, creating indexes on the nickname (locally) that match the indexes on the table at the data source can significantly improve query performance. However, if indexes are created locally over views that are not simple select statements (for example, a view created by joining two tables), query performance may suffer. For example, if an index is created over a view that is a join of two tables, the optimizer may choose that view as the inner element in a nested loop join. The query will have poor performance because the join will be evaluated several times. An alternative is to create nicknames for each of the tables referenced in the data source view and create a local view at DB2 that references both nicknames.

Catalog Statistics Considerations 

Catalog statistics describe the overall size of nicknames and the range of values in associated columns. They are used by the optimizer when calculating the least cost path for processing queries containing nicknames. Nickname statistics are stored in the same catalog views as table statistics. See Chapter 20, System Catalog Statistics and Rules for Updating Table and Nickname Statistics for more information about statistic types and how to update them locally.

While DB2 can retrieve the statistical data held at a data source, it cannot automatically detect updates to existing statistical data at data sources. Furthermore, DB2 has no mechanism for handling object definition or structural changes (adding a column) to objects at data sources. If the statistical data or structural data for an object has changed, you have two choices:

Analyzing and Understanding Global Optimization Decisions

This section introduces tools for analyzing query optimization and presents common questions (and suggested areas to investigate) associated with query optimization.

Analyzing Query Optimization  There are two utilities provided with DB2 that show global access plans:

Understanding DB2 Optimization Decisions  This section lists optimization questions and key areas to investigate to improve performance. Key questions include:

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