IBM Books

Administration Guide

Chapter 20. System Catalog Statistics

When optimizing SQL queries, the decisions made by the SQL compiler are heavily influenced by the optimizer's model of the database contents. This data model is used by the optimizer to estimate the costs of alternative access paths that could be used to resolve a particular query.

A key element in the data model is the set of statistics gathered about the data contained in the database and stored in the system catalog tables. This includes statistics for tables, nicknames, indexes, columns, and user-defined functions (UDFs). A change in the data statistics can result in a change in the choice of access plan selected as the most efficient method of accessing the desired data.

Examples of the statistics available which help define the data model to the optimizer include:

Statistics for objects are updated in the system catalog tables only when explicitly requested. Some or all of the statistics may be updated by:

Within a federated database system, the only way to gather new statistics for nicknames from the data source is to drop the nickname, run the equivalent of RUNSTATS at the data source, and then re-create the nickname. Whenever a nickname is created, statistics on the underlying table are gathered from the data source catalog.

You must drop and then re-create nicknames if the data definition information in the underlying table changes. For example, if a column is added to a table definition.

In addition you should consider re-creating the nickname if query performance degrades. Another approach is to manually update statistics in the SYSSTAT.TABLES.

Use caution when creating a nickname for a view. The statistical information, such as the number of rows this nickname will return, might not reflect the real cost to evaluate this view. If the view is defined on a single base table with no column functions applied on the SELECT list, the statistical information available to the optimizer should be accurate. If the view is complex, consider creating new views over nicknames for the view base tables at the DB2 Universal Database server in the federated database system so the optimizer can generate an efficient plan to access the data.

Additional Information:

The SYSCAT and SYSSTAT catalogs contain information on the statistics gathered. See Appendix I, Catalog Views:

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