IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for DB2 Connect

Installation Steps

To install DB2 Universal Database on Linux systems, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values

Table 4 will help you determine the values required to install DB2 products and set up a DB2 instance. Before proceeding with the installation and configuration, complete the Your Value column in the table. If you want to choose the default value for a parameter, you do not need to provide any value in the Your Value column for that parameter. In Table 4, the only parameter for which a value is required is DB2 Product Name. All other parameters either have a default value or are optional.

Table 4. Parameter Values Required for Installation
Information Required for DB2 Installer Default Value Your Value

DB2 Product Name1


DB2 Product Messages2



DB2 Instance

User Name



System-generated UID

Group Name



System-generated GID


Note:You must select at least one DB2 product to install. You can optionally select one or more filesets in this product. There is a separate fileset for each locale. Refer to the Installation and Configuration Supplement online document for the names of filesets for DB2 Product Messages and Documentation.

Step 2. Mount the CD-ROM

To install your DB2 product using the DB2 Installer program, you must first mount the CD-ROM. Once you have mounted the CD-ROM, you can start the installation.

To mount the CD-ROM on a Linux workstation, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with root authority.

Step  2.

Insert the CD-ROM in the drive and mount it with a command similar to the following:

    mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom    

where /cdrom represents the mount point of the CD-ROM.

Step  3.

Log out.

Step 3. Install the DB2 Products

After you mount the CD-ROM file system, use the DB2 Installer program to install DB2.

To install your DB2 product, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with root authority.

Step  2.

Change to the directory where the CD-ROM is mounted by entering the following command:

   cd /cdrom

where /cdrom represents mount point of the CD-ROM.

Step  3.

Enter the ./db2setup command to start the DB2 Installer program. The Install DB2 V6 window opens.

Figure hint not displayed.

It will take some time for the DB2 Installer program to start up, as it is scanning your system for information.

Selecting installable products and components

Step  4.

From the product list on the Install DB2 V6 screen, select the products that you want to install.

Press the Tab key to change the highlighted option and the Enter key to select or deselect an option.

To display the components for a DB2 product that you want to install, select Customize. To go back to a previous window at any times, select Cancel.

Figure hint not displayed.

To refresh the current screen, press the F5 key or Ctrl+L

When you have finished selecting the DB2 product and its components, select OK to complete the installation.

For more information or assistance during the installation of any DB2 product or component, select Help.

Figure hint not displayed.

The DB2 Installer program will ask you to specify a username for fenced user defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures. When installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition, this does not apply; simply accept the default values.

When the installation is complete, DB2 software is installed in the /usr/IBMdb2/V6.1 directory.

Figure hint not displayed.

You can use the DB2 Installer program to add additional products or components after your initial installation. To create or add a new instance, an Administration Server, or additional DB2 products and components, enter the following command:


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