IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for DB2 Connect

Before You Begin

Before you begin the installation, be sure you have the following items and information:

__  1.

Ensure that your system meets all of the memory, hardware, and software requirements to install your DB2 product. For more information, see Planning for Installation.

__  2.

A username for the default DB2 instance. We recommend that you create a new group and use it as the primary group for the DB2 instance owner.

You can have the DB2 Installer create this username, or you can create it manually. The username for the default instance should conform to both your operating system's naming rules, and those of DB2. For more information on naming rules, see Appendix C, Naming Rules.

Figure hint not displayed.

When you use the DB2 Installer program, you should be aware of the following:

  • The DB2 Installer's db2setup command only works with Bash, Bourne, and Korn shells. Other shells are not supported.

  • You can generate a trace log, db2setup.trc, to record errors experienced during the installation. Run the db2setup command as follows:
       db2setup -d

    This creates a trace file, /tmp/db2setup.trc.

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