IBM Books

Administrative API Reference

How this Book is Structured

This book provides the reference information needed to develop administrative applications.

The following topics are covered:

Chapter 1. "Application Programming Interfaces"
Provides a description of all database manager APIs.

Chapter 2. "Additional REXX APIs"
Describes DB2 APIs that are only supported in the REXX programming language.

Chapter 3. "Data Structures"
Describes data structures used when calling APIs.

Appendix A. "Naming Conventions"
Explains the conventions used to name objects such as databases and tables.

Appendix B. "Transaction APIs"
Provides a description of transaction and heuristic APIs.

Appendix C. "Precompiler Customization APIs"
Describes how to contact IBM for information about the function and use of APIs that enable the customization of precompilers.

Appendix D. "Backup and Restore APIs for Vendor Products"
Describes the function and use of APIs that enable DB2 to interface with other vendor software.

Appendix E. "Threaded Applications with Concurrent Access"
Describes APIs that permit the allocation of separate environments or contexts for each thread within a process, enabling true concurrent access to a DB2 database.

Appendix F. "Satellite Synchronization APIs"
Describes APIs that can only be used on systems running DB2 Satellite Edition.

Appendix G. "DB2 Common Server Log Records"
Provides information on extracting and working with DB2 log records.

Appendix H. "Application Migration Considerations"
Discusses issues that should be considered before migrating an application to DB2 Version 6.

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