IBM Books

Administrative API Reference

Appendix H. Application Migration Considerations

This section describes issues that should be considered before migrating an application to Version 6.

There are four possible operating scenarios:

  1. Running pre-Version 6 applications against databases that have not been migrated

  2. Running pre-Version 6 applications against migrated databases

  3. Updating applications with Version 6 APIs

  4. Running Version 6 applications against migrated databases.

The first and the fourth are consistent operating environments that do not require qualification.

The second, in which only the databases have been migrated, should work without changes to any application, because back-level applications are supported. However, as with any new version, a small number of incompatibilities can occur, and these are described in the Administration Guide.

For the third scenario, in which applications are to be updated with Version 6 APIs, the following points should be considered:

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