Table 39. Command Line Processor (CLP) Sample Programs.
Sample File Name | File Description |
const.db2 | Creates a table with a CHECK CONSTRAINT clause. |
cte.db2 | Demonstrates a common table expression. The equivalent sample program demonstrating this advanced SQL statement is tabsql. |
flt.db2 | Demonstrates a recursive query. The equivalent sample program demonstrating this advanced SQL statement is recursql. |
join.db2 | Demonstrates an outer join of tables. The equivalent sample program demonstrating this advanced SQL statement is joinsql. |
stock.db2 | Demonstrates the use of triggers. The equivalent sample program demonstrating this advanced SQL statement is trigsql. |
testdata.db2 | Uses DB2 built-in functions such as RAND() and TRANSLATE() to populate a table with randomly generated test data. |
thaisort.db2 | This script is particularly for Thai users. Thai sorting is by phonetic order requiring pre-sorting/swapping of the leading vowel and its consonant, as well as post-sorting in order to view the data in the correct sort order. The file implements Thai sorting by creating UDF functions presort and postsort, and creating a table; then it calls the functions against the table to sort the table data. To run this program, you first have to build the user-defined function program, udf, from the C source file, udf.c. |