Release Notes

6Alternative Unicode conversion tables for the coded character set identifier (CCSID) 954

6The IBM coded character set identifier (CCSID) for the Japanese EUC code 6page is registered as CCSID 954. CCSID 954 is a common encoding for 6Japanese UNIX and Linux platforms. When using Microsoft ODBC 6applications to connect to a DB2 UDB database of CCSID 954, you might 6encounter a potential problem when converting data from CCSID 954 to 6Unicode. The potential problem is due to differences between IBM's 6code page conversion table and Microsoft's code page conversion 6table. The IBM conversion table conforms to the character names as 6specified in the Japanese Industry Standard (JIS) JISX0208, JISX0212, and 6JISX0221.

6The following characters, when converted from CCSID 954 to Unicode, will 6result in different code points depending on whether the IBM or Microsoft 6conversion table is used.

6Table 3. CCSID 954 to Unicode code point conversion

EUC-JP code point (character name) IBM primary code point (Unicode name) Microsoft primary code point (Unicode name)
X'A1BD' (EM dash) U+2014 (EM Dash) U+2015 (Horizontal Bar)
X'A1C1' (Wave dash) U+301C (Wave Dash) U+FF5E (Fullwidth Tilde)
X'A1C2' (Double vertical line) U+2016 (Double vertical line) U+2225 (Parallel To)
X'A1DD' (Minus sign) U+2212 (Minus sign) U+FF0D (Fullwidth hyphen-minus)
X'8FA2C3' (Broken bar) U+00A6 (Broken bar) U+FFE4 (Fullwidth broken bar)

6For example, the character EM dash with the CCSID 954 code point of 6X'A1BD' is converted to the Unicode code point U+2014 when using the 6IBM conversion table, but is converted to U+2015 when using the Microsoft 6conversion table. Due to this difference of conversion mapping, you 6might have two different code points for the same character in a DB2 UDB 6Unicode database, or in a graphic column of a DB2 UDB 954 database. 6This can create potential problems for Microsoft ODBC applications because 6they would treat U+2014 as an invalid code point. To avoid these 6potential problems, DB2 UDB provides the alternate Microsoft conversion table 6from CCSID 954 to Unicode, in addition to the default IBM conversion 6table. You need to replace the default IBM conversion table with the 6alternate Microsoft conversion table. Note that the default IBM 6conversion table from Unicode to CCSID 954 matches the Microsoft 6version.

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