Release Notes

6Replacing the Unicode conversion tables for coded character set (CCSID) 5039 with the Microsoft conversion tables

6When you convert from CCSID 5039 to Unicode, the DB2 UDB default code page 6conversion table is used. If you want to use a different version of the 6conversion table, such as the Microsoft version, you must manually replace the 6default conversion table (.cnv) file.


6Before replacing the existing code page conversion table file in the 6sqllib/conv directory, you should back up the file in case you want 6to change it back. On UNIX and Linux, the sqllib/conv 6directory is linked to the install path of DB2 UDB.


6For this to be effective, every DB2 UDB client that connects to the same 6database must have its conversion table changed. Otherwise the 6different clients might store the same character using different code 6points.


6To replace the DB2 UDB default conversion table for converting from CCSID 65039 to Unicode, follow these steps: 6

  1. 6Copy sqllib/conv/ms/5039ucs2.cnv to 6sqllib/conv/5039ucs2.cnv
  2. 6Restart DB2 UDB. 6

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