Appendix A. DB2 UDB FixPak CD directory structure

Windows operating systems
The files on the FixPak CD are located as follows:
Table 25. Windows files
Files Location
DB2 product files: x:\db2
Installation Prerequisites: x:\doc\<language>\install.txt
Installation Prerequisites (HTML): x:\doc\<language>\install.htm
License files: x:\db2\license
Release Notes: x:\doc\<language>\release.txt
Release Notes (HTML): x:\doc\<language>\db2ir\index.htm
UNIX operating systems
The files on the FixPak CD are located as follows
Table 26. UNIX files
Files Location
DB2 product files: /cdrom/db2
Installation Prerequisites: /cdrom/doc/<language>/install.txt
Installation Prerequisites (HTML): /cdrom/doc/<language>/install.htm
License files: /cdrom/db2/license
Release Notes: /cdrom/doc/<language>/release.txt
Release Notes (HTML): /cdrom/doc/<language>/db2ir/index.htm

The following table outlines the language directory names and their corresponding languages.

Table 27. Directory names and their corresponding languages
Directory Language
ar_AA Arabic
bg_BG Bulgarian
cs_CZ Czech
da_DK Danish
de_DE German
el_GR Greek
en_US English
es_ES Spanish
fi_FI Finnish
fr_FR French
hr_HR Croatian
hu_HU Hungarian
it_IT Italian
iw_IL Hebrew
ja_JP Japanese
ko_KR Korean
nl_NL Dutch
no_NO Norwegian
pl_PL Polish
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese
pt_PT Portuguese
ro_RO Romanian
ru_RU Russian
sk_SK Slovak
sl_SI Slovenian
sv_SE Swedish
tr_TR Turkish
zh_CN Simplified Chinese
zh_TW Traditional Chinese
  1. The directory names might appear in uppercase or lowercase letters, depending on your operating system.
  2. All of the directories in the preceding list might not appear on this CD because all language directories are not available on all CDs.
  3. Starting with Version 8.2, the Installation Notes are a section in the Release Notes.
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