Release Notes

|5.26 Tivoli Space Manager Integration with Data Links

|DB2 Data Links Manager will now be able to take advantage of the |functionality of Tivoli Space Manager. The Tivoli Space Manager |Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM) client program automatically migrates |eligible files to storage to maintain specific levels of free space on local |file systems. It automatically recalls migrated files when they are |accessed, and permits users to migrate and recall specific files.

|The prerequisite for this functionality is Tivoli Space Manager |Version 4.2.

|This new feature benefits customers who have file systems with large |files that are required to be moved to tertiary storage periodically, in which |the space of the file system needs to be managed on a regular basis. |For many customers, Tivoli Space Manager currently provides the means to |manage their tertiary storage. The new DB2 Data Links Manager support |of Tivoli Space Manager provides greater flexibility in managing the space for |DATALINK files. Rather than pre-allocating enough storage in the DB2 |Data Links Manager file system for all files which may be stored there, Tivoli |Space Manager allows allocations of the Data Links-managed file system to be |adjusted over a period of time without the risk of inadvertently filling up |the file system during normal usage. |

|Adding both Data Links and HSM support to a file system

|When registering a file system with Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM), |register it with HSM first and then with the DataLinks File |Manager. |

  1. |Register with HSM, using the command "dsmmigfs add /fs".
  2. |Register with DLM, using the command "dlfmfsmd /fs". |

|Data Links support for a file system is reflected in the stanza in |/etc/filesystems for an HSM file system via the following |entries:

|   vfs = dlfs
|   mount = false
|   options = rw,Basefs=fsm
|   nodename = -

|Adding Data Links support to an existing HSM file system
|Register with DLM, using the command "dlfmfsmd /fs".

|Adding HSM support to an existing Data Links file system
  1. |Register with HSM, using the command "dsmmigfs add /fs".
  2. |Register with DLM, using the command "dlfmfsmd /fs". |

|Removing Data Links support from a Data Links-HSM file system
|Remove Data Links support, using the command "dlfmfsmd -j |/fs".

|Removing HSM support from a Data Links-HSM file system
  1. |Remove HSM support, using the command "dsmmigfs remove |/fs".
  2. |Remove Data Links support, "dlfmfsmd -j /fs".
  3. |Register with DLM, using the command "dlfmfsmd /fs". |

|Removing both Data Links and HSM support from a Data Links-HSM file system
  1. |Remove HSM support, using the command "dsmmigfs remove |/fs".
  2. |Remove Data Links support, using the command "dlfmfsmd -j |/fs". |

|5.26.1 Restrictions and Limitations


|This function is currently supported on AIX only.

|Selective migration (dsmmigrate) and recall of an FC (Read permission DB) |linked file should be done by a root user only.
|Selective migration can be performed only by the file owner which in the |case of Read Permission DB files is the DataLink Manager Administrator |(dlfm). To access such files a token is required from the host database |side. The only user who does not require a token is the "root" |user. It will be easier for a "root" user to perform the selective |migrate and recall on Read Permission DB files. The dlfm user can |migrate an FC file using a valid token only the first time. The second |time migration is attempted (after a recall ), the operation will fail with |error message "ANS1028S Internal program error. Please see your service |representative." Running dsmmigrate on an FC file by a |non-root user will not succeed. This limitation is minor as it is |typically the administrators who will access the files on the |fileserver.

|stat and statfs system calls will show Vfs-type as fsm rather than dlfs, |although dlfs is mounted over fsm.
|The above behavior is for the normal functionality of |dsmrecallddaemons, which performs statfs on the file system to |check if its Vfs-type is fsm or not.

|Command "dsmls" does not show any output if a file having the minimum |inode number is FC (Read permission DB) linked
|The dsmls command is similar to the ls command and |lists the files being administered by TSM. No user action is required |

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