Release Notes (FixPak 3)

2Microsoft Visual Studio .NET add-in information update in Development Center help

2The "About the Development Center" help topic does not include information 2about the new Microsoft(R) Visual Studio .NET add-in in the list of 2development environment add-ins provided. The following information 2describes the .NET add-in that supports Development Center 2functionality in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development 2environment:

2DB2 Development Add-In for the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2development environment

2A new component of the DB2 Application Development Client is the IBM(R) 2DB2 Development Add-In for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET for the 2.NET framework version 1.0. This add-in extends the 2Visual Studio .NET IDE to provide tightly integrated DB2 application 2development support using the DB2 .NET Managed Provider as well as DB2 2server-side development support. Using this add-in available in 2Microsoft Visual Studio .NET you can: 2

2The DB2 Development Add-In for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2database connections are managed using the DB2 .NET managed provider 2and ADO.NET.

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