Release Notes (FixPak 3)

Application development enhancements


3IBM DB2 Universal Driver for SQLJ and JDBC
3This FixPak contains a number of updates to the IBM DB2 Universal Driver 3for SQLJ and JDBC. The functional specifications for these changes are 3posted on

3New AIX(R) C, C++, and COBOL compiler versions supported

3New Windows(R) VB .NET, C# software supported
3Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 7.0 and 7.1 for Microsoft 3.NET Framework versions 1.0 and 1.1 respectively

3Microsoft Visual C# .NET Compiler versions 7.0 and 7.1 3for Microsoft .NET Framework versions 1.0 and 1.1 3respectively

.NET Framework must be installed before using the DB2 Install program 3to install the DB2 .NET Data Provider. 3

3New Windows Software for SQL Procedures Supported
3SQL procedures can be built with the command line version of the Microsoft 3Visual Studio .NET C compiler that is part of the Microsoft .NET 3Framework SDK, as an alternative to using Microsoft Visual C++ Version 36.0, Microsoft Visual C++ .NET, or the Intel C++ Compiler for 332-bit applications Version 6 or later.

3Support for Linux on AMD64 for building and running applications
3DB2 Universal Database for Linux on AMD64 supports the SuSE SLES 8 for 3Linux on AMD64 operating system environment.

3A 32-bit DB2 Universal Database for Linux on AMD64 instance supports the 3following programming languages and compilers: 3

3GNU/Linux gcc versions 3.2 and 3.3
The "-m32" compiler option must be used to generate 32-bit applications or 3routines (stored procedures and user-defined functions). 3

3GNU/Linux g++ versions 3.2 and 3.3


  1. 3These versions of the GNU/Linux g++ compiler do not accept integer 3parameters for some fstream functions. Consult the compiler 3documentation for more information.
  2. 3The "-m32" compiler option must be used to generate 32-bit applications or 3routines (stored procedures and user-defined functions). 3

3IBM Developer Kit and Runtime Environment for Linux x86, Java 2 Technology 3Edition, Version 1.3.1 Service Release 4, 32-bit version.


  1. 3DB2 Universal Database will install the appropriate Developer Kit if any 3components are selected for installation that require Java to run. If 3none are selected, the Developer Kit can still be selected to be 3installed.
  2. 3If you have installed the IBM Developer Kit 1.3.1 Service 3Release supplied by SuSE SLES 8, you must uninstall it before installing DB2, 3otherwise DB2 Universal Database will not be able to install the recommended 3Developer Kit. If DB2 Universal Database has been installed while the 3Developer Kit supplied by SuSE SLES 8 was not uninstalled, please see the 3instructions in the FixPak 3 readme to update the Developer Kit 3manually. 3

3Perl 5.8 3

3A 64-bit DB2 Universal Database for Linux on AMD64 instance supports the 3following programming languages and compilers: 3

3GNU/Linux gcc versions 3.2 and 3.3

3GNU/Linux g++ versions 3.2 and 3.3
These versions of the GNU/Linux g++ compiler do not accept integer parameters 3for some fstream functions. Consult the compiler documentation for more 3information. 3

3DB2 Universal Database does not currently support any 64-bit Java 3Developer Kit for Linux on AMD64.

3Perl 5.8 3

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