Release Notes (FixPak 3)

Performance enhancements


3Database monitor

3The database monitor records information at various levels, including the 3use of database resources such as bufferpool activity. Bufferpool 3monitor information describes I/O activity at the database, tablespace, 3bufferpool and application levels. New to DB2 Universal Database are 3four new elements which report bufferpool activity in temporary tables and 3temporary indexes. Also new is the recording of bufferpool information 3at the statement level.

3By having bufferpool activity recorded at the statement level, you can 3isolate and modify costly transactions from an administration or programming 3perspective..

3This information is reported by dynamic SQL, bufferpool, tablespace, 3application and database monitor snapshot requests.

3The following four new elements report bufferpool activity for temporary 3tables and temporary indexes: 3

3The following four existing elements have been updated to record buffer 3pool information at the statement level: 3

3All eight elements have an element type of counter. For snapshot 3monitoring, this counter can be reset except at the statement level.


3Table 1. Snapshot monitoring information for all eight elements:

Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database dbase Buffer Pool, Statement
Table Space tablespace Buffer Pool, Statement
Buffer Pool bufferpool Buffer Pool, Statement
Application appl Buffer Pool, Statement
Application stmt Buffer Pool, Statement
Dynamic SQL dynsql Buffer Pool, Statement


3Table 2. Event monitoring information for all eight elements:

Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db -
Tablespaces event_tablespace -
Connection event_conn -
Statement event_stmt -

3The new functionality to record buffer pool information at the 3statement level is supported only for API snapshot requests, not CLP snapshot 3requests. CLP support will be provided in a later service 3level.

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